started location_expr, added unit tests. moved readelf unittest to a more appropriate file name
diff --git a/elftools/common/ b/elftools/common/
index 5358072..2b55e5e 100644
--- a/elftools/common/
+++ b/elftools/common/
@@ -10,6 +10,13 @@
 from ..construct import ConstructError
+def bytelist2string(bytelist):
+    """ Convert a list of byte values (e.g. [0x10 0x20 0x00]) to a string
+        (e.g. '\x10\x20\x00').
+    """
+    return ''.join(chr(b) for b in bytelist)
 def struct_parse(struct, stream, stream_pos=None):
     """ Convenience function for using the given struct to parse a stream.
         If stream_pos is provided, the stream is seeked to this position before
diff --git a/elftools/dwarf/ b/elftools/dwarf/
index 50c7273..9cef354 100644
--- a/elftools/dwarf/
+++ b/elftools/dwarf/
@@ -211,9 +211,14 @@
     return extra
-def location_list_extra(attr, die, section_offset):
-    pass
-_location_list_extra = _make_extra_string('(location list)')
+def _location_list_extra(attr, die, section_offset):
+    # According to section 2.6 of the DWARF spec v3, class loclistptr means
+    # a location list, and class block means a location expression.
+    #
+    if attr.form in ('DW_FORM_data4', 'DW_FORM_data8'):
+        return '(location list)'
+    else:
+        return '<<ZZZ>> %s %s' % (attr.value, type(attr.value))
@@ -246,6 +251,10 @@
+    DW_AT_allocated=_location_list_extra,
+    DW_AT_associated=_location_list_extra,
+    DW_AT_data_location=_location_list_extra,
+    DW_AT_stride=_location_list_extra,
diff --git a/elftools/dwarf/ b/elftools/dwarf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a2d4f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elftools/dwarf/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# elftools: dwarf/
+# Decoding DWARF location expressions
+# Eli Bendersky (
+# This code is in the public domain
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from ..common.utils import struct_parse, bytelist2string
+# Location expression opcodes. 
+DW_OP_name2opcode = dict(
+    DW_OP_addr=0x03,
+    DW_OP_deref=0x06,
+    DW_OP_const1u=0x08,
+    DW_OP_const1s=0x09,
+    DW_OP_const2u=0x0a,
+    DW_OP_const2s=0x0b,
+    DW_OP_const4u=0x0c,
+    DW_OP_const4s=0x0d,
+    DW_OP_const8u=0x0e,
+    DW_OP_const8s=0x0f,
+    DW_OP_constu=0x10,
+    DW_OP_consts=0x11,
+    DW_OP_dup=0x12,
+    DW_OP_drop=0x13,
+    DW_OP_over=0x14,
+    DW_OP_pick=0x15,
+    DW_OP_swap=0x16,
+    DW_OP_rot=0x17,
+    DW_OP_xderef=0x18,
+    DW_OP_abs=0x19,
+    DW_OP_and=0x1a,
+    DW_OP_div=0x1b,
+    DW_OP_minus=0x1c,
+    DW_OP_mod=0x1d,
+    DW_OP_mul=0x1e,
+    DW_OP_neg=0x1f,
+    DW_OP_not=0x20,
+    DW_OP_or=0x21,
+    DW_OP_plus=0x22,
+    DW_OP_plus_uconst=0x23,
+    DW_OP_shl=0x24,
+    DW_OP_shr=0x25,
+    DW_OP_shra=0x26,
+    DW_OP_xor=0x27,
+    DW_OP_bra=0x28,
+    DW_OP_eq=0x29,
+    DW_OP_ge=0x2a,
+    DW_OP_gt=0x2b,
+    DW_OP_le=0x2c,
+    DW_OP_lt=0x2d,
+    DW_OP_ne=0x2e,
+    DW_OP_skip=0x2f,
+    DW_OP_regx=0x90,
+    DW_OP_fbreg=0x91,
+    DW_OP_bregx=0x92,
+    DW_OP_piece=0x93,
+    DW_OP_deref_size=0x94,
+    DW_OP_xderef_size=0x95,
+    DW_OP_nop=0x96,
+    DW_OP_push_object_address=0x97,
+    DW_OP_call2=0x98,
+    DW_OP_call4=0x99,
+    DW_OP_call_ref=0x9a,
+    DW_OP_form_tls_address=0x9b,
+    DW_OP_call_frame_cfa=0x9c,
+    DW_OP_bit_piece=0x9d,
+    DW_OP_implicit_value=0x9e,
+    DW_OP_stack_value=0x9f,
+    DW_OP_GNU_push_tls_address=0xe0,
+    DW_OP_GNU_uninit=0xf0,
+    DW_OP_GNU_encoded_addr=0xf1,
+    DW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointer=0xf2,
