blob: b36ef50db3f71a859bcca87479455f37cb2c2cd6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Helpers for constructing objects with frozen attributes."""
from typing import Any, ClassVar, NoReturn
class Error(Exception):
"""Base class for exceptions related to freezable classes."""
class CannotCreateFreezableClass(Error):
"""Raised when the subclass could not be created."""
class CannotModifyFrozenAttribute(Error):
"""Raised when attempting to modify a frozen attribute."""
class CannotSetFrozen(Error):
"""Raised when someone tries to set Freezable._frozen.
This is a guardrail to make sure no subclasses coincidentally use
self._frozen for unrelated purposes.
class Freezable:
"""A class whose attributes can be frozen via the Freeze() method."""
_frozen: bool = False
_FROZEN_ERR_MSG: ClassVar[str]
def __init_subclass__(
frozen_err_msg: str = "Attribute values are frozen, cannot alter %s.",
) -> None:
"""Set up a subclass of Freezable.
frozen_err_msg: The message to raise if anyone tries to set
instance attributes after Freeze() has been called. Must contain
the literal "%s" exactly once; the attribute name will be
interpolated here.
CannotCreateFreezableClass: If the subclass overrides any methods
that are needed for freezing (self.Freeze(), self.frozen).
CannotCreateFreezableClass: If the frozen_err_msg doesn't contain
exactly one '%s'.
for method_name in ("Freeze", "frozen"):
if getattr(cls, method_name) is not getattr(Freezable, method_name):
raise CannotCreateFreezableClass(
f"Class {cls} has its own {method_name}() method."
" Cannot use with the attrs_freezer.Class metaclass."
if frozen_err_msg is not None:
cls._FROZEN_ERR_MSG = frozen_err_msg
if cls._FROZEN_ERR_MSG.count("%s") != 1:
raise CannotCreateFreezableClass(
f"Invalid frozen_err_msg '{frozen_err_msg}'. Must contain the"
" string literal '%s' exactly once."
original_setattr = cls.__setattr__
def new_setattr(obj: "Freezable", name: str, value: Any) -> None:
"""If the instance is frozen, refuse to set attributes.
CannotModifyFrozenAttribute: If Freeze() has been called.
CannotSetFrozen: If the caller is trying to set obj._frozen.
if obj.frozen:
elif name == "_frozen":
raise CannotSetFrozen(
"Do not set Freezable()._frozen directly. Use .Freeze()."
original_setattr(obj, name, value)
cls.__setattr__ = new_setattr # type: ignore[method-assign, assignment]
def frozen(self) -> bool:
"""Return whether the instance has been frozen."""
return self._frozen
def Freeze(self) -> None:
"""Prevent this instance's attributes from being modified."""
# Invoke object.__setattr__ directly to avoid any strange behavior from
# subclasses' custom overrides.
object.__setattr__(self, "_frozen", True)
def raise_cannot_modify_error(self, name: str) -> NoReturn:
"""Raise a CannotModifyFrozenAttribute error.
name: The name of the attribute that cannot be modified.
raise CannotModifyFrozenAttribute(self._FROZEN_ERR_MSG % name)