changelog: Added

Added with brief description, usage examples, and output explanation.


Change-Id: Ie6b687e5694634f6d2460be8646cec27f3ec5507
diff --git a/src/cmd/changelog/ b/src/cmd/changelog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56953ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/changelog/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# COS Changelog
+An application that generates a changelog between 2 build numbers based on the commit difference between them.
+## Usage
+Run with `./changelog [global_options] source_build_number target_build_number`
+Example: `./changelog --instance --repo cos/manifest-snapshots 15037.0.0 15045.0.0`
+## Commands
+`./changelog --help` to see a list of commands or get help for one command
+## Global Options
+`--instance | -i`: (optional) Specifies the Git on Borg instance where manifest-snapshot files are located. It will use "" by default if not specified.
+`--repo | -r`: (optional) Specifies the repository for manifest-snapshot files within the Git on Borg instance. It will use "cos/manifest-snapshots" if not specified.
+## Output
+Creates 2 JSON files representing the changelog between 2 given build numbers. Each output file maps repositories to their repository changelog. A repository changelog consists of all the commits in a repository that were present in between the build numbers.
+All the commits that were present in the target build number and not present in the source build number are located in `source_build_number -> target_build_number.json`.
+All commits that were present in the source build number but not present in the target build number are located in `target_build_num -> source_build_num.json`.
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