Move cos-toolbox@29da3c029f29975bb443aa74dbdc7959e685088d from Github


Change-Id: Ie639fca149fd6d9715d1d0cf83d169e1cb43623f
Cloud-Build: GCB Service account <>
Reviewed-by: Sam Kunz <>
Reviewed-by: Arnav Kansal <>
Tested-by: Arnav Kansal <>
diff --git a/src/cmd/toolbox/Dockerfile b/src/cmd/toolbox/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dd5442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/toolbox/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+FROM golang:1.11 as gcr-build
+RUN go get -u
+# Start from debian:buster-backports base.
+FROM debian:buster-backports
+# Prepare the image.
+ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
+COPY --from=gcr-build /go/bin/docker-credential-gcr /usr/bin/
+# Google Cloud SDK pre requisites.
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends apt-transport-https \
+    ca-certificates gnupg curl
+# Install the Google Cloud SDK.
+RUN echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] \
+ cloud-sdk main" | \
+    tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list && \
+    curl | \
+    apt-key --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/ add - \
+    && apt-get update && apt-get -y -qq install google-cloud-sdk && apt-get clean
+# Various networking and other tools. net-tools installs arp, netstat, etc.
+RUN apt-get install -u -qq vim \
+    net-tools netcat ipset conntrack inetutils-traceroute bridge-utils \
+    ebtables \
+    && apt-get clean
+# These packages are required or extracting source tarballs and building the kernel.
+RUN apt-get update && \
+    apt-get install -u -qq \
+        xz-utils make gcc python-minimal bc libelf-dev libssl-dev \
+        crash bison flex dwarves libdw1 && \
+    apt-get clean
+COPY cos-kernel /usr/local/bin
+VOLUME ["/.config"]
+CMD ["/bin/bash"]
diff --git a/src/cmd/toolbox/ b/src/cmd/toolbox/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e7141c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/toolbox/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Toolbox Docker Container for Container-Optimized OS
+Note: This is not an official Google product.
+## Overview
+This is a Docker image used by the
+[CoreOS Toolbox]( script on [Container-Optimized
+OS]( This image comes
+pre-installed with common debugging tools that are not pre-installed on the host.
+The official toolbox container is available at ``.
+Starting with tag `20190312-00`, COS toolbox includes a tool called
+`cos-kernel` to make it easy to fetch kernel headers, source, and
+toolchain for COS releases.  For example, the following command fetches
+kernel headers, source, and toolchain for the instance it's running on:
+my-cos-instance ~ $ toolbox
+root@my-cos-instance:~# cos-kernel fetch
+By default, `cos-kernel` uses `$HOME` as its install directory but this
+can be changed via the `--instdir` option.  `cos-kernel` copies the
+files it fetches in the `fetched-files` directory and extracts them into
+`cos-kernel-headers`, `cos-kernel-src`, and `cos-toolchain`.
+root@my-cos-instance:~# ls -l
+drwxr-xr-x 4 root root  4096 Mar 12 14:43 cos-kernel-headers
+drwxr-xr-x 4 root root  4096 Mar 12 14:44 cos-kernel-src
+drwxr-xr-x 4 root root  4096 Mar 12 14:43 cos-toolchain
+drwxr-xr-x 4 root root  4096 Mar 12 14:40 fetched-files
+The following command fetches kernel headers, source, and toolchain for
+release `11636.0.0` and builds the kernel:
+root@my-cos-instance:~# cos-kernel build 11636.0.0
+To see the list of available subcommands and their options, type:
+root@my-cos-instance:~# cos-kernel help
+For detailed documentation on how this is used, see
+# Contributor Docs
+## Releasing
+To release a new version of COS Toolbox, tag the commit you want to release
+with the date in the form of `vYYYYMMDD`. This will trigger a Cloud Build job to
+build and release the container image.
diff --git a/src/cmd/toolbox/cloudbuild.yaml b/src/cmd/toolbox/cloudbuild.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..171095d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/toolbox/cloudbuild.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  env:
+# Build toolbox image
+# This step is needed to add a new entry to /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc. Docker
+# uses QEMU user emulation to run arm64 programs on x86 hosts. A QEMU
+# interpreter needs to be added to /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc to run arm64
+# programs.
