blob: b1dddbeef0a450afa6cf15d9c05888acd261097d [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package schema;
message Overlay {
bool lower_layer = 1;
bool upper_layer = 2;
message File {
bytes fullpath = 1;
oneof filesystem {
Overlay overlayfs = 2;
message ProcessArguments {
repeated bytes argv = 1; // process arguments
uint32 argv_truncated = 2; // number of characters truncated from argv
repeated bytes envp = 3; // process environment variables
uint32 envp_truncated = 4; // number of characters truncated from envp
message Descriptor {
uint32 mode = 1; // file mode (stat st_mode)
message Streams {
Descriptor stdin = 1;
Descriptor stdout = 2;
Descriptor stderr = 3;
message Process {
uint64 creation_timestamp = 1; // In nanoseconds
bytes uuid = 2;
uint32 pid = 3;
File binary = 4;
uint32 parent_pid = 5;
bytes parent_uuid = 6;
uint64 container_id = 7; // unique id of process's container
uint32 container_pid = 8; // pid inside the container namespace pid
uint32 container_parent_pid = 9; // optional
ProcessArguments args = 10;
Streams streams = 11;
message Container {
uint64 creation_timestamp = 1; // container create time in ns
bytes pod_namespace = 2;
bytes pod_name = 3;
uint64 container_id = 4; // unique across lifetime of Node
bytes container_name = 5;
bytes container_image_uri = 6;
repeated bytes labels = 7;
bytes init_uuid = 8;
// A binary being executed.
// e.g., execve()
message ExecuteEvent {
Process proc = 1;
// Associate the following container information with all processes
// that have the indicated container_id.
message ContainerInfoEvent {
Container container = 1;
// The process with the indicated pid has exited.
message ExitEvent {
bytes process_uuid = 1;
message Event {
oneof event {
ExecuteEvent execute = 1;
ContainerInfoEvent container = 2;
ExitEvent exit = 3;
// Message sent by the daemonset to the LSM for container enlightenment.
message ContainerReport {
uint32 pid = 1; // Top pid of the running container.
Container container = 2; // Information collected about the container.