blob: b6221ba6972eb97fe3821649dbb8c5f65103a83f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# The host (chroot) specific "setup_board" process. This separates the chroot
# specific setup from the generic board setup.
SCRIPT_ROOT="$(dirname "$0")"
# shellcheck
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/" || exit 1
# Script must run inside the chroot
restart_in_chroot_if_needed "$@"
# Developer-visible flags.
DEFINE_string board "amd64-host" \
"The name of the board to set up."
DEFINE_boolean force "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"Force re-creating board root."
DEFINE_boolean usepkg "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"Use binary packages to bootstrap. Only for quick local testing."
FLAGS_HELP="usage: $(basename "$0") [flags]
build_sdk_board builds the chroot for the amd64-host (chroot) board.
This should not need to be called except by the SDK Builder.
# Parse command line flags
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
# Only now can we die on error. shflags functions leak non-zero error codes,
# so will die prematurely if 'switch_to_strict_mode' is specified before now.
if [[ ${FLAGS_force} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
info_run "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/create_sdk_board_root" \
# Locations we will need
# First, run chroot upgrade hooks, since this command is designed to be run
# without update_chroot first.
info_run "${CHROMITE_BIN}/run_chroot_version_hooks"
eval "$(portageq envvar -v CHOST PKGDIR)"
run_emerge() {
info_run sudo -E "${EMERGE_CMD}" "$@"
# Sanitize old crossdev toolchains to ensure we don't carry binpkgs from old
# SDKs. We can skip this with --usepkg for user convenience.
if [[ "${FLAGS_usepkg}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]]; then
# Clean PKGDIR to ensure no binpkgs get carried from old tarballs.
# shellcheck disable=SC2154 # PKGDIR is defined via eval above
info_run sudo rm -rf "${PKGDIR}"/*
# Uninstall all cross-compilers.
info_run sudo "${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" --clean --targets all \
<("${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" --show-packages host)
# Sanity check we got some valid results.
if [[ ${#TOOLCHAIN_PACKAGES[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
die_notrace "cros_setup_toolchains failed"
PACKAGES=( system virtual/target-sdk )
# First, rebuild all packages from scratch. This is needed to make sure
# we rebuild all chroot packages.
if [[ "${FLAGS_usepkg}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
EARLY_FLAGS+=( --usepkg )
# We build the toolchain by hand to avoid race conditions where the toolchain
# is used by other packages that we're building. See
run_emerge "${EARLY_FLAGS[@]}" "${TOOLCHAIN_PACKAGES[@]}"
# Build toolchains from source. Note we always use --nousepkg here even if
# --usepkg was passed to this script: we need to ensure the toolchains are up
# to date to be installed in the new SDK. We will still only update required
# toolchain packages, not all.
info_run sudo "${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" --targets all --debug \
# Then build everything else.
run_emerge "${EARLY_FLAGS[@]}" --verbose --emptytree --with-bdeps=y \
--exclude "${TOOLCHAIN_PACKAGES[*]}" \
"${PACKAGES[@]}" virtual/target-sdk-post-cross \
info_run sudo eclean -d packages
# Next, install our rebuilt packages into our separate root.
"--root=${BOARD_ROOT}" --update --verbose --deep --root-deps
--newuse --usepkgonly
run_emerge "${HOST_FLAGS[@]}" --with-bdeps=y "${PACKAGES[@]}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2154 # PKGDIR is defined via eval above
info_run sudo cp -a "${PKGDIR}" "${BOARD_ROOT}/packages"
# Copy our chroot version into the newly packaged chroot.
info_run sudo cp -a \
# Now cleanup paths referencing the ROOT from the *.la files.
info_run sudo find "${BOARD_ROOT}" -type f -name '*.la' -exec \
sed -i -e "s|${BOARD_ROOT}/|/|g" {} +
# Remove wrapper scripts and any home directory contents left behind in the
# sysroot. These are not supposed to be part of the final filesystem.
info_run sudo rm -rf \
"${BOARD_ROOT}/build" \
"${BOARD_ROOT}"/run/* \
"${BOARD_ROOT}"/home/* \
"${BOARD_ROOT}"/etc/{,portage/}make.{conf,profile} \
"${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf.user" \
"${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache/distfiles" \
# Setup host make.conf. This includes any overlay that we may be using and a
# pointer to pre-built packages.
info_run sudo mkdir -p \
info_run sudo ln -sf \
"${cros_overlay}/chromeos/config/make.conf.amd64-host" \
info_run sudo ln -sf \
"${cros_overlay}/profiles/default/linux/amd64/10.0/sdk" \
# Create make.conf.user.
cat <<\EOF | info_run sudo tee "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf.user" >/dev/null
