blob: 6db4cbd5b19662f8bb3053ecd72b87a7cecbc1ef [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittest for the get_eclasses_spider."""
from chromite.contrib.portage_explorer import get_eclasses_spider
from chromite.contrib.portage_explorer import spider_testables
from chromite.contrib.portage_explorer import spiderlib
def test_execute(monkeypatch, tmp_path) -> None:
"""Test the execute function for the get_eclasses_spider.
Ensure the get_eclasses_spider gets all the eclasses in the overlay's eclass
directory and sorts them.
test_elm, overlay_elm = spider_testables.create_overlays(tmp_path, "elm")
_test_brya, overlay_brya = spider_testables.create_overlays(
tmp_path, "brya"
eclasses, _eclass_inherit = spider_testables.create_eclasses(
["eclass", "ssalce", "abcd"],
monkeypatch.setattr("chromite.lib.constants.SOURCE_ROOT", tmp_path)
test_output = spiderlib.SpiderOutput([], [overlay_brya, overlay_elm])
assert test_output.build_targets == []
assert test_output.overlays[0].eclasses == []
assert test_output.overlays[1].profiles == []
assert test_output.overlays[1].ebuilds == []
assert test_output.overlays[1].eclasses == eclasses