Update ChromeOS platform packages to 15617.0.0

We need to update vboot_reference for the build, but it's tough to only
update one platform package without updating them all (mostly because we
need a new platform.eclass).

I did not upgrade any packages in the current auto update list, to avoid
accidental downgrade risks. I also didn't update chromeos-base/libec
because that requires a new C++ version.

I needed to add some small patches to libchrome, libbrillo, and
update_engine to allow using deprecated OpenSSL APIs and to also remove
a dependency on a recent C++ feature that we don't have yet.


Change-Id: I1781905f7618beec8ac47e3b9aa55e19fcabbb6f
Reviewed-on: https://cos-review.googlesource.com/c/third_party/overlays/chromiumos-overlay/+/61685
Tested-by: Cusky Presubmit Bot <presubmit@cos-infra-prod.iam.gserviceaccount.com>
Reviewed-by: He Gao <hegao@google.com>
547 files changed