blob: 91b4e170256e5257452c734cc53d55fe6e1ce6d9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/video/hdr_metadata.h"
namespace webrtc {
// This class represents color information as specified in T-REC H.273,
// available from
// WebRTC's supported codecs:
// - VP9 supports color profiles, see VP9 Bitstream & Decoding Process
// Specification Version 0.6 Section 7.2.2 "Color config semantics" available
// from
// - VP8 only supports BT.601, see
// - H264 uses the exact same representation as T-REC H.273. See T-REC-H.264
// E.2.1, "VUI parameters semantics", available from
class ColorSpace {
enum class PrimaryID : uint8_t {
// The indices are equal to the values specified in T-REC H.273 Table 2.
kBT709 = 1,
kUnspecified = 2,
kBT470M = 4,
kBT470BG = 5,
kSMPTE170M = 6, // Identical to BT601
kSMPTE240M = 7,
kFILM = 8,
kBT2020 = 9,
kSMPTEST428 = 10,
kSMPTEST431 = 11,
kSMPTEST432 = 12,
kJEDECP22 = 22, // Identical to EBU3213-E
// When adding/removing entries here, please make sure to do the
// corresponding change to kPrimaryIds.
enum class TransferID : uint8_t {
// The indices are equal to the values specified in T-REC H.273 Table 3.
kBT709 = 1,
kUnspecified = 2,
kGAMMA22 = 4,
kGAMMA28 = 5,
kSMPTE170M = 6,
kSMPTE240M = 7,
kLINEAR = 8,
kLOG = 9,
kLOG_SQRT = 10,
kIEC61966_2_4 = 11,
kBT1361_ECG = 12,
kIEC61966_2_1 = 13,
kBT2020_10 = 14,
kBT2020_12 = 15,
kSMPTEST2084 = 16,
kSMPTEST428 = 17,
kARIB_STD_B67 = 18,
// When adding/removing entries here, please make sure to do the
// corresponding change to kTransferIds.
enum class MatrixID : uint8_t {
// The indices are equal to the values specified in T-REC H.273 Table 4.
kRGB = 0,
kBT709 = 1,
kUnspecified = 2,
kFCC = 4,
kBT470BG = 5,
kSMPTE170M = 6,
kSMPTE240M = 7,
kYCOCG = 8,
kBT2020_NCL = 9,
kBT2020_CL = 10,
kSMPTE2085 = 11,
kCDNCLS = 12,
kCDCLS = 13,
kBT2100_ICTCP = 14,
// When adding/removing entries here, please make sure to do the
// corresponding change to kMatrixIds.
enum class RangeID {
// The indices are equal to the values specified at
// for the element Range.
kInvalid = 0,
// Limited Rec. 709 color range with RGB values ranging from 16 to 235.
kLimited = 1,
// Full RGB color range with RGB valees from 0 to 255.
kFull = 2,
// Range is defined by MatrixCoefficients/TransferCharacteristics.
kDerived = 3,
// When adding/removing entries here, please make sure to do the
// corresponding change to kRangeIds.
enum class ChromaSiting {
// Chroma siting specifies how chroma is subsampled relative to the luma
// samples in a YUV video frame.
// The indices are equal to the values specified at
// for the element
// ChromaSitingVert and ChromaSitingHorz.
kUnspecified = 0,
kCollocated = 1,
kHalf = 2,
// When adding/removing entries here, please make sure to do the
// corresponding change to kChromaSitings.
ColorSpace(const ColorSpace& other);
ColorSpace(ColorSpace&& other);
ColorSpace& operator=(const ColorSpace& other);
ColorSpace(PrimaryID primaries,
TransferID transfer,
MatrixID matrix,
RangeID range);
ColorSpace(PrimaryID primaries,
TransferID transfer,
MatrixID matrix,
RangeID range,
ChromaSiting chroma_siting_horizontal,
ChromaSiting chroma_siting_vertical,
const HdrMetadata* hdr_metadata);
friend bool operator==(const ColorSpace& lhs, const ColorSpace& rhs) {
return lhs.primaries_ == rhs.primaries_ && lhs.transfer_ == rhs.transfer_ &&
lhs.matrix_ == rhs.matrix_ && lhs.range_ == rhs.range_ &&
lhs.chroma_siting_horizontal_ == rhs.chroma_siting_horizontal_ &&
lhs.chroma_siting_vertical_ == rhs.chroma_siting_vertical_ &&
lhs.hdr_metadata_ == rhs.hdr_metadata_;
friend bool operator!=(const ColorSpace& lhs, const ColorSpace& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
PrimaryID primaries() const;
TransferID transfer() const;
MatrixID matrix() const;
RangeID range() const;
ChromaSiting chroma_siting_horizontal() const;
ChromaSiting chroma_siting_vertical() const;
const HdrMetadata* hdr_metadata() const;
bool set_primaries_from_uint8(uint8_t enum_value);
bool set_transfer_from_uint8(uint8_t enum_value);
bool set_matrix_from_uint8(uint8_t enum_value);
bool set_range_from_uint8(uint8_t enum_value);
bool set_chroma_siting_horizontal_from_uint8(uint8_t enum_value);
bool set_chroma_siting_vertical_from_uint8(uint8_t enum_value);
void set_hdr_metadata(const HdrMetadata* hdr_metadata);
PrimaryID primaries_ = PrimaryID::kUnspecified;
TransferID transfer_ = TransferID::kUnspecified;
MatrixID matrix_ = MatrixID::kUnspecified;
RangeID range_ = RangeID::kInvalid;
ChromaSiting chroma_siting_horizontal_ = ChromaSiting::kUnspecified;
ChromaSiting chroma_siting_vertical_ = ChromaSiting::kUnspecified;
absl::optional<HdrMetadata> hdr_metadata_;
} // namespace webrtc