blob: afad838d7959f1eb7eef836d2b92b1b9b478cbb3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
cd "$(dirname "$(realpath "${0}")")" || exit
set -e
# The depgraph visualizer creates a bespoke virtual env independent of vpython
# because the viz deps are tricky to maintain. E.g., numpy's Fortran deps
# relying on specific glibc, and packages wanting Python >= 3.9. Here, do a
# simple check for changes to the visualizer source, or install if the virtual
# env does not exist yet.
should_upgrade() {
DEPS=(depgraph_visualization requirements.txt)
if [[ ! -x "${TARGET}" ]]; then
return 0
if [[ -n "$(find "${DEPS[@]}" -newer "${TARGET}" -print -quit)" ]]; then
return 0
return 1
install() {
INSTALL_OPTIONS=(--quiet --log my_visualizations/install.log install)
echo "Updating visualize_depgraph venv.."
python3 -m venv my_visualizations
source my_visualizations/bin/activate
# Upgrade pip to avoid a red herring warning about it not being up to date.
pip "${INSTALL_OPTIONS[@]}" --upgrade pip
pip "${INSTALL_OPTIONS[@]}" -r requirements.txt
pip "${INSTALL_OPTIONS[@]}" .
if should_upgrade; then
# Run in my_visualizations so that default output paths are scoped there.
cd my_visualizations
exec bin/visualize_depgraph "$@"