blob: af75781e599938b49e8cc355287b041e2befa743 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Test the reflow_overlong_comments script."""
import io
import pytest
from chromite.contrib.reflow_overlong_comments import reflow_comments
FOURTY_CHARS = "This text is exactly 40 characters long"
# Test candidate comment detection and basic output.
# Copyright
# Authors
# Not wrapped.
# Wrapped.
# Not wrapped.
# Word.
# Copyright
# Authors
# Not wrapped.
# This text is exactly 40 characters long This text is exactly 40 characters
# long Wrapped.
# Not wrapped.
# This text is exactly 40 characters long This text is exactly 40 characters
# long Word.
# Test that pylint directives interrupt coalescing.
# pylint: disable-next=line-too-long
# This text is exactly 40 characters long This text is exactly 40 characters
# long
# pylint: disable-next=line-too-long
# Test that indentation change interrupts coalescing.
# Why is this indented?
# This text is exactly 40 characters long This text is exactly 40 characters
# long
# Why is this indented?
# Test we don't break up long URIs. Leave it to the author to figure out.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_string,expected", EXPECTATIONS)
def test_reflow_comments(input_string: str, expected: str) -> None:
input_file = io.StringIO(input_string)
output = io.StringIO()
reflow_comments(input_file, output)
assert output.getvalue() == expected