blob: 4f32607812f5b6a9fb5c70743899f1db1208e0fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This package returns the build number of the first build containing
// a specified CL. It accepts any value that identifies a unique CL,
// such as a CL Number or Commit SHA.
// This package uses information from Gerrit and Git on Borg to complete a
// request. To locate the first build containing a CL, the package first
// queries Gerrit for the commit SHA, repository, release branch, and
// submission time of the user-provided CL. It then retrieves a list of
// commits that were submitted in the manifest repository under the same
// release branch. It narrows down the commit list to all commits that were
// made within 5 days of the CL submission, and downloads/parses each manifest
// file created within this time range concurrently. Each thread retrieves
// the commit SHA associated with the CL's repository and branch in the
// manifest file, and maps it to the manifest file's build number. It creates
// a repository changelog between the first and last commit SHA in the window,
// and traverses the changelog until it encounters the target CL. It then
// continues traversing until it encounters a commit SHA that exists in the
// build mapping. This is the first build containing the CL, and is returned.
package findbuild
import (
log ""
gitilesApi ""
gitilesProto ""
const (
// Number of days after CL submission to search for CL landing
endBuildTime = 5
// Maximum time to wait for a response from a Gerrit or Gitiles request
requestMaxAge = 30 * time.Second
var (
// clReleaseMapping is used to handle special cases where a CL's branch
// name does not map to a branch in the manifest repository.
clReleaseMapping = map[string]struct {
// releaseRe is the regexp used to retrieve the release branch name
// from a CL branch name
releaseRe *regexp.Regexp
// defaultRelease is the release branch that will be used if there is
// no regexp match
defaultRelease string
"third_party/kernel": {
releaseRe: regexp.MustCompile("(.*)-cos-.*"),
defaultRelease: "master",
// BuildRequest is the input struct for the FindBuild function
type BuildRequest struct {
// HttpClient is a authorized http.Client object with Gerrit scope.
HTTPClient *http.Client
// GerritHost is the Gerrit instance to query from.
// ex. ""
GerritHost string
// GitilesHost is the GoB instance to query from.
// It should contain the manifest repository
// ex. "" (note the lack of https://)
GitilesHost string
// ManifestRepo is the repository the manifest.xml files are located in.
// ex. "cos/manifest-snapshots"
ManifestRepo string
// RepoPrefix is the prefix that will be added to the repository name
// when querying GoB using the repository listed in a Gerrit CL.
// For example, if a CL in Gerrit is for a change in the
// "chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay" repository, specifying a prefix
// of "mirrors/cros" will instruct this package to search in the repository
// "mirrors/cros/chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay". This is useful if
// your GerritHost and GitilesHost are not a part of the same instance.
RepoPrefix string
// CL can be either the CL number or commit SHA of your target CL
// ex. 3741 or If9f774179322c413fa0fd5ebb3dd615c5b22cd6c
CL string
// BuildResponse is the output struct for the FindBuild function
type BuildResponse struct {
BuildNum string
CLNum string
type clData struct {
CLNum string
Project string
Release string
Branch string
Revision string
Time time.Time
type repoData struct {
Candidates map[string]string
SourceSHA string
TargetSHA string
RemoteURL string
type manifestResponse struct {
BuildNum string
SHA string
RemoteURL string
Err error
// queryCL retrieves the list of CLs matching a query from Gerrit
func queryCL(client *gerrit.Client, clID string) (*gerrit.Change, utils.ChangelogError) {
log.Debug("Retrieving CL List from Gerrit")
queryOptions := gerrit.ChangeQueryParams{
Query: clID,
N: 1,
Options: []string{"CURRENT_REVISION"},
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), requestMaxAge)
defer cancel()
clList, _, err := client.ChangeQuery(ctx, queryOptions)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("queryCL: Error retrieving change for input %s:\n%v", clID, err)
httpCode := utils.GerritErrCode(err)
