blob: a8df9a8d40c4c4ea3b9078704861caf0b372e942 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE).
# --
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
"""imports checkers for Python code"""
import collections
from distutils import sysconfig
import os
import sys
import six
import astroid
from astroid import are_exclusive
from astroid.modutils import (get_module_part, is_standard_module,
from pylint.interfaces import IAstroidChecker
from pylint.utils import EmptyReport, get_global_option
from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker
from pylint.checkers.utils import check_messages, node_ignores_exception
from pylint.graph import get_cycles, DotBackend
from pylint.reporters.ureports.nodes import VerbatimText, Paragraph
def _qualified_names(modname):
"""Split the names of the given module into subparts
For example,
['pylint', 'pylint.checkers', 'pylint.checkers.ImportsChecker']
names = modname.split('.')
return ['.'.join(names[0:i+1]) for i in range(len(names))]
def _get_import_name(importnode, modname):
"""Get a prepared module name from the given import node
In the case of relative imports, this will return the
absolute qualified module name, which might be useful
for debugging. Otherwise, the initial module name
is returned unchanged.
if isinstance(importnode, astroid.ImportFrom):
if importnode.level:
root = importnode.root()
if isinstance(root, astroid.Module):
modname = root.relative_to_absolute_name(
modname, level=importnode.level)
return modname
def _get_first_import(node, context, name, base, level):
"""return the node where [base.]<name> is imported or None if not found
fullname = '%s.%s' % (base, name) if base else name
first = None
found = False
for first in context.body:
if first is node:
if first.scope() is node.scope() and first.fromlineno > node.fromlineno:
if isinstance(first, astroid.Import):
if any(fullname == iname[0] for iname in first.names):
found = True
elif isinstance(first, astroid.ImportFrom):
if level == first.level and any(
fullname == '%s.%s' % (first.modname, iname[0])
for iname in first.names):
found = True
if found and not are_exclusive(first, node):
return first
# utilities to represents import dependencies as tree and dot graph ###########
def _make_tree_defs(mod_files_list):
"""get a list of 2-uple (module, list_of_files_which_import_this_module),
it will return a dictionary to represent this as a tree
tree_defs = {}
for mod, files in mod_files_list:
node = (tree_defs, ())
for prefix in mod.split('.'):
node = node[0].setdefault(prefix, [{}, []])
node[1] += files
return tree_defs
def _repr_tree_defs(data, indent_str=None):
"""return a string which represents imports as a tree"""
lines = []
nodes = data.items()
for i, (mod, (sub, files)) in enumerate(sorted(nodes, key=lambda x: x[0])):
if not files:
files = ''
files = '(%s)' % ','.join(files)
if indent_str is None:
lines.append('%s %s' % (mod, files))
sub_indent_str = ' '
lines.append(r'%s\-%s %s' % (indent_str, mod, files))
if i == len(nodes)-1:
sub_indent_str = '%s ' % indent_str
sub_indent_str = '%s| ' % indent_str
if sub:
lines.append(_repr_tree_defs(sub, sub_indent_str))
return '\n'.join(lines)
def _dependencies_graph(filename, dep_info):
"""write dependencies as a dot (graphviz) file
done = {}
printer = DotBackend(filename[:-4], rankdir='LR')
printer.emit('URL="." node[shape="box"]')
for modname, dependencies in sorted(six.iteritems(dep_info)):
done[modname] = 1
for modname in dependencies:
if modname not in done:
done[modname] = 1
for depmodname, dependencies in sorted(six.iteritems(dep_info)):
for modname in dependencies:
printer.emit_edge(modname, depmodname)
def _make_graph(filename, dep_info, sect, gtype):
"""generate a dependencies graph and add some information about it in the
report's section
_dependencies_graph(filename, dep_info)
sect.append(Paragraph('%simports graph has been written to %s'
% (gtype, filename)))
# the import checker itself ###################################################
MSGS = {
'E0401': ('Unable to import %s',
'Used when pylint has been unable to import a module.',
{'old_names': [('F0401', 'import-error')]}),
'R0401': ('Cyclic import (%s)',
'Used when a cyclic import between two or more modules is \
'W0401': ('Wildcard import %s',
'Used when `from module import *` is detected.'),
'W0402': ('Uses of a deprecated module %r',
'Used a module marked as deprecated is imported.'),
'W0403': ('Relative import %r, should be %r',
'Used when an import relative to the package directory is '
{'maxversion': (3, 0)}),
'W0404': ('Reimport %r (imported line %s)',
'Used when a module is reimported multiple times.'),
'W0406': ('Module import itself',
'Used when a module is importing itself.'),
'W0410': ('__future__ import is not the first non docstring statement',
