blob: 3a45cbda5964078b2b2a314fd2dd69ce33cb4544 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Python API for the prctl() syscall."""
import ctypes
import enum
import errno
import os
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from chromite.utils import libc
PrctlType = Union["ctypes._CArgObject", int]
class Option(enum.IntEnum):
"""Known prctl options."""
# arg2 is int* input.
# arg2 is int* output.
# arg2 is char* input.
# arg2 is char* output.
# arg2 is int input.
# arg2 is int* output.
class Error(Exception):
"""Base class for errors in this module."""
class PrctlError(OSError, Error):
"""prctl() call failed."""
option: Option
returncode: int
# NB: Can't call |args| as Error.args already takes that over.
prargs: List[Union[PrctlType, str]]
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
def __init__(
option: Option,
returncode: int,
prargs: Optional[List[Union[PrctlType, str]]] = None,
errno: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
if errno is None:
errno = ctypes.get_errno()
# We have to expand the errno string ourselves as Python will not, and
# will ignore the first argument (errno) if not provided.
OSError.__init__(self, errno, os.strerror(errno))
Error.__init__(self, option, returncode, prargs, errno)
self.option = option
self.returncode = returncode
self.prargs = list(prargs) if prargs else []
def msg(self) -> str:
str_args = "".join(", {x}" for x in self.prargs)
str_errno = ""
if bool(self.errno):
str_errno = (
f" ({errno.errorcode.get(self.errno, 'E???')}[{self.errno}])"
return (
f"prctl({}{str_args}) failed: "
def __str__(self) -> str:
str_errno = ""
if bool(self.errno):
str_errno = f", {errno.errorcode.get(self.errno, 'E???')}"
return (
f"PrctlError({}, {self.returncode}, "
def prctl(
option: Option,
arg2: PrctlType = 0,
arg3: PrctlType = 0,
arg4: PrctlType = 0,
arg5: PrctlType = 0,
) -> int:
"""Wrapper around prctl().
See the man page for documentation:
# For options that only take input integers, the API is simple.
prctl.prctl(prctl.Option.SET_PDEATHSIG, signal.SIGHUP)
# For options that output arguments, the caller must pass in pointers.
arg2 = ctypes.c_int(0)
prctl.prctl(prctl.Option.GET_PDEATHSIG, ctypes.byref(arg2))
clib = libc.GetLibc()
# Clear the errno so the caller can determine whether this call failed.
# NB: It's safe to call prctl with unused args as they'll get ignored, and
# it's safer to explicitly specify a default of 0 rather than leave whatever
# garbage is in the register.
ret = clib.prctl(option, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
if not isinstance(ret, int):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected an int return value from libc.prctl, got {ret!r}"
c_errno = ctypes.get_errno()
if c_errno:
raise PrctlError(option, ret, [arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5], c_errno)
return ret
def _set_int(option: Option, value: int) -> None:
"""Helper for functions that have a single input integer."""
ret = prctl(option, value)
if ret:
raise PrctlError(option, ret, [value])
def _get_int(option: Option) -> int:
"""Helper for functions that have a single output integer."""
value = ctypes.c_int(0)
ret = prctl(option, ctypes.byref(value))
if ret:
raise PrctlError(option, ret)
return value.value
def _set_str(option: Option, value: str) -> None:
"""Helper for functions that have a single input string."""
c_str = ctypes.create_string_buffer(value.encode("utf-8"))
ret = prctl(option, ctypes.byref(c_str))
if ret:
raise PrctlError(option, ret, [value])
def _get_str(option: Option, length: int) -> str:
"""Helper for functions that have a single output string."""
c_str = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length)
ret = prctl(Option.GET_NAME, ctypes.byref(c_str))
if ret:
raise PrctlError(option, ret)
return c_str.value.decode("utf-8")
def set_pdeathsig(value: int) -> None:
"""SET_PDEATHSIG wrapper."""
_set_int(Option.SET_PDEATHSIG, value)
def get_pdeathsig() -> int:
"""GET_PDEATHSIG wrapper."""
return _get_int(Option.GET_PDEATHSIG)
def set_name(name: str) -> None:
"""SET_NAME (thread name) wrapper."""
_set_str(Option.SET_NAME, name)
def get_name() -> str:
"""GET_NAME (thread name) wrapper."""
# Return is 16 bytes, and it's always NUL terminated.
return _get_str(Option.GET_NAME, 16)
def set_no_new_privs(value: int = 1) -> None:
"""SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS wrapper."""
_set_int(Option.SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, value)
def get_no_new_privs() -> int:
"""GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS wrapper."""
ret = prctl(Option.GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS)
if ret not in (0, 1):
raise PrctlError(Option.GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, ret)
return ret