return nil, utils.FromFindBuildError(httpCode, clID)
if len(clList) == 0 {
log.Errorf("queryCL: CL with identifier %s not found", clID)
return nil, utils.FromFindBuildError("404", clID)
change := clList[0]
if change.ChangeID == clID {
log.Debugf("Provided CL identifier %s is a Change-ID, should be CL num or commit SHA", clID)
return nil, utils.FromFindBuildError("400", clID)
if change.Submitted == "" {
log.Debugf("Provided CL identifier %s maps to an unsubmitted CL", clID)
return nil, utils.FromFindBuildError("406", clID)
return change, nil
func getCLData(client *gerrit.Client, clID string, manifestPrefix string) (*clData, utils.ChangelogError) {
log.Debugf("Retrieving CL data from Gerrit for changeID: %s", clID)
change, err := queryCL(client, clID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("Target CL found with SHA %s on repo %s, branch %s", change.CurrentRevision, change.Project, change.Branch)
parsedTime, parseErr := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000000", change.Submitted)
if parseErr != nil {
log.Errorf("getTargetData: Error parsing submission time %s for CL %d:\n%v", change.Submitted, change.ChangeNumber, err)
return nil, utils.InternalError
// If a repository has non-conventional branch names, need to convert the
// repository branch name to a release branch name
release := change.Branch
if rule, ok := clReleaseMapping[change.Project]; ok {
release = rule.defaultRelease
matches := rule.releaseRe.FindStringSubmatch(release)
if len(matches) == 2 {
release = matches[1]
return &clData{
CLNum: strconv.Itoa(change.ChangeNumber),
Project: manifestPrefix + change.Project,
Release: release,
Branch: change.Branch,
Revision: change.CurrentRevision,
Time: parsedTime,
}, nil
// candidateManifestCommits returns a list of commits to the manifest-snapshot
// repo that were committed within a time range from the target commit time, in
// reverse chronological order.
func candidateManifestCommits(client gitilesProto.GitilesClient, manifestRepo string, targetData *clData) ([]*git.Commit, utils.ChangelogError) {
log.Debugf("Retrieving all manifest snapshots committed within %d days of CL submission", endBuildTime)
allManifests, _, err := utils.Commits(client, manifestRepo, "refs/heads/"+targetData.Release, "", -1)
if err != nil {
httpCode := utils.GitilesErrCode(err)
return nil, utils.FromFindBuildError(httpCode, targetData.CLNum)
// Find latest commit that occurs before the target commit time.
// allManifests is in reverse chronological order.
left, right := 0, len(allManifests)-1
for left < right {
mid := (left + right) / 2
if allManifests[mid].Committer == nil {
log.Errorf("manifest %s has no committer", allManifests[mid].Id)
return nil, utils.InternalError
currDate := allManifests[mid].Committer.Time.AsTime()
if currDate.Before(targetData.Time) {
right = mid
} else {
left = mid + 1
earliestIdx := left
// Find the earliest commit that occurs one week after the target commit time.
// Don't have to reset right, since anything to the right is earlier.
left = 0
endDate := targetData.Time.AddDate(0, 0, endBuildTime)
for left < right {
mid := (left+right)/2 + 1
if allManifests[mid].Committer == nil {
log.Errorf("manifest %s has no committer", allManifests[mid].Id)
return nil, utils.InternalError
currDate := allManifests[mid].Committer.Time.AsTime()
if currDate.After(endDate) {
left = mid
} else {
right = mid - 1
latestIdx := right
if allManifests[earliestIdx].Committer.Time.AsTime().After(targetData.Time) {
return nil, utils.FromFindBuildError("404", targetData.CLNum)
return allManifests[latestIdx : earliestIdx+1], nil
// repoTags retrieves all tags belonging to a repository
func repoTags(client gitilesProto.GitilesClient, repo string) (*gitilesProto.RefsResponse, error) {
log.Debugf("Retrieving tags for repository %s", repo)
request := &gitilesProto.RefsRequest{
Project: repo,
RefsPath: "refs/tags",
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), requestMaxAge)
defer cancel()
res, err := client.Refs(ctx, request)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error retrieving tags:\n%v", err)
return nil, err
return res, nil
// candidateBuildNums returns a list of build numbers from a list of possible
// builds that a given CL could have landed in, in reverse chronological order.