+- name: ''
+  args: ['run', '--privileged', 'linuxkit/binfmt:v0.7']
+# The default builder (which appears to be the Docker daemon that implements
+# the old, familiar `docker build` behavior) doesn't support the --platform
+# flag, so we need to create a new builder.
+- name: ''
+  args: ['buildx', 'create', '--name', 'builder']
+- name: ''
+  args: ['buildx', 'use', 'builder']
+# Images produced in this way do not appear in the Docker image registry shown
+# by `docker images`, at least by default. We use the --push flag to push the
+# image after building it, because a subsequent `docker push` won't find the
+# image locally.
+- name: ''
+  args: ['buildx', 'build', '--platform', 'linux/amd64,linux/arm64', '-t', '${_OUTPUT_PROJECT}/toolbox:latest', '-t', '${_OUTPUT_PROJECT}/toolbox:${TAG_NAME}', '--push', '.']
+timeout: 1800s
diff --git a/src/cmd/toolbox/cos-kernel b/src/cmd/toolbox/cos-kernel
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9d42771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/toolbox/cos-kernel
@@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
+# This script fetches $FILES_TO_FETCH (kernel headers, source, toolchain,
+# ...)  of a specific COS release and installs them for compiling,
+# debugging, etc.  See usage() for details.
+# This script is meant to run in COS toolbox or inside a cos-toolbox
+# container.
+set -eu
+set -o pipefail
+# Program name and version.  Bump the version number if you change
+# this script.
+readonly PROG_NAME="$(basename "${0}")"
+readonly PROG_VERSION="1.3"
+# ANSI escape sequences for pretty printing.
+readonly RED_S="\033[00;31m"
+readonly BLUE_S="\033[00;34m"
+readonly PURPLE_S="\033[00;35m"
+readonly ANSI_E="\033[0m"
+# Build ID number is passed as an arg or read from $COS_OS_RELEASE.
+readonly COS_OS_RELEASE="/media/root/etc/os-release"
+readonly COS_IMAGE_PROJECT="cos-cloud"
+# Public GCS bucket of COS to fetch files from.
+readonly COS_GCS_BUCKET="gs://cos-tools"
+# For each file to fetch, we have the following properties:
+#      Property                                   Type
+#   1. Name in GCS bucket                         Fixed
+#   2. Install dir name relative to $INSTALL_DIR  Fixed
+#   3. Full pathname of install dir               Dynamic based on $INSTALL_DIR and $BUILD_ID
+#   4. Installation commnds                       Dynamic based on $INSTALL_DIR and $BUILS_ID
+#   5. Installation size in MB                    Fixed
+# 1. Name in GCS bucket.
+readonly KERNEL_HEADERS="kernel-headers.tgz"
+readonly KERNEL_SRC="kernel-src.tar.gz"
+readonly TRUSTED_KEY="trusted_key.pem"
+readonly TOOLCHAIN="toolchain.tar.xz"
+readonly TOOLCHAIN_ENV="toolchain_env"
+# 2. Install dir name relative to $INSTALL_DIR.
+readonly KERNEL_HEADERS_DIRNAME="cos-kernel-headers"
+readonly KERNEL_SRC_DIRNAME="cos-kernel-src"
+readonly TOOLCHAIN_DIRNAME="cos-toolchain"
+readonly TOOLCHAIN_ENV_DIRNAME="cos-toolchain-env"
+# 3. Full pathname of installation directories (see initialize()).
+# 4. Installation commnds (see initialize()).
+declare -A INSTALL_CMD
+# 5. Installation size in MB.
+declare -A INSTALL_SIZE
+readonly FETCHED_FILES_DIRNAME="fetched-files"
+# Temporary files created for the list subcommand.
+readonly TMP_IMAGE_LIST="/tmp/image_list"
+readonly TMP_BUILD_ID_LIST="/tmp/build_id_list"
+readonly TMP_BUILD_ID_FILES="/tmp/build_id_files"
+# Compilation environment variables.
+# Set the defaults that can be changed by command line flags.