'Python 2.5 and greater require __future__ import to be the \
first non docstring statement in the module.'),
'C0410': ('Multiple imports on one line (%s)',
'Used when import statement importing multiple modules is '
'C0411': ('%s comes before %s',
'Used when PEP8 import order is not respected (standard imports '
'first, then third-party libraries, then local imports)'),
'C0412': ('Imports from package %s are not grouped',
'Used when imports are not grouped by packages'),
'C0413': ('Import "%s" should be placed at the top of the '
'Used when code and imports are mixed'),
class ImportsChecker(BaseChecker):
"""checks for
* external modules dependencies
* relative / wildcard imports
* cyclic imports
* uses of deprecated modules
__implements__ = IAstroidChecker
name = 'imports'
msgs = MSGS
priority = -2
if six.PY2:
deprecated_modules = ('regsub', 'TERMIOS', 'Bastion', 'rexec')
deprecated_modules = ('optparse', )
options = (('deprecated-modules',
{'default' : deprecated_modules,
'type' : 'csv',
'metavar' : '<modules>',
'help' : 'Deprecated modules which should not be used, \
separated by a comma'}
{'default' : '',
'type' : 'string',
'metavar' : '<>',
'help' : 'Create a graph of every (i.e. internal and \
external) dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must not be disabled)'}
{'default' : '',
'type' : 'string',
'metavar' : '<>',
'help' : 'Create a graph of external dependencies in the \
given file (report RP0402 must not be disabled)'}
{'default' : '',
'type' : 'string',
'metavar' : '<>',
'help' : 'Create a graph of internal dependencies in the \
given file (report RP0402 must not be disabled)'}
def __init__(self, linter=None):
BaseChecker.__init__(self, linter)
self.stats = None
self.import_graph = None
self._imports_stack = []
self._first_non_import_node = None
self.__int_dep_info = self.__ext_dep_info = None
self.reports = (('RP0401', 'External dependencies',
('RP0402', 'Modules dependencies graph',
self._site_packages = self._compute_site_packages()
def _compute_site_packages():
def _normalized_path(path):
return os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path))
paths = set()
real_prefix = getattr(sys, 'real_prefix', None)
for prefix in filter(None, (real_prefix, sys.prefix)):
path = sysconfig.get_python_lib(prefix=prefix)
path = _normalized_path(path)
# Handle Debian's derivatives /usr/local.
if os.path.isfile("/etc/debian_version"):
for prefix in filter(None, (real_prefix, sys.prefix)):
libpython = os.path.join(prefix, "local", "lib",
"python" + sysconfig.get_python_version(),
return paths
def open(self):
"""called before visiting project (i.e set of modules)"""
self.stats = self.linter.stats
self.import_graph = collections.defaultdict(set)
self._ignored_modules = get_global_option(
self, 'ignored-modules', default=[])
def close(self):
"""called before visiting project (i.e set of modules)"""
# don't try to compute cycles if the associated message is disabled
if self.linter.is_message_enabled('cyclic-import'):
vertices = list(self.import_graph)
for cycle in get_cycles(self.import_graph, vertices=vertices):
self.add_message('cyclic-import', args=' -> '.join(cycle))
@check_messages('wrong-import-position', 'multiple-imports',
'relative-import', 'reimported')
def visit_import(self, node):
"""triggered when an import statement is seen"""
modnode = node.root()
names = [name for name, _ in node.names]
if len(names) >= 2:
self.add_message('multiple-imports', args=', '.join(names), node=node)
for name in names:
self._check_deprecated_module(node, name)
importedmodnode = self.get_imported_module(node, name)
if isinstance(node.scope(), astroid.Module):
self._record_import(node, importedmodnode)
if importedmodnode is None:
self._check_relative_import(modnode, node, importedmodnode, name)
def visit_importfrom(self, node):
"""triggered when a from statement is seen"""
basename = node.modname
self._check_deprecated_module(node, basename)
self._check_reimport(node, basename=basename, level=node.level)
modnode = node.root()
importedmodnode = self.get_imported_module(node, basename)
if isinstance(node.scope(), astroid.Module):
self._record_import(node, importedmodnode)
if importedmodnode is None:
self._check_relative_import(modnode, node, importedmodnode, basename)
for name, _ in node.names:
if name != '*':
self._add_imported_module(node, '%s.%s' % (, name))
@check_messages('wrong-import-order', 'ungrouped-imports',
def leave_module(self, node):
# Check imports are grouped by category (standard, 3rd party, local)
std_imports, ext_imports, loc_imports = self._check_imports_order(node)
# Check imports are grouped by package within a given category
met = set()
current_package = None
for import_node, import_name in std_imports + ext_imports + loc_imports:
package, _, _ = import_name.partition('.')