// It first finds all possible commits to the manifest-snapshots repository that
// could be a candidate. It then retrieves a mapping of build number -> commit SHA,
// for all commits in the manifest repo, and compares it with the candidate
// list to create a list of build numbers.
func candidateBuildNums(client gitilesProto.GitilesClient, manifestRepo string, targetData *clData) ([]string, utils.ChangelogError) {
manifestCommits, utilErr := candidateManifestCommits(client, manifestRepo, targetData)
if utilErr != nil {
return nil, utilErr
tags, err := repoTags(client, manifestRepo)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("tagMapping: Failed to retrieve tags for project %s:\n%v", manifestRepo, err)
httpCode := utils.GerritErrCode(err)
return nil, utils.FromFindBuildError(httpCode, targetData.CLNum)
log.Debug("Retrieving associated build number for each manifest commit")
gitTagsMap := map[string]string{}
for tagRef, manifestSHA := range tags.Revisions {
gitTagsMap[manifestSHA] = tagRef
output := make([]string, len(manifestCommits))
for i, commit := range manifestCommits {
tag, ok := gitTagsMap[commit.Id]
if !ok {
log.Errorf("candidateBuildNums: No ref tag found for commit sha %s in repository %s", commit.Id, manifestRepo)
return nil, utils.InternalError
} else if len(tag) <= 10 {
log.Errorf("candidateBuildNums: Ref tag: %s for commit sha %s is malformed", tag, commit.Id)
return nil, utils.InternalError
// Remove refs/tags/ prefix for each git tag
output[i] = gitTagsMap[commit.Id][10:]
return output, nil
// manifestData retrieves the commit SHA and remote URL used in a particular build
// for the same repository and branch as the target CL.
func manifestData(client gitilesProto.GitilesClient, manifestRepo string, buildNum string, targetData *clData, out chan manifestResponse, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
response, err := utils.DownloadManifest(client, manifestRepo, buildNum)
log.Debugf("Parsing manifest for build %s", buildNum)
if err != nil {
out <- manifestResponse{Err: err}
doc := etree.NewDocument()
if err := doc.ReadFromString(response.Contents); err != nil {
out <- manifestResponse{Err: err}
root := doc.SelectElement("manifest")
// Parse each <remote fetch=X name=Y> tag in the manifest xml file.
// Extract the "fetch" and "name" attributes from each remote tag, and map the name to the fetch URL.
remoteMap := make(map[string]string)
for _, remote := range root.SelectElements("remote") {
url := strings.Replace(remote.SelectAttr("fetch").Value, "https://", "", 1)
remoteMap[remote.SelectAttr("name").Value] = url
if root.SelectElement("default").SelectAttr("remote") != nil {
remoteMap[""] = remoteMap[root.SelectElement("default").SelectAttr("remote").Value]
// Parse each <project> tag in the manifest xml file.
// Some projects do not have a "remote" attribute.
// If this is the case, they should use the default remoteURL.
output := manifestResponse{BuildNum: buildNum}
for _, project := range root.SelectElements("project") {
repo := project.SelectAttr("name").Value
branch := project.SelectAttrValue("dest-branch", "")
// Remove refs/heads/ prefix for branch if specified
if len(branch) > 0 {
branch = branch[11:]
if repo == targetData.Project && (branch == "" || branch == targetData.Branch) {
output.SHA = project.SelectAttr("revision").Value
output.RemoteURL = remoteMap[project.SelectAttrValue("remote", "")]
if output.SHA == "" || output.RemoteURL == "" {
out <- manifestResponse{Err: fmt.Errorf("manifestData: Repository associated with CL could not be found in manifest %s", buildNum)}
out <- output
// getRepoData retrieves information about the repository being modified by the
// CL. It retrieves candidate build numbers and their associated SHA, the
// the first and last SHA in the repository changelog, and the remote URL.
