blob: 5ed29740606b45ea383d52ceee609d31a4c26883 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Script to run a test under qemu
# Usage:
# (command line to run)
# Required environment variables:
# BUILD_RUN - path to build directory inside chroot
# HOME - home directory inside chroot
# QEMU_RUN - path to QEMU binary inside chroot
# SYSROOT - path to root for target platform, outside chroot
set -e
# Set up mounts
sudo mkdir -p "${SYSROOT}/proc" "${SYSROOT}/dev"
sudo mount --bind /proc "${SYSROOT}/proc"
sudo mount --bind /dev "${SYSROOT}/dev"
# Don't exit on error, so we can capture the error code
set +e
sudo chroot "${SYSROOT}" "${QEMU_RUN}" \
-E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib \
-E HOME="${HOME}" \
-- "$@"
set -e
# Clean up mounts
sudo umount -l "${SYSROOT}/proc"
sudo umount -l "${SYSROOT}/dev"
# Pass through exit code from command
exit $exit_code