+HELP=""			# -h
+ECHO=":"		# -v
+	-h, --help	print help message
+	-i, --instdir	install directory (default \$HOME: $HOME)
+	-v, --verbose	enable verbose mode
+ALL=""			# -a
+	-h, --help	print help message
+	-a, --all	include deprecated builds
+EXTRACT=true		# -x
+REMOVE=true		# -r
+	-h, --help	print help message
+	-r, --no-remove	do not remove fetched files after installation
+	-x, --no-xtract	do not extract files from their tarballs
+PRINT_CMD=""		# -p
+	-h, --help	print help message
+	-c, --kconf	specify path to kernel configuration file
+	-p, --print	print commands to build the kernel, but do not execute
+	-V		enable make's verbose mode
+	-h, --help	print help message
+	-a, --all	remove all fetched and installed files
+usage() {
+	local -r exit_code="$1"
+	cat <<EOF
+	${PROG_NAME} [<global-options>] <subcommand> [<subcommand-options>] [<build-id>]
+	list		list available builds
+	fetch		fetch kernel headers, source, and toolchain tarballs
+	build		build kernel (implies fetch)
+	remove		remove fetched and extracted files
+	help		print help message
+Global options:
+list options:
+fetch options:
+build options:
+remove options:
+	HOME		default installation directory
+	help_disk_space
+	exit "${exit_code}"
+main() {
+	check_arch
+	local options
+	parse_args "${@}"
+	# Global help message.
+	if [[ -z "${SUBCOMMAND}" || "${SUBCOMMAND}" == "help" ]]; then
+		usage 0
+	fi
+	# Subcommand-specific help message.
+	if [[ -n "${HELP}" ]]; then
+		echo "${SUBCOMMAND}" specific options:
+		options="${SUBCOMMAND^^}_OPTIONS"
+		echo "${!options}"
+		exit 0
+	fi
+	# No need to initialize if we're listing available releases.
+	if [[ "${SUBCOMMAND}" != "list" ]]; then
+		initialize
+	fi
+	case "${SUBCOMMAND}" in
+	"list")		subcmd_list;;
+	"fetch")	subcmd_fetch; if "${EXTRACT}"; then extract_files; fi;;
+	"build")	subcmd_build;;
+	"remove")	subcmd_remove;;
+	*)		fatal internal error processing "${SUBCOMMAND}"
+	esac
+check_arch() {
+	arch=$(uname -m)
+	if  [ $arch == "arm64" ] || [ $arch == "aarch64" ]; then
+		echo "cos-kernel not supported on ARM"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+parse_args() {
+	local args
+	if ! args=$(getopt \
+			--options "ac:hi:prvVx" \
+			--longoptions "all config: help instdir: print no-remove verbose no-xtract" \
+			-- "$@"); then
+		# getopt has printed an appropriate error message.
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	eval set -- "${args}"
+	while [[ "${#}" -gt 0 ]]; do
+		case "$1" in
+		-a|--all)
+			ALL="yes";;
+		-c|--kconf)
+			shift
+			KERNEL_CONFIG="$1";;
+		-h|--help)
+			HELP="yes";;
+		-i|--instdir)
+			shift
+			INSTALL_DIR="$1";;
+		-p|--print)
+			PRINT_CMD="echo";;
+		-r|--no-remove)
+			REMOVE=false;;
+		-v|--verbose)
+			ECHO="info";;
+		-V)
+			MAKE_VERBOSE="V=1";;
+		-x|--no-xtract)
+			EXTRACT=false;;
+		--)
+			;;
+		*)
+			if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+				BUILD_ID="$1"
+				shift
+				continue
+			fi
+			if [[ -n "${SUBCOMMAND}" ]]; then
+				fatal specify only one subcommand
+			fi
+			case "$1" in
+			"list")		SUBCOMMAND="$1";;
+			"fetch")	SUBCOMMAND="$1";;
+			"build")	SUBCOMMAND="$1";;
+			"remove")	SUBCOMMAND="$1";;
+			"help")		SUBCOMMAND="$1";;
+			"--")		;;
+			*)		fatal "$1}": invalid build id
+			esac
+		esac
+		shift
+	done
+	if [[ -z "${INSTALL_DIR}" ]]; then
+		fatal install directory not specified
+	fi
+initialize() {
+	if [[ "${SUBCOMMAND}" == "remove" && -n "${ALL}" ]]; then
+		return
+	fi
+	# If build ID is not provided as an argument, we assume we're
+	# running on COS and the user wants the current build ID.