+    DW_OP_GNU_entry_value=0xf3,
+    DW_OP_GNU_const_type=0xf4,
+    DW_OP_GNU_regval_type=0xf5,
+    DW_OP_GNU_deref_type=0xf6,
+    DW_OP_GNU_convert=0xf7,
+    DW_OP_GNU_reinterpret=0xf9,
+def _generate_dynamic_values(map, prefix, index_start, index_end, value_start):
+    """ Generate values in a map (dict) dynamically. Each key starts with
+        a (string) prefix, followed by an index in the inclusive range
+        [index_start, index_end]. The values start at value_start.
+    """
+    for index in range(index_start, index_end + 1):
+        name = '%s%s' % (prefix, index)
+        value = value_start + index - index_start
+        map[name] = value
+_generate_dynamic_values(DW_OP_name2opcode, 'DW_OP_lit', 0, 31, 0x30)
+_generate_dynamic_values(DW_OP_name2opcode, 'DW_OP_reg', 0, 31, 0x50)
+_generate_dynamic_values(DW_OP_name2opcode, 'DW_OP_breg', 0, 31, 0x70)
+DW_OP_opcode2name = dict((v, k) for k, v in DW_OP_name2opcode.iteritems())
+class GenericLocationExprVisitor(object):
+    def __init__(self, structs):
+        self.structs = structs
+ = None
+        self._init_dispatch_table()
+        self._cur_opcode = None
+        self._cur_opcode_name = None
+        self._cur_args = []
+    def process_expr(self, expr):
+        """ Process (visit) a location expression. Currently two possible
+            types are supported for expr:
+            1. file-like stream object
+            2. List of byte values (the result of parsed DW_FORM_block*
+               attributes).
+        """
+        if hasattr(expr, 'read') and hasattr(expr, 'seek'):
+   = expr
+        else:
+   = StringIO(bytelist2string(expr))
+        while True:
+            # Get the next opcode from the stream. If nothing is left in the
+            # stream, we're done.
+            byte =
+            if len(byte) == 0:
+                break
+            # Decode the opcode and its name
+            self._cur_opcode = ord(byte)
+            self._cur_opcode_name = DW_OP_opcode2name[self._cur_opcode]
+            # Dispatch to a visitor function
+            visitor = self._dispatch_table.get(
+                    self._cur_opcode,
+                    self._default_visitor)
+            visitor(self._cur_opcode, self._cur_opcode_name)
+            # Finally call the post-visit function
+            self._after_visit(
+                    self._cur_opcode, self._cur_opcode_name, self._cur_args)
+    def _after_visit(self, opcode, opcode_name, *args):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def _default_visitor(self, opcode, opcode_name):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def _visit_OP_with_no_args(self, opcode, opcode_name):
+        self._cur_args = []
+    def _visit_OP_addr(self, opcode, opcode_name):
+        self._cur_args = [
+                struct_parse(self.structs.Dwarf_target_addr(''),]
+    def _init_dispatch_table(self):
+        self._dispatch_table = {}
+        def add(opcode_name, func):
+            self._dispatch_table[DW_OP_name2opcode[opcode_name]] = func
+        add('DW_OP_addr', self._visit_OP_addr)
+        add('DW_OP_deref', self._visit_OP_with_no_args)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
similarity index 99%
rename from tests/
rename to tests/
index a89d163..27a2bf4 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-# tests/
+# tests/
 # Automatic test runner for elftools & readelf
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7653a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import sys, unittest
+sys.path.extend(('..', '.'))