func getRepoData(client gitilesProto.GitilesClient, manifestRepo string, targetData *clData) (*repoData, utils.ChangelogError) {
buildNums, err := candidateBuildNums(client, manifestRepo, targetData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debug("Retrieving and parsing manifest file for each build")
buildOrder := map[string]int{}
for i, buildNum := range buildNums {
buildOrder[buildNum] = i * -1
output := repoData{Candidates: map[string]string{}}
shaChan := make(chan manifestResponse, len(buildNums))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, buildNum := range buildNums {
go manifestData(client, manifestRepo, buildNum, targetData, shaChan, &wg)
sourceOrder, targetOrder := len(buildNums), len(buildNums)*-1
for i := 0; i < len(buildNums); i++ {
curr := <-shaChan
if curr.Err != nil {
if output.RemoteURL != "" && output.RemoteURL != curr.RemoteURL {
log.Errorf("getRepoData: Remote URL for repository %s changed in build %s", targetData.Project, curr.BuildNum)
return nil, utils.InternalError
output.RemoteURL = curr.RemoteURL
// Since a manifest file may not use the repository/branch used by a
// CL, need to select the earliest/latest builds that do
if buildOrder[curr.BuildNum] > targetOrder {
output.TargetSHA = curr.SHA
targetOrder = buildOrder[curr.BuildNum]
if buildOrder[curr.BuildNum] < sourceOrder {
output.SourceSHA = curr.SHA
sourceOrder = buildOrder[curr.BuildNum]
if storedBuild, ok := output.Candidates[curr.SHA]; !ok || buildOrder[curr.BuildNum] < buildOrder[storedBuild] {
output.Candidates[curr.SHA] = curr.BuildNum
if len(output.Candidates) == 0 {
log.Debugf("getRepoData: No builds found for CL %s", targetData.CLNum)
return nil, utils.FromFindBuildError("404", targetData.CLNum)
return &output, nil
// firstBuild retrieves the earliest build containing the target CL from a map
// of candidate builds.
func firstBuild(changelog []*git.Commit, targetData *clData, candidates map[string]string) (string, utils.ChangelogError) {
log.Debug("Scanning changelog for first build")
targetIdx := -1
for i, commit := range changelog {
if commit.Id == targetData.Revision {
targetIdx = i
if targetIdx == -1 {
return "", utils.FromFindBuildError("404", targetData.CLNum)
for i := targetIdx; i >= 0; i-- {
currSHA := changelog[i].Id
if buildNum, ok := candidates[currSHA]; ok {
return buildNum, nil
return "", utils.FromFindBuildError("404", targetData.CLNum)
// FindBuild locates the first build that a CL was introduced to.
func FindBuild(request *BuildRequest) (*BuildResponse, utils.ChangelogError) {
log.Debugf("Fetching first build for CL: %s", request.CL)
start := time.Now()
if request == nil {
log.Error("expected non-nil request")
return nil, utils.InternalError
gerritClient, err := gerrit.NewClient(request.HTTPClient, request.GerritHost)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to establish Gerrit client for host %s:\n%v", request.GerritHost, err)
return nil, utils.InternalError
gitilesClient, err := gitilesApi.NewRESTClient(request.HTTPClient, request.GitilesHost, true)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to establish Gitiles client for host %s:\n%v", request.GitilesHost, err)
return nil, utils.InternalError
clData, clErr := getCLData(gerritClient, request.CL, request.RepoPrefix)
if clErr != nil {
return nil, clErr
repoData, clErr := getRepoData(gitilesClient, request.ManifestRepo, clData)
if clErr != nil {
return nil, clErr
// The remote URL for a repo may not be the same as the manifest remote URL
if request.GitilesHost != repoData.RemoteURL {
log.Debugf("Repository is located in different GoB host, setting gitiles client to URL: %s", repoData.RemoteURL)
gitilesClient, err = gitilesApi.NewRESTClient(request.HTTPClient, repoData.RemoteURL, true)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to establish Gitiles client for host %s:\n%v", repoData.RemoteURL, err)
return nil, utils.InternalError
changelog, _, err := utils.Commits(gitilesClient, clData.Project, repoData.TargetSHA, repoData.SourceSHA, -1)
if err != nil {
httpCode := utils.GerritErrCode(err)
return nil, utils.FromFindBuildError(httpCode, clData.CLNum)
buildNum, clErr := firstBuild(changelog, clData, repoData.Candidates)
if clErr != nil {
return nil, clErr
log.Debugf("Retrieved first build for CL: %s in %s\n", request.CL, time.Since(start))
return &BuildResponse{
BuildNum: buildNum,
CLNum: clData.CLNum,
}, nil