+	if [[ -z "${BUILD_ID}" ]]; then
+		if [[ ! -f "${COS_OS_RELEASE}" ]]; then
+			fatal "${COS_OS_RELEASE}" does not exist and build ID not specified
+		fi
+		# shellcheck disable=SC1090
+		source "${COS_OS_RELEASE}"
+	fi
+	if [[ ! ${BUILD_ID} =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+		error "${BUILD_ID}": invalid build id
+		return 1
+	fi
+				    (cd \"$(dirname "${KERNEL_SRC_DIR}")\" && rm -f kernel && ln -s \"$(basename "${KERNEL_SRC_DIR}")\" kernel)"
+	info BUILD_ID="${BUILD_ID}"
+	echo
+	"${ECHO}"
+subcmd_list() {
+	local header
+	local n
+	local build_id
+	local all_lines
+	local line
+	# If we generated the list of images within the past hour, use it.
+        if [[ ! -s "${TMP_IMAGE_LIST}" || -z "$(find "${TMP_IMAGE_LIST}" -cmin -60)" ]]; then
+		info getting the list of images from "${COS_IMAGE_PROJECT}"
+		list_cos_images > "${TMP_IMAGE_LIST}"
+	fi
+	# If we generated the list of build IDs within the past hour, use it.
+        if [[ ! -s "${TMP_BUILD_ID_FILES}" || -z "$(find "${TMP_BUILD_ID_FILES}" -cmin -60)" ]]; then
+		info getting the list of builds from "${COS_GCS_BUCKET}"
+		gsutil ls -r "${COS_GCS_BUCKET}" > "${TMP_BUILD_ID_FILES}"
+	fi
+	# Get and sort the list of build IDs in $COS_GCS_BUCKET.
+	if [[ -n "${BUILD_ID}" ]]; then
+		echo "${BUILD_ID}" > "${TMP_BUILD_ID_LIST}"
+		# The $BUILD_ID may be deprecated or obsolete, but
+		# becaue it was specified on the command line, we
+		# still want to print it.
+		ALL="yes"
+	else
+		grep '^gs://.*:$' "${TMP_BUILD_ID_FILES}" | \
+			grep -E '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | \
+			sed -e "s;${COS_GCS_BUCKET}/;;" -e "s;/:;;" | \
+			sort -V > "${TMP_BUILD_ID_LIST}"
+	fi
+	# Build and print the header.
+	header="BUILD_ID       MS FAMILY"
+	if [[ -n "${ALL}" ]]; then
+		header="${header} STAT"
+	fi
+	header="${header}   HDR SRC KEY TLC"
+	echo "${header}"
+	n=0
+	while read -r build_id; do
+		# Although we no longer create releases with the exact
+		# same build ID in different image families, there are
+		# still older releases like cos-65-10323-104-0 and
+		# cos-stable-65-10323-104-0 that do have the same
+		# build ID.  So, grep can return multiple lines.
+		all_lines=("$(grep "${build_id//./-}" "${TMP_IMAGE_LIST}")")
+		while read -r line; do
+			if [[ ("${line}" == *"DEPRECATED"* || "${line}" == *"OBSOLETE"*) && -z "${ALL}" ]]; then
+				continue
+			fi
+			mapfile -t milestone_family < <(get_milestone_family "${line}")
+			printf "%-14s %2s %6s" "${build_id}" "${milestone_family[0]}" "${milestone_family[1]}"
+			if [[ -n "${ALL}" ]]; then
+				if [[ "${line}" == *"DEPRECATED"* ]]; then
+					echo -n "  dep"
+				elif [[ "${line}" == *"OBSOLETE"* ]]; then
+					echo -n "  obs"
+				else
+					echo -n "     "
+				fi
+			fi
+			echo -n "   "
+			for f in "${FILES_TO_FETCH[@]}"; do
+				if grep -q "/${build_id}/${f}\$" "${TMP_BUILD_ID_FILES}"; then
+					echo -n "+++ "
+				else
+					echo -n "--- "
+				fi
+			done
+			echo
+			n=$((n + 1))
+			if [[ "${n}" -gt 25 ]]; then
+				echo
+				echo "${header}"
+				n=0
+			fi
+		done <<< "${all_lines[@]}"
+	done < "${TMP_BUILD_ID_LIST}"
+subcmd_fetch() {
+	local f		# file to fetch
+	local ff	# complete URL of the file to fetch
+	local fetched	# were any files fetched?