# This file is useful for doing global (chroot and all board) changes.
# Tweak emerge settings, ebuild env, etc...
# Make sure to append variables unless you really want to clobber all
# existing settings. e.g. You most likely want:
# USE="${USE} foo"
# and *not*:
# USE="foo"
# This also is a good place to setup ACCEPT_LICENSE.
info_run sudo chmod 0644 "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/make.conf.user"
# b/278101251: /build/amd64-host doesn't include ccache's link tree by default,
# which makes `FEATURES=ccache` quietly fail for host packages. Ensure it's
# built here.
info_run sudo ROOT="${BOARD_ROOT}" \
"${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/bin/ccache-config" --install-links
# Add chromite into python path.
for python_path in "${BOARD_ROOT}/usr/lib/"python*.*/site-packages; do
info_run sudo mkdir -p "${python_path}"
info_run sudo ln -sfT "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}"/chromite "${python_path}"/chromite
# Newer portage complains about bare overlays. Create the file that crossdev
# will also create later on.
info_run sudo mkdir -p -m 755 "${CROSSDEV_METADATA}"
cat <<EOF | sudo tee "${CROSSDEV_METADATA}/layout.conf" >/dev/null
# Autogenerated and managed by crossdev
# Delete the above line if you want to manage this file yourself
masters = portage-stable eclass-overlay chromiumos
repo-name = crossdev
use-manifests = true
thin-manifests = true
# Setup stable paths.
info_run sudo mkdir -p -m 755 \
"${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache" \
"${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/profile.d" \
"${BOARD_ROOT}/run" \
"${BOARD_ROOT}/mnt/host" \
"${BOARD_ROOT}/mnt/host/out" \
info_run sudo ln -sfT \
/mnt/host/source/src/chromium/depot_tools \
info_run sudo ln -sfT \
chromeos-cache/distfiles "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache/distfiles"
# Setup cache dirs.
info_run sudo chmod 775 "${PORTAGE_CACHE_DIRS[@]}"
# Make sure some paths always exist so we can mount on top.
info_run sudo touch "${BOARD_ROOT}"/etc/{hosts,resolv.conf}
# Initialize basic paths for the shell environment.
cat << EOF | sudo_clobber "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/env.d/90cros-sdk"
# Make sure /etc/profile.env is up-to-date in the final SDK.
info_run sudo ROOT="${BOARD_ROOT}" env-update --no-ldconfig
# Next, we run tasks which require running inside a real ROOT.
# We create a bind mount for the board root itself. Much of chromite expects
# the chroot to be a mount point, and this useless mount is enough to fool it.
info_run sudo mount --bind "${BOARD_ROOT}" "${BOARD_ROOT}"
# Setup /proc and /dev.
info_run sudo mount -t proc proc "${BOARD_ROOT}/proc"
info_run sudo mount --bind /dev "${BOARD_ROOT}/dev"
# Running emerge inside the SDK will require valid users and groups. Normally
# this is handled when creating the SDK, but that hasn't happened yet.
# Similarly, home directories need to exist. Mounting these files in from
# outside should be enough for this early entry.
info_run sudo mount --bind /etc/passwd "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/passwd"
info_run sudo mount --bind /etc/group "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/group"
info_run sudo mount --bind /home "${BOARD_ROOT}/home"
info_run sudo mount --bind /root "${BOARD_ROOT}/root"
# Bring in /etc/localtime so we don't get a confusing time-jump in the logs.
info_run sudo touch "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/localtime"
info_run sudo mount --bind /etc/localtime "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/localtime"
# Mount /etc/make.conf.board_setup from the outer SDK, which will ensure that
# ROOT and other variables are pointed at / instead of /build/amd64-host.
info_run sudo mount --bind /etc/make.conf.board_setup \
# Next, we need to mount in the source tree. Crossdev will read multilib.eclass
# from the overlays.
info_run sudo mount --bind /mnt/host/source "${BOARD_ROOT}/mnt/host/source"
# Mounting PKGDIR into the chroot will provide us with binpkgs we previously
# built for all the toolchains. Additionally, it'll make sure we don't pollute
# the final tarball with any binpkgs as well.
info_run sudo mount --bind "${PKGDIR}" "${BOARD_ROOT}${PKGDIR}"
# Portage will write into a variety of temporary & cache directories. Mount
# these from outside so that we don't pollute the tarball.
info_run sudo mount --bind /run "${BOARD_ROOT}/run"
info_run sudo mount --bind /tmp "${BOARD_ROOT}/tmp"
info_run sudo mount --bind /var/cache "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/cache"
info_run sudo mount --bind /var/log "${BOARD_ROOT}/var/log"
# Enable locale that some Chrome scripts assume exist.
info_run sudo sed -i -e '/^#en_US.UTF-8/s:#::' "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/locale.gen"
info_run sudo chroot "${BOARD_ROOT}" locale-gen -u
# The java-config package atm does not support $ROOT. Select a default
# VM ourselves until that gets fixed upstream.
info_run sudo chroot "${BOARD_ROOT}" eselect java-vm set system openjdk-bin-11
# Set up toolchains inside the chroot. Crossdev does not support $ROOT.
info_run sudo chroot "${BOARD_ROOT}" "${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_setup_toolchains" \
--targets all --debug --no-fetch-binpkg
# Generate /usr/bin/remote_toolchain_inputs.
info_run sudo chroot "${BOARD_ROOT}" "${CHROMITE_BIN}/generate_reclient_inputs"
safe_umount_tree "${BOARD_ROOT}"
info_run sudo rm "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/localtime"
# Copy glibc binary packages into the new SDK, as it's required by
# chromite/lib/'s ToolchainInstaller. install_libc_for_abi in
# also wants llvm-libunwind and libcxx tarballs.
for binpkg in "${BINPKGS[@]}"; do
info_run sudo mkdir -p "${BOARD_ROOT}${binpkg%/*}"
info_run sudo cp -a "${binpkg}" "${BOARD_ROOT}${binpkg}"
# Setup workon files so they'll be available for broot w/read-only SDK.
# Do this at the end so the configs aren't used by emerge steps above.
info_run sudo ln -sf \
"/mnt/host/source/.config/cros_workon/host" \
info_run sudo ln -sf \
"/mnt/host/source/.config/cros_workon/host.mask" \
echo "Done!"
echo "The SYSROOT is: ${BOARD_ROOT}"