blob: cbd3a5f301481b29d5163512cb4d266c2b253bb1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2011-2012 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Signal related functionality."""
import contextlib
import signal
def RelaySignal(handler, signum, frame):
"""Notify a listener returned from getsignal of receipt of a signal.
True if it was relayed to the target, False otherwise.
False in particular occurs if the target isn't relayable.
if handler in (None, signal.SIG_IGN):
return True
elif handler == signal.SIG_DFL:
# This scenario is a fairly painful to handle fully, thus we just
# state we couldn't handle it and leave it to client code.
return False
handler(signum, frame)
return True
def DeferSignals(*args):
"""Context Manger to defer signals during a critical block.
If a signal comes in for the masked signals, the original handler
is run after the critical block has exited.
*args: Which signals to ignore. If none are given, defaults to
signals = args
if not signals:
signals = [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGALRM]
# Rather than directly setting the handler, we first pull the handlers, then
# set the new handler. The ordering has to be done this way to ensure that
# if someone passes in a bad signum (or a signal lands prior to starting the
# critical block), we can restore things to pristine state.
handlers = dict((signum, signal.getsignal(signum)) for signum in signals)
received = []
def handler(signum, frame) -> None:
received.append((signum, frame))
for signum in signals:
signal.signal(signum, handler)
for signum, original in handlers.items():
signal.signal(signum, original)
for signum, frame in received:
RelaySignal(handlers[signum], signum, frame)
def StrSignal(sig_num):
"""Convert a signal number to the symbolic name
Note: Some signal number have multiple names, so you might get
back a confusing result like "SIGIOT|SIGABRT". Since they have
the same signal number, it's impossible to say which one is right.
sig_num: The numeric signal you wish to convert
A string of the signal name(s)
# Handle realtime signals first since they are unnamed.
if signal.SIGRTMIN <= sig_num < signal.SIGRTMAX:
return "SIGRT_%i" % sig_num
# Probe the module looking for matching signal constant.
sig_names = []
for name, num in signal.__dict__.items():
# Filter out SIG_DFL and related constants.
if name.startswith("SIG") and name[3] != "_" and num == sig_num:
if sig_names:
return "|".join(sig_names)
return "SIG_%i" % sig_num