if current_package and current_package != package and package in met:
self.add_message('ungrouped-imports', node=import_node,
current_package = package
self._imports_stack = []
self._first_non_import_node = None
def visit_if(self, node):
# if the node does not contain an import instruction, and if it is the
# first node of the module, keep a track of it (all the import positions
# of the module will be compared to the position of this first
# instruction)
if self._first_non_import_node:
if not isinstance(node.parent, astroid.Module):
if any(node.nodes_of_class((astroid.Import, astroid.ImportFrom))):
self._first_non_import_node = node
visit_tryfinally = visit_tryexcept = visit_assignattr = visit_assign \
= visit_ifexp = visit_comprehension = visit_if
def visit_functiondef(self, node):
# If it is the first non import instruction of the module, record it.
if self._first_non_import_node:
# Check if the node belongs to an `If` or a `Try` block. If they
# contain imports, skip recording this node.
if not isinstance(node.parent.scope(), astroid.Module):
root = node
while not isinstance(root.parent, astroid.Module):
root = root.parent
if isinstance(root, (astroid.If, astroid.TryFinally, astroid.TryExcept)):
if any(root.nodes_of_class((astroid.Import, astroid.ImportFrom))):
self._first_non_import_node = node
visit_classdef = visit_for = visit_while = visit_functiondef
def _check_misplaced_future(self, node):
basename = node.modname
if basename == '__future__':
# check if this is the first non-docstring statement in the module
prev = node.previous_sibling()
if prev:
# consecutive future statements are possible
if not (isinstance(prev, astroid.ImportFrom)
and prev.modname == '__future__'):
self.add_message('misplaced-future', node=node)
def _check_same_line_imports(self, node):
# Detect duplicate imports on the same line.
names = (name for name, _ in node.names)
counter = collections.Counter(names)
for name, count in counter.items():
if count > 1:
self.add_message('reimported', node=node,
args=(name, node.fromlineno))
def _check_position(self, node):
"""Check `node` import or importfrom node position is correct
Send a message if `node` comes before another instruction
# if a first non-import instruction has already been encountered,
# it means the import comes after it and therefore is not well placed
if self._first_non_import_node:
self.add_message('wrong-import-position', node=node,
def _record_import(self, node, importedmodnode):
"""Record the package `node` imports from"""
importedname = if importedmodnode else None
if not importedname:
importedname = node.names[0][0].split('.')[0]
self._imports_stack.append((node, importedname))
def _is_fallback_import(node, imports):
imports = [import_node for (import_node, _) in imports]
return any(astroid.are_exclusive(import_node, node)
for import_node in imports)
def _check_imports_order(self, node):
"""Checks imports of module `node` are grouped by category
Imports must follow this order: standard, 3rd party, local
extern_imports = []
local_imports = []
std_imports = []
for node, modname in self._imports_stack:
package = modname.split('.')[0]
if is_standard_module(modname):
std_imports.append((node, package))
wrong_import = extern_imports or local_imports
if not wrong_import:
if self._is_fallback_import(node, wrong_import):
self.add_message('wrong-import-order', node=node,
args=('standard import "%s"' % node.as_string(),
'"%s"' % wrong_import[0][0].as_string()))
filename = file_from_modpath([package])
except ImportError:
if not filename:
filename = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(filename))
if not any(filename.startswith(path) for path in self._site_packages):
local_imports.append((node, package))
extern_imports.append((node, package))
if not local_imports:
self.add_message('wrong-import-order', node=node,
args=('external import "%s"' % node.as_string(),
'"%s"' % local_imports[0][0].as_string()))
return std_imports, extern_imports, local_imports
def get_imported_module(self, importnode, modname):
return importnode.do_import_module(modname)
except astroid.InferenceError as ex:
dotted_modname = _get_import_name(importnode, modname)
if str(ex) != modname:
args = '%r (%s)' % (dotted_modname, ex)
args = repr(dotted_modname)
for submodule in _qualified_names(modname):
if submodule in self._ignored_modules:
return None
if not node_ignores_exception(importnode, ImportError):
self.add_message("import-error", args=args, node=importnode)
def _check_relative_import(self, modnode, importnode, importedmodnode,
"""check relative import. node is either an Import or From node, modname
the imported module name.
