blob: 9adcba831c10327156cb88fadb8061ef7bad4e43 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Set up the directory paths expected by Floss.
# Main configuration files.
d= /var/lib/bluetooth 0750 bluetooth bluetooth
f= /var/lib/bluetooth/btmanagerd.json 0640 bluetooth bluetooth
# Copy configuration files to /var/lib/bluetooth to make it editable
C= /var/lib/bluetooth/bt_did.conf 0640 bluetooth bluetooth - /etc/bluetooth/bt_did.conf
C= /var/lib/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf 0640 bluetooth bluetooth - /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
C= /var/lib/bluetooth/sysprops.conf 0640 bluetooth bluetooth - /etc/bluetooth/sysprops.conf
C= /var/lib/bluetooth/admin_policy.json 0640 bluetooth bluetooth - /etc/bluetooth/admin_policy.json
C= /var/lib/bluetooth/interop_database.conf 0640 bluetooth bluetooth - /etc/bluetooth/interop_database.conf
# For dogfood: Select which daemon to use (bluez vs floss).
f= /var/lib/bluetooth/bluetooth-daemon.current 0640 bluetooth bluetooth
# PID files.
d= /run/bluetooth 0770 bluetooth bluetooth
# Audio sockets.
d= /run/bluetooth/audio 0770 bluetooth bluetooth-audio
# Gatt cache files.
d= /var/lib/bluetooth/gatt 0750 bluetooth bluetooth
# Sysprop override files.
C= /var/lib/bluetooth/sysprops.conf.d/ 0750 bluetooth bluetooth - /etc/bluetooth/sysprops.conf.d/
f= /var/lib/bluetooth/sysprops.conf.d/privacy_override.conf 0640 bluetooth bluetooth
f= /var/lib/bluetooth/sysprops.conf.d/floss_reven_overrides.conf 0640 bluetooth bluetooth