+	local md5	# md5sum checksum file
+	local bytes	# size of file to fetch in bytes
+	mkdir -p "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}"
+	fetched=false
+	for f in "${FILES_TO_FETCH[@]}"; do
+		# To save disk space, fetched files are deleted by default (see -r) after being verified and installed.
+		if [[ -f "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${f}.verified" && -f "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${f}.installed" ]]; then
+			"${ECHO}" "${f}": already verified and installed
+			continue
+		fi
+		fetched=true
+		if [[ -s "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${f}" ]]; then
+			"${ECHO}" "${f}": already fetched
+		else
+			ff="${COS_GCS_BUCKET}/${BUILD_ID}/${f}"
+			# Does the file to fetch exist in GCS?
+			if ! gsutil -q stat "${ff}" 2> /dev/null; then
+				# A non-existent trusted key, toolchain, or toolchain_env is not fatal
+				# because older releases do not have them.
+				if [[ "${f}" != "${TRUSTED_KEY}" && "${f}" != "${TOOLCHAIN}" && "${f}" != "${TOOLCHAIN_ENV}" ]]; then
+					fatal "${ff}" does not exists
+				fi
+				warn "${ff}" does not exist
+				continue
+			fi
+			# How big is the file to fetch?
+			bytes="$(gsutil stat "${ff}" 2> /dev/null | awk '/Content-Length:/ { print $2 }')"
+			if [[ -z "${bytes}" ]]; then
+				fatal cannot determine the size of "${ff}"
+			fi
+			# Do we have enough disk space for the file to fetch?
+			if ! have_disk_space $((bytes / (1024 * 1024))); then
+				fatal not enough disk space to fetch "${ff}"
+			fi
+			# Fetch the file.
+			"${ECHO}" fetching "${ff}"
+			if ! fetch_file "${ff}" "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${f}"; then
+				fatal could not fetch "${ff}"
+				rm -f "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${f}"
+			fi
+			# Remember that haven't verified or installed the file that we fetched.
+			rm -f "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${f}.verified" "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${f}.installed"
+		fi
+		# See if there's an md5sum file to verify the file we fetched.
+		md5="${f}.md5"
+		if [[ -s "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${md5}" ]]; then
+			"${ECHO}" "${md5}": already fetched
+		else
+			ff="${COS_GCS_BUCKET}/${BUILD_ID}/${md5}"
+			"${ECHO}" fetching "${ff}"
+			# The md5 file is missing for old builds, so we tolerate failure.
+			if ! fetch_file "${ff}" "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${md5}"; then
+				# This error is not fatal because older tarballs do not have
+				# md5sum checksum files.
+				warn could not fetch "${ff}"
+				rm -f "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${md5}"
+			fi
+		fi
+	done
+	if "${fetched}"; then
+		verify_fetched_files
+	fi
+subcmd_build() {
+	subcmd_fetch
+	extract_files
+	# We need at least 2.4GB to build the kernel.
+	if ! have_disk_space 2400; then
+		fatal not enough disk space to build the kernel
+	fi
+	set_compilation_env
+	${PRINT_CMD} make ${MAKE_VERBOSE} -j $(($(nproc) * 2))  CC="${CC}" CXX="${CXX}"
+subcmd_remove() {
+	local f
+	if [[ -n "${ALL}" ]]; then
+			info removing "${INSTALL_DIR}/${f}"
+			rm -rf "${INSTALL_DIR:?INSTALL_DIR not set}/${f}"
+		done
+		return
+	fi
+		if [[ -n "${f}" ]]; then
+			info removing "${f}"
+			rm -rf "${f}"
+		fi
+	done
+		if [[ -f "${f}" ]]; then
+			info removing "${f}"
+			rm -f "${f}"
+		fi
+	done
+list_cos_images() {
+	gcloud compute images list --project "${COS_IMAGE_PROJECT}" --no-standard-images --show-deprecated
+get_milestone_family() {
+	local line="$1"
+	local milestone
+	local family
+	#cos-65-10323-104-0         cos-cloud  cos-65-lts  DEPRECATED  READY
