blob: f7dc51bb48736fa976edc3715b82d51004e3c1e8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os, time
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import cros_ui_test, login
class desktopui_WindowManagerFocusNewWindows(cros_ui_test.UITest):
version = 1
def initialize(self, creds = '$default'):
cros_ui_test.UITest.initialize(self, creds)
def __check_active_window(self, id, info):
"""Check that a particular window is active.
id: int window ID
info: AutoX.WindowInfo object corresponding to 'id'
error.TestFail: if a condition timed out
lambda: self.autox.get_active_window_property() == id,
desc='Waiting for _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW to contain 0x%x' % id)
lambda: info.is_focused,
desc='Waiting for window 0x%x to be focused' % id)
except self.autox.ConditionTimeoutError as exception:
raise error.TestFail(
'Timed out on condition: %s' % exception.__str__())
def run_once(self):
# Make sure that we don't have the initial browser window popping up in
# the middle of the test.
self.autox = self.get_autox()
# Create a window and check that we switch to it.
win = self.autox.create_and_map_window(
width=200, height=200, title='test')
info = self.autox.get_window_info(
self.__check_active_window(, info)
# Create a second window.
win2 = self.autox.create_and_map_window(
width=200, height=200, title='test 2')
info2 = self.autox.get_window_info(
self.__check_active_window(, info2)