blob: 01be519d33118cdb8b9573749f120c9e7ab12bfb [file] [log] [blame]
# elftools: elf/
# ELFFile - main class for accessing ELF files
# Eli Bendersky (
# This code is in the public domain
from cStringIO import StringIO
from ..exceptions import ELFError, ELFParseError
from ..construct import ConstructError, CString
from .structs import ELFStructs
from .sections import Section
from .segments import Segment
class ELFFile(object):
""" Accessible attributes:
32 or 64 - specifies the word size of the target machine
boolean - specifies the target machine's endianness
the complete ELF file header
def __init__(self, stream): = stream
self.structs = ELFStructs(
self.header = self._parse_elf_header()
self._stringtable = self._get_stringtable()
def num_sections(self):
""" Number of sections in the file
return self['e_shnum']
def get_section(self, n):
""" Get the section at index #n from the file (Section object)
section_header = self._get_section_header(n)
name = self._get_section_name(section_header)
return Section(section_header, name,
def iter_sections(self):
""" Yield all the sections in the file
for i in range(self.num_sections()):
yield self.get_section(i)
def num_segments(self):
""" Number of segments in the file
return self['e_phnum']
def get_segment(self, n):
""" Get the segment at index #n from the file (Segment object)
segment_header = self._get_segment_header(n)
return Segment(segment_header,
def iter_segments(self):
""" Yield all the segments in the file
for i in range(self.num_segments()):
yield self.get_segment(i)
#-------------------------------- PRIVATE --------------------------------#
def __getitem__(self, name):
""" Implement dict-like access to header entries
return self.header[name]
def _identify_file(self):
""" Verify the ELF file and identify its class and endianness.
# Note: this code reads the stream directly, without using ELFStructs,
# since we don't yet know its exact format. ELF was designed to be
# read like this - its e_ident field is word-size and endian agnostic.
magic =
self._assert(magic == '\x7fELF', 'Magic number does not match')
ei_class =
if ei_class == '\x01':
self.elfclass = 32
elif ei_class == '\x02':
self.elfclass = 64
raise ELFError('Invalid EI_CLASS %s' % repr(ei_class))
ei_data =
if ei_data == '\x01':
self.little_endian = True
elif ei_data == '\x02':
self.little_endian = False
raise ELFError('Invalid EI_DATA %s' % repr(ei_data))
def _section_offset(self, n):
""" Compute the offset of section #n in the file
return self['e_shoff'] + n * self['e_shentsize']
def _segment_offset(self, n):
""" Compute the offset of segment #n in the file
return self['e_phoff'] + n * self['e_phentsize']
def _get_section_header(self, n):
""" Find the header of section #n, parse it and return the struct
return self._struct_parse(self.structs.Elf_Shdr)
def _get_segment_header(self, n):
""" Find the header of segment #n, parse it and return the struct
return self._struct_parse(self.structs.Elf_Phdr)
def _get_section_name(self, section_header):
""" Given a section header, find this section's name in the file's
string table, and return it as a normal Python string.
offset = section_header['sh_name']
return CString('').parse_stream(self._stringtable)
def _get_stringtable(self):
""" Find the file's string table section, read it and return the string
table as a StringIO object pointing to the section's contents.
# Find the section header for the stringtable header, and read the
# section's contents from it
stringtable_section_num = self['e_shstrndx']
stringtable_header = self._get_section_header(stringtable_section_num)['sh_offset'])
return StringIO(['sh_size']))
def _parse_elf_header(self):
""" Parses the ELF file header and assigns the result to attributes
of this object.
return self._struct_parse(self.structs.Elf_Ehdr)
def _struct_parse(self, struct):
""" Convenience method for parsing at the current stream location with
the given struct. Also wraps the error thrown by construct with our
own error.
return struct.parse_stream(
except ConstructError as e:
raise ELFParseError(e.message)
def _assert(self, cond, msg=''):
""" Assert that cond is True, otherwise raise ELFError(msg)
if not cond:
raise ELFError(msg)