+from elftools.dwarf.location_expr import (
+        GenericLocationExprVisitor, DW_OP_opcode2name)
+from elftools.dwarf.structs import DWARFStructs
+class MyTestVisitor(GenericLocationExprVisitor):
+    def __init__(self, structs):
+        super(MyTestVisitor, self).__init__(structs)
+        self.results = []
+    def _after_visit(self, opcode, opcode_name, *args):
+        self.results.append((opcode_name, args))
+class TestGenericLocationExprVisitor(unittest.TestCase):
+    structs32 = DWARFStructs(
+            little_endian=True,
+            dwarf_format=32,
+            address_size=4)
+    def test_basic(self):
+        visitor = MyTestVisitor(self.structs32)
+        visitor.process_expr([0x03, 0x01, 0x02, 0, 0, 0x06, 0x06])
+        print visitor.results
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/ b/
index 7780365..34f4bc5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -34,66 +34,9 @@
 for s in c.iter_siblings():
     print s
-#~ print c.get_parent()
-#~ print topdie
+from elftools.dwarf.location_expr import _DW_OP_name2opcode, _DW_OP_opcode2name
-#~ def recp(d, indent=0):
-    #~ s = str(d)
-    #~ lines = s.split('\n')
-    #~ print '\n'.join(' ' * indent + l for l in lines)
-    #~ for c in d.iter_children():
-        #~ recp(c, indent + 6)
+print hex(_DW_OP_name2opcode['DW_OP_lit14'])
+print _DW_OP_opcode2name[0x0e]
-#~ recp(topdie)
-#~ for c in topdie.iter_children():
-    #~ print c
-#~ for die in cu._dielist:
-    #~ print 'DIE %s, size=%s' % (die.tag, die.size)
-    #~ for attrname, val in die.attributes.iteritems():
-        #~ print '    ', attrname, val
-#~ topdie = cu.get_top_DIE()
-#~ print topdie.size, topdie.tag
-#~ print len(cu._dielist)
-#~ print dwarfinfo.structs.Dwarf_abbrev_entry.parse('\x13\x01\x01\x03\x50\x04\x00\x00')
-#~ abbrevtable = dwarfinfo.get_abbrev_table(95)
-#~ print id(abbrevtable)
-#~ pprint.pprint(abbrevtable._abbrev_map)
-#~ ab1 = abbrevtable.get_abbrev(2)
-#~ print ab1.has_children()
-#~ for name, form in ab1.iter_attr_specs():
-    #~ print name, form
-#~ print dwarfinfo.get_abbrev_table(0).get_abbrev(1).has_children()
-#~ for cu in dwarfinfo._CU:
-    #~ print cu, cu.header
-#~ print efile.get_section_by_name('.debug_info').name
-#~ print '===> %s segments!' % efile.num_segments()
-#~ for sec in efile.iter_sections():
-    #~ print type(sec),
-    #~ if isinstance(sec, SymbolTableSection):
-        #~ print '   linked string table:',
-#~ for seg in efile.iter_segments():
-    #~ print type(seg), seg['p_type'], seg['p_offset']
-#~ for sec in efile.iter_sections():
-    #~ if isinstance(sec, SymbolTableSection):
-        #~ print 'symbol table "%s ~~~"' %
-        #~ for sym in sec.iter_symbols():
-            #~ print '%-26s %s %s' % (, sym['st_info']['type'], sym['st_info']['bind'])