+	#cos-dev-72-11190-0-0       cos-cloud  cos-dev     DEPRECATED  READY
+	if [[ "${line}" =~ ^cos-[0-9][0-9]* ]]; then
+		# shellcheck disable=SC2001
+		milestone="$(echo "${line}" | sed -e 's/cos-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\([0-9][0-9]*\)\(  *cos-cloud.*\)/\1/')"
+		family="lts"
+	else
+		# shellcheck disable=SC2001
+		milestone="$(echo "${line}" | sed -e 's/cos-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\([0-9][0-9]*\)\(  *cos-cloud.*\)/\2/')"
+		# shellcheck disable=SC2001
+		family="$(echo "${line}" | sed -e 's/cos-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\([0-9][0-9]*\)\(  *cos-cloud.*\)/\1/')"
+	fi
+	echo -e "${milestone}\n${family}"
+fetch_file() {
+	local src="$1"
+	local dst="$2"
+	if ! gsutil cp "${src}" "${dst}" 2>/dev/null; then
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if ! test -s "${dst}"; then
+		return 1
+	fi
+verify_fetched_files() {
+	local file
+	local f
+	local checksum
+	"${ECHO}"
+	for file in "${FILES_TO_FETCH[@]}"; do
+		f="${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${file}"
+		if [[ -f "${f}.verified" ]]; then
+			"${ECHO}" "${file}": already verified
+			continue
+		fi
+		if [[ ! -f "${f}.md5" ]]; then
+			warn "${file}.md5" does not exist, skipping verification
+			continue
+		fi
+		checksum="$(md5sum "${f}" | awk '{ print $1 }')"
+		if [[ "${checksum}" == "$(cat "${f}.md5")" ]]; then
+			"${ECHO}" verified "${file}"
+			touch "${f}.verified"
+		else
+			fatal "${file}" md5sum mismatch: expected "$(cat "${f}.md5")", got "${checksum}"
+		fi
+	done
+extract_files() {
+	local f
+	local installed=false
+	"${ECHO}"
+		if install "${f}"; then
+			installed=true
+		fi
+	done
+	if setup_kernel_config; then
+		installed=true
+	fi
+	setup_trusted_key
+	if "${installed}"; then
+		echo
+	fi
+install() {
+	local f="$1"	# file that was fetched
+	local ff
+	local dir
+	local cmd
+	ff="${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${f}"
+	if [[ -f "${ff}.installed" ]]; then
+		"${ECHO}" "${ff}": already installed
+		return 1
+	fi
+	# Do we have enough disk space to install?
+	if ! have_disk_space "${INSTALL_SIZE["${f}"]}"; then
+		fatal not enough disk space to fetch "${ff}"
+	fi
+	info installing "${ff}"
+	case "${f}" in
+	"${KERNEL_SRC}") dir="${KERNEL_SRC_DIR}";;
+	"${TOOLCHAIN}") dir="${TOOLCHAIN_DIR}";;
+	*) fatal "don't know where to install ${f}";;
+	esac
+	mkdir -p "${dir}"
+	cmd="${INSTALL_CMD[${f}]:-none}"
+	if [[ "${cmd}" == "none" ]]; then
+		fatal "don't know how to install ${ff}"
+	fi
+	eval "${cmd}"
+	touch "${ff}.installed"
+	if "${REMOVE}"; then
+		rm "${ff}"
+	fi
+	return 0
+setup_kernel_config() {
+	local kernel_config="${KERNEL_SRC_DIR}/.config"
+	local f
+	# Was kernel configuration file specified on the command line?
+	if [[ -n "${KERNEL_CONFIG}" ]]; then
+		info creating kernel config file from "${KERNEL_CONFIG}"
+		if [[ "${KERNEL_CONFIG}" == "/proc/config.gz" ]]; then
+			zcat "${KERNEL_CONFIG}" > "${kernel_config}"
+		else
+			cp -a "${KERNEL_CONFIG}" "${KERNEL_SRC_DIR}"
+		fi
+		return 0
+	fi
+	if [[ -s "${kernel_config}" ]]; then
+		"${ECHO}" "${kernel_config}": already exists
+		return 1
+	fi
+	info copying kernel config from kernel headers
+	f="$(eval echo "${KERNEL_HEADERS_DIR}"/usr/src/linux-headers-*/.config)"
+	if [[ ! -f "${f}" ]]; then
+		fatal "${f}" does not exist
+	fi
+	cp -a "${f}" "${kernel_config}"
+	return 0
+setup_trusted_key() {
+	local kernel_config="${KERNEL_SRC_DIR}/.config"
+	local output
+	local cmd
+	# Check CONFIG_SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS to see if we have to copy the trusted key
+	# to the kernel source directory.
