blob: 888bae16a083470184525f1cf21c234e6e803f35 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Chroot class.
This is currently a very sparse class, but there's a significant amount of
functionality that can eventually be centralized here.
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import locking
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import path_util
from chromite.lib import timeout_util
from chromite.utils import key_value_store
from chromite.lib import goma_lib
class Error(Exception):
"""Base chroot_lib error class."""
class ChrootError(Error):
"""An exception raised when something went wrong with a chroot object."""
class Chroot:
"""Chroot class."""
def __init__(
path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
out_path: Optional[Path] = None,
cache_dir: Optional[str] = None,
chrome_root: Optional[str] = None,
env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
goma: Optional["goma_lib.Goma"] = None,
) -> None:
path: Path to the chroot.
out_path: Path to the out directory.
cache_dir: Path to a directory that will be used for caching files.
chrome_root: Root of the Chrome browser source checkout.
env: Extra environment settings to use.
goma: Interface for utilizing goma.
# Strip trailing / by going to Path and back to str for consistency.
# TODO(vapier): Switch this to Path instead of str.
self._path = str(Path(path)) if path else constants.DEFAULT_CHROOT_PATH
self._out_path = out_path if out_path else constants.DEFAULT_OUT_PATH
self._is_default_path = not bool(path)
self._is_default_out_path = not out_path
self._env = env
self.goma = goma
# String in proto are '' when not set, but testing and comparing is much
# easier when the "unset" value is consistent, so do an explicit "or
# None".
self.cache_dir = cache_dir or None
self.chrome_root = chrome_root or None
def path_is_valid(self) -> bool:
"""Safety-check the provided chroot path.
If the user provides a chroot path which is not intended to be a chroot,
we want to avoid trashing that directory. We assume the following are
valid chroot paths:
1. A path which does not exist.
2. A path which is an empty directory.
3. A path which contains /etc/cros_chroot_version.
True if the chroot path appears to be valid, False otherwise.
chroot_path = Path(self.path)
if not chroot_path.exists():
return True
if not chroot_path.is_dir():
return False
files = list(chroot_path.iterdir())
if not files:
return True
# We don't use cros_sdk_lib.GetChrootVersion here to avoid circular
# import, and we don't care about the contents being valid anyway.
return (chroot_path / "etc" / "cros_chroot_version").is_file()
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if self.__class__ is other.__class__:
return (
self.path == other.path
and self.out_path == other.out_path
and self.cache_dir == other.cache_dir
and self.chrome_root == other.chrome_root
and self.env == other.env
return NotImplemented
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self.path)
def path(self) -> str:
return self._path
def out_path(self) -> Path:
return self._out_path
def exists(self) -> bool:
"""Checks if the chroot exists."""
return os.path.exists(self.path) and self.out_path.exists()
def tmp(self) -> str:
"""Get the chroot's tmp dir."""
return self.full_path("/tmp")
def tempdir(self, delete=True) -> osutils.TempDir:
"""Get a TempDir in the chroot's tmp dir."""
return osutils.TempDir(base_dir=self.tmp, delete=delete)
def chroot_path(self, path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> str:
"""Turn an absolute path into a chroot relative path."""
return path_util.ToChrootPath(
path=path, chroot_path=self._path, out_path=self._out_path
def full_path(self, *args: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> str:
"""Turn a fully expanded chrootpath into an host-absolute path."""
path = os.path.join(os.path.sep, *args)
return path_util.FromChrootPath(
path=path, chroot_path=self._path, out_path=self._out_path
def has_path(self, *args: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a chroot-relative path exists inside the chroot."""
return os.path.exists(self.full_path(*args))
def lock_path(self) -> Path:
"""The path to the lock file for this chroot."""
chroot_path = Path(self.path)
return chroot_path.with_name(f".{'.')}_lock")
def lock(self, blocking_timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> locking.FileLock:
"""Get a locking.FileLock corresponding to this chroot.
blocking_timeout: If specified, the number of seconds blocking
operations on this lock should wait before timing out.
