blob: c0b7aeabeddfd8752a129ca0e4618f0cf074bed2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package cloudlogger provides functionality to log text or json data to
// Google Cloud logging backend.
package cloudlogger
import (
log ""
const defaultCommandTimeout = 300 * time.Second
// componentInfo contains Name and Metrics fields similar to Name and Metrics
// fields that each profiler component has. componentInfo helps to export
// component fields to log them to Google Cloud Logging backend.
type componentInfo struct {
Name string
Metrics *profiler.USEMetrics
// LoggerOpts contains the options supported when logging the Profiler Report
// to Google Cloud Logging backend.
type LoggerOpts struct {
// Specifies the project ID to write logs to.
ProjID string
// Specifies raw commands for which to log output.
Command string
// Specifies the number of times to run an arbitrary shell command.
CmdCount int
// Specifies the interval separating the number of times the user runs
// an arbitrary shell command.
CmdInterval time.Duration
// Specifies the amount of time it will take for the a raw shell command to
// timeout.
CmdTimeOut time.Duration
// Specifies the number of times to run the profiler.
ProfilerCount int
// Specifies the interval the profiler will run.
ProfilerInterval time.Duration
// Components on which to run profiler. It may contain CPU(s), Memory, etc.
Components []profiler.Component
// ProfilerCmds field specifies additional options needed to run the profiler
ProfilerCmds []profiler.Command
// TextLogger defines the method required to log a text string to Google Cloud
// logging backend.
type TextLogger interface {
Printf(text string, a ...interface{})
// StructuredLogger defines the method required to log anything that can be
// marshaled to JSON to Google Cloud logging backend and the method that blocks
// buffered log entries until previous log entries are sent to Google Cloud
// logging backend.
type StructuredLogger interface {
Log(l logging.Entry)
Flush() error
// Validate ensures that options are correctly set. If they aren't, the method
// returns a list of error messages encountered. To log the output of a shell
// command, the user must specify both the command, command count and interval
// configurations which specify the command, how often to log its output and the
// interval in seconds. By default, the commands will timeout after 300 seconds
// unless the user specified a different value using the commandTimeout
// configuration. Similarly, to run the profiler, the user must specify a
// ProfilerCount configuration if a ProfilerInterval configuration was specified.
func (l *LoggerOpts) Validate() error {
// A valid project ID must be provided.
if l.ProjID == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid Logger options: cannot run profiler tool if the Cloud Logging Project ID is not set")
// To run the profiler, the profilerCount configuration has to be set if
// profilerInterval configuration is set.
if l.ProfilerCount == 0 && l.ProfilerInterval != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid Logger options: cannot set ProfilerInterval if ProfilerCount is not set")
// if the command configuration is nil, ensure CmdCount, CmdInterval, and
// CmdTimeOut configurations are all 0.
if l.Command == "" {
if l.CmdCount != 0 || l.CmdInterval != 0 || l.CmdTimeOut != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid Logger options: CmdCount, CmdInterval and CmdTimeout should not be set if Command is not set")
} else {
// if the the command configuration was set, but the user did not specify
// when the command will timeout, then the CmdTimeOut configuration will be
// set to defaultCommandTimeout, which is 300 seconds.
if l.CmdTimeOut == 0 {
l.CmdTimeOut = defaultCommandTimeout
// if CmdCount config is not set, then CmdInterval must not be set.
if l.CmdCount == 0 && l.CmdInterval != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid Logger options: cannot set CmdInterval if CmdCount is not set")
// if the command configuration is set but no other options is set, run the
// command once.
if l.CmdCount == 0 && l.CmdInterval == 0 {
l.CmdCount = 1
return nil
// checkLogError returns nil if there was no error encountered while running the profiler/shell
// commands. If there was one or more error, a summary of errors encountered will be returned.
func checkLogError(emptyCmd bool, errArr []error) error {
if len(errArr) == 0 {
return nil
if emptyCmd == true {
return fmt.Errorf("encountered %v errors while running the profiler: %v", len(errArr), errArr)
return fmt.Errorf("encountered %v errors while running the profiler and shell commands: %v", len(errArr), errArr)
// LogText writes the string infoToLog to a logging backend by calling the
// `Printf` method defined by the TextLogger interface.