+	output="$(grep -w "CONFIG_SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS" "${kernel_config}")" || true
+	if [[ -z "${output}" ]]; then
+		warn CONFIG_SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS not in "${kernel_config}"
+		return
+	fi
+	if ! echo "${output}" | grep -qw "certs/${TRUSTED_KEY}"; then
+		return
+	fi
+	# Did we fetch the trusted key?
+	if [[ -f "${FETCHED_FILES_DIR}/${TRUSTED_KEY}" ]]; then
+		if [[ -f "${TRUSTED_KEY_DIR}/${TRUSTED_KEY}" ]]; then
+			"${ECHO}" trusted key "${TRUSTED_KEY_DIR}/${TRUSTED_KEY}": already exists
+			return
+		fi
+		info copying trusted key to "${TRUSTED_KEY_DIR}/${TRUSTED_KEY}"
+		cmd="${INSTALL_CMD[${TRUSTED_KEY}]:-none}"
+		if [[ "${cmd}" == "none" ]]; then
+			fatal "don't know how to install ${TRUSTED_KEY}"
+		fi
+		eval "${cmd}"
+	else
+		warn "modifying CONFIG_SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS's value because we could not fetch the trusted key"
+		sed -i.bak -e 's/CONFIG_SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS=.*/CONFIG_SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS=""/' "${kernel_config}"
+		echo diff "${kernel_config}" "${kernel_config}.bak"
+		diff "${kernel_config}" "${kernel_config}.bak" || true
+	fi
+set_compilation_env() {
+	local path
+	path="$(realpath "${TOOLCHAIN_DIR}/bin")"
+	${PRINT_CMD} export PATH="${path}:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/google-cloud-sdk/bin"
+	if [[ -s "${TOOLCHAIN_ENV_DIR}/${TOOLCHAIN_ENV}" ]]; then
+		# shellcheck disable=SC1090
+	else
+		# To support COS build not having toolchain_env file
+		CC="x86_64-cros-linux-gnu-gcc"
+		CXX="x86_64-cros-linux-gnu-g++"
+	fi
+have_disk_space() {
+	local need="$1"
+	local avail
+	avail="$(df -BM --output=avail "${INSTALL_DIR}" | sed -n -e 's/M//p')"
+	if [[ "${avail}" -lt "${need}" ]]; then
+		error need at least "${need}"MB, but have only "${avail}"MB in "${INSTALL_DIR}"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	return 0
+help_disk_space() {
+cat <<'END'
+Because by default toolbox uses /var/lib/toolbox as its working directory,
+you can run out of space if your root partition is not big enough.
+You can add a second drive to your COS instance and use it as the working
+directory of toolbox.  For example, the following code creates a second
+disk, attaches it to the instance, uses cloud-init to mount it on each
+reboot, and assigns it to toolbox:
+	# On your desktop:
+	$ gcloud compute disks create <your-disk> --size=200GB
+	$ gcloud compute instances attach-disk <your-instance> --disk <your-disk>
+	$ cat > user_data <<EOF
+	#cloud-config
+	bootcmd:
+	- if [ -z "$(sudo blkid /dev/sdb)" ]; then mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb; fi
+	- fsck.ext4 /dev/sdb
+	- mkdir -p /mnt/disks/sdb
+	- mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb /mnt/disks/sdb
+	$ gcloud compute instances add-metadata <your-instance> --metadata-from-file=user-data=user_data
+	# On your COS instance:
+	$ echo TOOLBOX_DIRECTORY="/mnt/disks/sdb" >> $HOME/.toolboxrc
+	$ sudo reboot
+info() {
+	if [[ -n "${*}" ]]; then
+		echo -e "${BLUE_S}INFO: ${*}${ANSI_E}" >&2
+	else
+		echo
+	fi
+warn() {
+	if [[ "${ECHO}" != ":" ]]; then
+		echo -e "${PURPLE_S}WARNING: ${*}${ANSI_E}" >&2
+	fi
+error() {
+	echo -e "${RED_S}ERROR: ${*}${ANSI_E}" >&2
+fatal() {
+	error "${@}"
+	if ${NO_DISK_SPACE}; then
+		help_disk_space
+	fi
+	exit 1
+main "${@}"