writeable_check: add additional checks to mountinfo parsing function
diff --git a/pym/portage/util/writeable_check.py b/pym/portage/util/writeable_check.py
index b698ea1..26fe199 100644
--- a/pym/portage/util/writeable_check.py
+++ b/pym/portage/util/writeable_check.py
@@ -57,14 +57,22 @@
 				# there can be a variable number of fields
 				# to the left of the ' - ', after the attr's, so split it there
 				mount = line.split(' - ', 1)
-				_dir, attr1 = mount[0].split()[4:6]
+				try:
+					_dir, attr1 = mount[0].split()[4:6]
+				except ValueError:
+					# If it raises ValueError we can simply ignore the line.
+					continue
 				# check for situation with invalid entries for /home and /root in /proc/self/mountinfo
 				# root path is missing sometimes on WSL
 				# for example: 16 1 0:16 / /root rw,noatime - lxfs  rw
-				try:
-					attr2 = mount[1].split()[2]
-				except IndexError:
-					attr2 = mount[1].split()[1]
+				if len(mount) > 1:
+					try:
+						attr2 = mount[1].split()[2]
+					except IndexError:
+						try:
+							attr2 = mount[1].split()[1]
+						except IndexError:
+							attr2 = mount[1]
 				if attr1.startswith('ro') or attr2.startswith('ro'):