blob: 3a034e97407e03279dba216a348d12f21057085c [file] [log] [blame]
package builder
import (
const (
linkerLocation = "/bin/ld"
patchDir = "/build/patches"
installDirTemplate = "/install/%s"
defaultFilePermission = 0755
kernelSrcTemplate = "usr/src/linux-headers-*"
func kernelSrcDirectory(dirName string) string {
files, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(dirName, kernelSrcTemplate))
if err != nil || len(files) != 1 {
return ""
return files[0]
func nvidiaInstallerBuildCommand(dirName, runfile string, config gpuconfig.GPUPrecompilationConfig) *exec.Cmd {
cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(dirName, runfile), "--kernel-source-path="+kernelSrcDirectory(dirName), "--add-this-kernel", "--no-install-compat32-libs", "--silent", "--accept-license")
cmd.Dir = dirName
return cmd
func nvidiaInstallerPatchCommand(dirName, runfile, patchDir, patchfile string) *exec.Cmd {
cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(dirName, runfile), "--apply-patch", filepath.Join(patchDir, patchfile))
cmd.Dir = dirName
return cmd
func BuildPrecompiledDriver(ctx context.Context, client *storage.Client, config gpuconfig.GPUPrecompilationConfig) (string, string, error) {
var err error
dirName := fmt.Sprintf(installDirTemplate, config.Version)
if err = os.MkdirAll(dirName, defaultFilePermission); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create installation dir: %v", err)
downloader := gpuconfig.NewGPUArtifactsDownloader(client, config)
// download NVIDIA runfile
var nvidiaInstaller string
if nvidiaInstaller, err = downloader.DownloadNVIDIARunfile(ctx, dirName); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("failed to download NVIDIA runfile: %v", err)
// install kernel headers and toolchain
// sets SYSROOT and PATH env vars
if err = cos.InstallCrossToolchain(ctx, downloader, dirName); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("failed to install toolchain: %v", err)
// set CC CXX env vars from toolchain_env
if err = cos.SetCompilationEnv(ctx, downloader); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("failed to set compilation env vars: %v", err)
// create symlink to ld - required by NVIDIA driver package
if err = cos.ForceSymlinkLinker(filepath.Join(dirName, linkerLocation)); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create symlink to COS linker: %v", err)
cc := os.Getenv("CC")
if cc == "" {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("failed to find CC in env")
} else {
// create a wrapper removing -Werror=strict-prototypes from the CC command line.
if err = cos.AddCCWrapperToPath(dirName, dirName, cc); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create CC wrapper: %v", err)
// run NVIDIA driver package
if err = os.Chmod(filepath.Join(dirName, nvidiaInstaller), defaultFilePermission); err != nil {
return "", "", err
// TODO: add driver patches arg to pb.COSGPUBuildRequest
// hardcoded list for known patches for now.
patches := patchesForDriverBuild(config)
for _, patch := range patches {
cmd := nvidiaInstallerPatchCommand(dirName, nvidiaInstaller, patchDir, patch)
if err := utils.RunCommandAndLogOutput(cmd, false); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("error applying provided patch to NVIDIA driver package: %v", err)
patchedInstaller := strings.Split(nvidiaInstaller, ".run")[0] + ""
if err := os.Rename(filepath.Join(dirName, patchedInstaller), filepath.Join(dirName, nvidiaInstaller)); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("error moving patched NVIDIA driver package: %v", err)
cmd := nvidiaInstallerBuildCommand(dirName, nvidiaInstaller, config)
if err = utils.RunCommandAndLogOutput(cmd, false); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("error running NVIDIA driver installation package: %v", err)
outputFileName := strings.Split(nvidiaInstaller, ".run")[0] + ""
return dirName, outputFileName, nil
func patchesForDriverBuild(config gpuconfig.GPUPrecompilationConfig) []string {
pfnAffectedDriverVersions := []string{"470.199.02", "470.223.02", "525.125.06", "525.147.05", "535.104.05", "535.104.12", "535.129.03", "535.154.05"}
pfnAffectedMilestones := []string{"97", "101", "105"}
var patches []string
if utils.StringSliceContains(pfnAffectedDriverVersions, config.DriverVersion) && utils.StringSliceContains(pfnAffectedMilestones, config.Milestone) {
var kernelVersionDot string
if config.Milestone == "97" {
kernelVersionDot = "5.10"
} else {
kernelVersionDot = "5.15"
majorDriverVersion := strings.Split(config.DriverVersion, ".")[0]
patchFile := fmt.Sprintf("nvidia-drivers-%s-%s-gpl-pfn_valid.patch", majorDriverVersion, kernelVersionDot)
patches = append(patches, patchFile)
return patches