blob: 8b8013d11a409061a6cec95d30f63df452440983 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This package contains the error interface returned by changelog and
// findbuild packages. It includes functions to retrieve HTTP status codes
// from Gerrit and Gitiles errors, and functions to create ChangelogErrors
// relevant to the changelog and findbuild features.
package utils
import (
const (
cosGoBURL = ""
manifestRepo = "cos/manifest-snapshots"
type repo struct {
// The Git on Borg instance to query from.
InstanceURL string
// A value that points to the last commit for a build on a given repo.
// Acceptable values:
// - A commit SHA
// - A ref, ex. "refs/heads/branch"
// - A ref defined as n-th parent of R in the form "R-n".
// ex. "master-2" or "deadbeef-1".
// Source:
Committish string
func getHTTPClient() (*http.Client, error) {
creds, err := google.FindDefaultCredentials(context.Background(), gerrit.OAuthScope)
if err != nil || len(creds.JSON) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no application default credentials found - run `gcloud auth application-default login` and try again")
return oauth2.NewClient(oauth2.NoContext, creds.TokenSource), nil
// repoMap generates a mapping of repo name to instance URL and committish.
// This eliminates the need to track remote names and allows lookup
// of source committish when generating changelog.
func repoMap(manifest string) (map[string]*repo, error) {
if manifest == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("repoMap: manifest data is empty")
doc := etree.NewDocument()
if err := doc.ReadFromString(manifest); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("repoMap: error parsing manifest xml:\n%v", err)
root := doc.SelectElement("manifest")
// Parse each <remote fetch=X name=Y> tag in the manifest xml file.
// Extract the "fetch" and "name" attributes from each remote tag, and map the name to the fetch URL.
remoteMap := make(map[string]string)
for _, remote := range root.SelectElements("remote") {
url := strings.Replace(remote.SelectAttr("fetch").Value, "https://", "", 1)
remoteMap[remote.SelectAttr("name").Value] = url
// Parse each <project name=X remote=Y revision=Z> tag in the manifest xml file.
// Extract the "name", "remote", and "revision" attributes from each project tag.
// Some projects do not have a "remote" attribute.
// If this is the case, they should use the default remoteURL.
if root.SelectElement("default").SelectAttr("remote") != nil {
remoteMap[""] = remoteMap[root.SelectElement("default").SelectAttr("remote").Value]
repos := make(map[string]*repo)
for _, project := range root.SelectElements("project") {
repos[project.SelectAttr("name").Value] = &repo{
InstanceURL: remoteMap[project.SelectAttrValue("remote", "")],
Committish: project.SelectAttr("revision").Value,
return repos, nil
func TestDownloadManifest(t *testing.T) {
tests := map[string]struct {
ManifestRepo string
BuildNum string
ShouldError bool
"master branch": {
ManifestRepo: manifestRepo,
BuildNum: "15000.0.0",
ShouldError: false,
"release branch": {
ManifestRepo: manifestRepo,
BuildNum: "13310.1035.0",
ShouldError: false,
"invalid build": {
ManifestRepo: manifestRepo,
BuildNum: "1.1551226.0",
ShouldError: true,
"invalid manifest repo": {
ManifestRepo: manifestRepo,
BuildNum: "1.1551226.0",
ShouldError: true,
httpClient, _ := getHTTPClient()
gobClient, _ := gitiles.NewRESTClient(httpClient, cosGoBURL, false)
for name, test := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := DownloadManifest(gobClient, test.ManifestRepo, test.BuildNum)
if (err != nil) != test.ShouldError {
ShouldError := "no error"
if test.ShouldError {
ShouldError = "some error"
t.Fatalf("expected %s, got: %v", ShouldError, err)
if !test.ShouldError {
_, err = repoMap(resp.Contents)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected parsable manifest file, got %v while attempting to parse response", err)
func TestCommits(t *testing.T) {
tests := map[string]struct {
Repo string
SHA string
AncestorSHA string
QuerySize int
ShouldError bool
MoreCommits bool
"no ancestor": {
Repo: "cos/cobble",
SHA: "a910c096139769e35720174069e81e89bf90fdc6",
QuerySize: -1,
"ancestor specified": {
Repo: "cos/cobble",
SHA: "a910c096139769e35720174069e81e89bf90fdc6",
AncestorSHA: "30a49d0373138996adcd90f80a5adfba9a342c6d",
QuerySize: -1,
"query size": {
Repo: "third_party/kernel",
SHA: "f8649a7408c63f53937e33b0e8379679b0434849",
QuerySize: 15000,
MoreCommits: true,
"incorrect repo": {
Repo: "not/arepo",
SHA: "a910c096139769e35720174069e81e89bf90fdc6",
QuerySize: -1,
ShouldError: true,
"nonexistant-SHA": {
Repo: manifestRepo,
SHA: "a910c096139769e35720174069e81e89bddddddd",
ShouldError: true,
httpClient, _ := getHTTPClient()
gobClient, _ := gitiles.NewRESTClient(httpClient, cosGoBURL, false)
for name, test := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
commits, moreCommits, err := Commits(gobClient, test.Repo, test.SHA, test.AncestorSHA, test.QuerySize)
if (err != nil) != test.ShouldError {
ShouldError := "no error"
if test.ShouldError {
ShouldError = "some error"
t.Fatalf("expected %s, got: %v", ShouldError, err)
if !test.ShouldError {
switch {
case len(commits) == 0:
t.Fatalf("expected non-empty commits list, got empty list")
case test.QuerySize != -1 && len(commits) > test.QuerySize:
t.Fatalf("expected commits list of at most %d commits, got commits list with %d commits", test.QuerySize, len(commits))
case moreCommits != test.MoreCommits:
t.Fatalf("expected moreCommits = %v, got moreCommits = %v", test.MoreCommits, moreCommits)
case commits[0].Id != test.SHA:
t.Fatalf("expected commits list to start with commit %s, got %s as starting commit", test.SHA, commits[0].Id)