A locking.FileLock.
return locking.FileLock(
description="chroot lock",
def rename(
target_path: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"],
rename_out: Optional[Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"]] = None,
) -> Chroot:
"""Rename the chroot directory.
target_path: The target to rename to. Note this likely has to be on
the same device as the chroot (as an atomic rename is done).
The easiest way to guarantee this is to rename to a path in the
same directory.
rename_out: If a path to the target out directory is provided, the
out directory should be renamed too. The same cross-device
restrictions apply.
A new Chroot object. Note the original Chroot object is unmodified.
This enables re-using the original Chroot object to create another
chroot, for example.
def _rename(
src: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"],
dest: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"],
) -> Path:
# For all paths we rename, we don't care if they don't exist, just
# return the destination path in that case.
except FileNotFoundError:
return Path(dest)
if rename_out:
out_path = _rename(self.out_path, rename_out)
out_path = self.out_path
new_chroot = Chroot(
path=_rename(self.path, target_path),
_rename(self.lock_path, new_chroot.lock_path)
return new_chroot
def delete(
delete_out_dir: bool = True,
blocking_timeout: int = 300,
force: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Delete the chroot.
delete_out_dir: If true, delete the out directory in addition to the
blocking_timeout: Number of seconds to wait for lock.
force: If true, delete the chroot anyway after lock timeout.
# Delayed import to avoid circular imports :(
# TODO(build): Once cbuildbot is deleted, we won't have any more
# calls to CleanupChroot besides this one. At that point, we can
# inline the deletion functionality here and drop this import.
# pylint: disable-next=wrong-import-position
from chromite.lib import cros_sdk_lib
with self.lock(blocking_timeout=blocking_timeout) as lock:
except timeout_util.TimeoutError as e:
"Acquiring write_lock on %s failed: %s", lock.path, e
if not force:
logging.warning("Chroot deletion is forced, continuing.")
logging.notice("Deleting chroot: %s", self.path)
"%s output dir: %s",
"Deleting" if delete_out_dir else "Keeping",
cros_sdk_lib.CleanupChroot(self, delete_out=delete_out_dir)
def _os_release_props(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""The variables contained within /etc/os-release."""
return key_value_store.LoadFile(
def tarball_version(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""The tarball version the chroot was created from."""
return self._os_release_props.get("BUILD_ID")
def get_enter_args(self, for_shell: bool = False) -> List[str]:
"""Build the arguments to enter this chroot.
for_shell: Whether the return value will be used when using the old
src/scripts/ shell code or with newer `cros_sdk` interface.
The command line arguments to pass to the enter chroot program.
args = []
# The old shell/sdk_lib/ uses shflags which only
# accepts _ in option names. Our Python code uses - instead.
# TODO(build): Delete this once sdk_lib/ is gone.
sep = "_" if for_shell else "-"
# This check isn't strictly necessary, always passing the --chroot
# argument is valid, but it's nice for cleaning up commands in logs.
if not self._is_default_path:
args.extend(["--chroot", self.path])
if not self._is_default_out_path:
args.extend([f"--out{sep}dir", str(self.out_path)])
if self.cache_dir:
args.extend([f"--cache{sep}dir", self.cache_dir])
if self.chrome_root:
args.extend([f"--chrome{sep}root", self.chrome_root])
if self.goma:
return args
def env(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
env = self._env.copy() if self._env else {}
if self.goma:
return env
def _runner(
func: Callable[..., cros_build_lib.CompletedProcess],
cmd: Union[List[str], str],
) -> cros_build_lib.CompletedProcess:
# Merge provided |extra_env| with self.env.
extra_env = {**self.env, **(kwargs.pop("extra_env", None) or {})}
chroot_args = self.get_enter_args() + kwargs.pop("chroot_args", [])
return func(
def run(
self, cmd: Union[List[str], str], **kwargs
) -> cros_build_lib.CompletedProcess:
"""Run a command inside this chroot.
A convenience wrapper around
return self._runner(, cmd, **kwargs)
def sudo_run(
self, cmd: Union[List[str], str], **kwargs
) -> cros_build_lib.CompletedProcess:
"""Run a sudo command inside this chroot.
A convenience wrapper around cros_build_lib.sudo_run().
return self._runner(cros_build_lib.sudo_run, cmd, **kwargs)