blob: 85fc56d77208f1e1d9aa712aaadc57a0f7283ed9 [file] [log] [blame]
# elftools tests
# Seva Alekseyev (
# This code is in the public domain
# The error that motivated this fix was in an iOS binary in Mach-O format. It
# had v2 DWARF data, but it was targeting a 64 bit architecture. Before the fix,
# pyelftools would assume that DW_FORM_ref_addr attribute took 4 bytes and
# misparse the DWARF data in the binary.
# Since pyelftools doesn't work with Mach-O files, I've taken a sample binary
# apart, and saved the three relevant sections - info, abbrev, and str as flat
# files. The metadata (the fact that it's targeting ARM64) is hard-coded, since
# the Mach-O header isn't preserved.
import unittest
import os, sys, io
from elftools.dwarf.dwarfinfo import DWARFInfo, DebugSectionDescriptor, DwarfConfig
class TestRefAddrOnDWARFv2With64BitTarget(unittest.TestCase):
def test_main(self):
# Read the three saved sections as bytestreams
with open(os.path.join('test', 'testfiles_for_unittests', ''), 'rb') as f:
info =
with open(os.path.join('test', 'testfiles_for_unittests', 'arm64_on_dwarfv2.abbrev.dat'), 'rb') as f:
abbrev =
with open(os.path.join('test', 'testfiles_for_unittests', 'arm64_on_dwarfv2.str.dat'), 'rb') as f:
str =
# Parse the DWARF info
di = DWARFInfo(
config = DwarfConfig(little_endian = True, default_address_size = 8, machine_arch = "ARM64"),
debug_info_sec = DebugSectionDescriptor(io.BytesIO(info), '__debug_info', None, len(info), 0),
debug_aranges_sec = None,
debug_abbrev_sec = DebugSectionDescriptor(io.BytesIO(abbrev), '__debug_abbrev', None, len(abbrev), 0),
debug_frame_sec = None,
eh_frame_sec = None,
debug_str_sec = DebugSectionDescriptor(io.BytesIO(str), '__debug_str', None, len(str), 0),
debug_loc_sec = None,
debug_ranges_sec = None,
debug_line_sec = None,
debug_pubtypes_sec = None,
debug_pubnames_sec = None
CUs = [cu for cu in di.iter_CUs()]
# Locate a CU that I know has a reference in DW_FORM_ref_addr form
CU = CUs[21]
self.assertEqual(CU['version'], 2)
# Make sure pyelftools appreciates the difference between the target address size and DWARF inter-DIE offset size
self.assertEqual(CU.structs.dwarf_format, 32)
self.assertEqual(CU['address_size'], 8)
DIEs = [die for die in CU.iter_DIEs()]
# Before the patch, DIE #2 is misparsed, the current offset is off, the rest are misparsed too
self.assertEqual(len(DIEs), 15)
# It was 9 before the patch, which was wrong.
if __name__ == '__main__':