if not self.linter.is_message_enabled('relative-import'):
if importedmodnode.file is None:
return False # built-in module
if modnode is importedmodnode:
return False # module importing itself
if modnode.absolute_import_activated() or getattr(importnode, 'level', None):
return False
if != importedasname:
# this must be a relative import...
def _add_imported_module(self, node, importedmodname):
"""notify an imported module, used to analyze dependencies"""
module_file = node.root().file
context_name = node.root().name
base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(module_file))[0]
# Determine if we have a `from .something import` in a package's
# __init__. This means the module will never be able to import
# itself using this condition (the level will be bigger or
# if the same module is named as the package, it will be different
# anyway).
if isinstance(node, astroid.ImportFrom):
if node.level and node.level > 0 and base == '__init__':
importedmodname = get_module_part(importedmodname,
except ImportError:
if context_name == importedmodname:
self.add_message('import-self', node=node)
elif not is_standard_module(importedmodname):
# handle dependencies
importedmodnames = self.stats['dependencies'].setdefault(
importedmodname, set())
if context_name not in importedmodnames:
# update import graph
mgraph = self.import_graph[context_name]
if importedmodname not in mgraph:
def _check_deprecated_module(self, node, mod_path):
"""check if the module is deprecated"""
for mod_name in self.config.deprecated_modules:
if mod_path == mod_name or mod_path.startswith(mod_name + '.'):
self.add_message('deprecated-module', node=node, args=mod_path)
def _check_reimport(self, node, basename=None, level=None):
"""check if the import is necessary (i.e. not already done)"""
if not self.linter.is_message_enabled('reimported'):
frame = node.frame()
root = node.root()
contexts = [(frame, level)]
if root is not frame:
contexts.append((root, None))
for context, level in contexts:
for name, _ in node.names:
first = _get_first_import(node, context, name, basename, level)
if first is not None:
self.add_message('reimported', node=node,
args=(name, first.fromlineno))
def _report_external_dependencies(self, sect, _, dummy):
"""return a verbatim layout for displaying dependencies"""
dep_info = _make_tree_defs(six.iteritems(self._external_dependencies_info()))
if not dep_info:
raise EmptyReport()
tree_str = _repr_tree_defs(dep_info)
def _report_dependencies_graph(self, sect, _, dummy):
"""write dependencies as a dot (graphviz) file"""
dep_info = self.stats['dependencies']
if not dep_info or not (self.config.import_graph
or self.config.ext_import_graph
or self.config.int_import_graph):
raise EmptyReport()
filename = self.config.import_graph
if filename:
_make_graph(filename, dep_info, sect, '')
filename = self.config.ext_import_graph
if filename:
_make_graph(filename, self._external_dependencies_info(),
sect, 'external ')
filename = self.config.int_import_graph
if filename:
_make_graph(filename, self._internal_dependencies_info(),
sect, 'internal ')
def _external_dependencies_info(self):
"""return cached external dependencies information or build and
cache them
if self.__ext_dep_info is None:
package = self.linter.current_name
self.__ext_dep_info = result = {}
for importee, importers in six.iteritems(self.stats['dependencies']):
if not importee.startswith(package):
result[importee] = importers
return self.__ext_dep_info
def _internal_dependencies_info(self):
"""return cached internal dependencies information or build and
cache them
if self.__int_dep_info is None:
package = self.linter.current_name
self.__int_dep_info = result = {}
for importee, importers in six.iteritems(self.stats['dependencies']):
if importee.startswith(package):
result[importee] = importers
return self.__int_dep_info
def _check_wildcard_imports(self, node):
for name, _ in node.names:
if name == '*':
self.add_message('wildcard-import', args=node.modname, node=node)
def register(linter):
"""required method to auto register this checker """