// To log some text to Google Cloud Logging backend , pass in an instance of
// type *log.Logger.
func LogText(g TextLogger, infoToLog string) error {
if infoToLog == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot log an empty string to Cloud Logging")
return nil
// logShellCmd writes a struct containing the name of an arbitrary shell
// command and its output to a logging backend by calling the `Log` method
// defined by the StructuredLogger interface. To Log a JSON Payload to Google
// Cloud Logging backend, pass in an instance of type *logging.Logger.
func logShellCommand(g StructuredLogger, cmdTimeOut time.Duration, cmd string, args ...string) error {
// fullCommand string includes a main command and its options.
// For `ps -aux` the cmd is `ps` the options are `-aux` thus the
// fullCommand `ps -aux`
var fullCommand string
// formating commandName to not include blank spaces.
if len(args) == 0 {
fullCommand = cmd
} else {
fullCommand = cmd + " " + strings.Join(args, " ")
// Timeout after cmdTimeOut seconds.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), cmdTimeOut)
defer cancel()
out, err := exec.CommandContext(ctx, cmd, args...).CombinedOutput()
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
err := "command timed out"
return fmt.Errorf("cannot log %v to Cloud Logging: %v", fullCommand, err)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot run %v command: %v", fullCommand, err)
entry := logging.Entry{
Payload: struct {
CommandName string
CommandOutput string
CommandName: fullCommand,
CommandOutput: string(out),
Severity: logging.Debug,
return nil
// logUSEReport writes a USEReport to a logging backend by calling the `Log`
// method defined by the StructuredLogger interface. To log a JSON Payload to
// Google Cloud Logging backend, pass in an instance of type *logging.Logger.
func logUSEReport(g StructuredLogger, useReport *profiler.USEReport) error {
if useReport == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot log an empty USEReport")
var cInfos []componentInfo
for _, c := range useReport.Components {
cInfos = append(cInfos, componentInfo{Name: c.Name(), Metrics: c.USEMetrics()})
entry := logging.Entry{
// Log anything that can be marshaled to JSON.
Payload: struct {
Components []componentInfo
Analysis string
Components: cInfos,
Analysis: useReport.Analysis,
Severity: logging.Debug,
return nil
// LogProfilerReport logs the output of logShellCommand and logUSEReport
// functions to a logger of type *logging.Logger. It takes as input the logger
// itself, and a pointer to a LoggerOpts struct that contains the shell command
// to execute, the number of time to execute that shell command, the interval
// between shell command executions, the time limit for shell command execution,
// the number of time to run the profiler tool, the interval between the number
// of times to run the profiler, and a profiler option struct that specify the
// component to generate USEReport for as well as any options associated to that
// component.
func LogProfilerReport(g StructuredLogger, opts *LoggerOpts) error {
var emptyCmd bool
errArr := []error{}
log.Info("Validating logger options . . .")
if err := opts.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("Done validating logger options.")
log.Info("Running Profiler . . .")
// Ensure logging entries are written to the cloud logging backend.
defer g.Flush()
// Run the profiler profCount times. The default value is 1 time unless user
// set the counter to a different number.
for i := 0; i < opts.ProfilerCount; i++ {
useReport, err := profiler.GenerateUSEReport(opts.Components, opts.ProfilerCmds)
if err != nil {
errArr = append(errArr, fmt.Errorf("cannot run profiler.GenerateUSEReport(%v) = %v", opts.Components, err))
if err := logUSEReport(g, &useReport); err != nil {
errArr = append(errArr, err)
// Delaying execution by profilerInterval seconds.
log.Info("Done running profiler.")
// Only log shell command if the user specified a command.
if len(opts.Command) == 0 {
emptyCmd = true
return checkLogError(emptyCmd, errArr)
emptyCmd = false
log.Info("Running shell command . . .")
// Fetching command from user input and populating the cmdArray
// with the main command and its flags.
cmdArray := strings.Split(opts.Command, " ")
usrMainCmd := cmdArray[0]
usrMainCmdFlags := cmdArray[1:]
for i := 0; i < opts.CmdCount; i++ {
if err := logShellCommand(g, opts.CmdTimeOut, usrMainCmd, usrMainCmdFlags...); err != nil {
errArr = append(errArr, err)
// Delaying execution by cmdInterval seconds.
log.Infof("Done running shell command.")
return checkLogError(emptyCmd, errArr)