blob: 1f48362e61bb7f30027734227fd151133b45e2bb [file] [log] [blame]
# elftools tests
# Eli Bendersky (
# This code is in the public domain
import unittest
import os
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
from elftools.common.exceptions import ELFError
from elftools.elf.dynamic import DynamicTag
from elftools.elf.enums import ENUM_D_TAG
from elftools.elf.descriptions import _DESCR_D_TAG, _low_priority_D_TAG
class TestDynamicTag(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for the DynamicTag class."""
def test_requires_stringtable(self):
with self.assertRaises(ELFError):
dt = DynamicTag('', None)
def test_tag_priority(self):
for tag in _low_priority_D_TAG:
val = ENUM_D_TAG[tag]
# if the low priority tag is present in the descriptions,
# assert that it has not overridden any other tag
if _DESCR_D_TAG[val] == tag:
for tag2 in ENUM_D_TAG:
if tag2 == tag:
self.assertNotEqual(ENUM_D_TAG[tag2], val)
class TestDynamic(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for the Dynamic class."""
def test_missing_sections(self):
"""Verify we can get dynamic strings w/out section headers"""
libs = []
with open(os.path.join('test', 'testfiles_for_unittests',
'aarch64_super_stripped.elf'), 'rb') as f:
elf = ELFFile(f)
for segment in elf.iter_segments():
if segment.header.p_type != 'PT_DYNAMIC':
for t in segment.iter_tags():
if t.entry.d_tag == 'DT_NEEDED':
exp = ['']
self.assertEqual(libs, exp)
def test_reading_symbols_elf_hash(self):
""" Verify we can read symbol table without SymbolTableSection but with
a SYSV-style symbol hash table"""
with open(os.path.join('test', 'testfiles_for_unittests',
'aarch64_super_stripped.elf'), 'rb') as f:
elf = ELFFile(f)
for segment in elf.iter_segments():
if segment.header.p_type != 'PT_DYNAMIC':
num_symbols = segment.num_symbols()
symbol_names = [ for x in segment.iter_symbols()]
symbol_at_index_3 = segment.get_symbol(3)
symbols_abort = segment.get_symbol_by_name('abort')
self.assertEqual(num_symbols, 4)
exp = ['', '__libc_start_main', '__gmon_start__', 'abort']
self.assertEqual(symbol_names, exp)
self.assertEqual(, 'abort')
self.assertEqual(symbols_abort[0], symbol_at_index_3)
def test_reading_symbols_gnu_hash(self):
""" Verify we can read symbol table without SymbolTableSection but with
a GNU symbol hash table"""
with open(os.path.join('test', 'testfiles_for_unittests',
'android_dyntags.elf'), 'rb') as f:
elf = ELFFile(f)
for segment in elf.iter_segments():
if segment.header.p_type != 'PT_DYNAMIC':
num_symbols = segment.num_symbols()
symbol_names = [ for x in segment.iter_symbols()]
symbol_at_index_3 = segment.get_symbol(3)
symbols_atfork = segment.get_symbol_by_name('__register_atfork')
self.assertEqual(num_symbols, 212)
exp = ['', '__cxa_finalize' , '__cxa_atexit', '__register_atfork',
'__stack_chk_fail', '_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv',
'_ZN7android7RefBaseD2Ev', '_ZdlPv', 'pthread_mutex_lock']
self.assertEqual(symbol_names[:9], exp)
self.assertEqual(, '__register_atfork')
self.assertEqual(symbols_atfork[0], symbol_at_index_3)
def test_sunw_tags(self):
def extract_sunw(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
elf = ELFFile(f)
dyn = elf.get_section_by_name('.dynamic')
seen = set()
for tag in dyn.iter_tags():
if type(tag.entry.d_tag) is str and \
return seen
f1 = extract_sunw(os.path.join('test', 'testfiles_for_unittests',
f2 = extract_sunw(os.path.join('test', 'testfiles_for_unittests',
self.assertEqual(f1, {'DT_SUNW_STRPAD', 'DT_SUNW_LDMACH'})
self.assertEqual(f2, set())
if __name__ == '__main__':