blob: 86730b1b59a43b3a738e5260b8231e30ce000722 [file] [log] [blame]
package profiler
import (
log ""
// Component interface defines functions that can be implemented by the
// system components to be used when collecting USE Metrics.
type Component interface {
// CollectUtilization calculates the utilization score of a component.
// It takes in a map of commands and uses it to get the parsed output
// for the commands it will specify.
CollectUtilization(cmdOutputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error
// CollectSaturation calculates the saturation value of a component.
// It takes in a map of commands and specifies the commands it
// needs to calculate saturation.
CollectSaturation(cmdOutputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error
// CollectErrors finds the errors in a component.
// It takes in a map of commands to their parsed output and uses that
// to specify which commands (and therefore output) it needs.
CollectErrors(cmdOutputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error
// USEMetrics returns the USEMetrics of the component.
USEMetrics() *USEMetrics
// Name returns the name of the component.
Name() string
// CPU holds information about the CPU component:
// name and USE Metrics collected.
type CPU struct {
name string
metrics *USEMetrics
// NewCPU holds information about the CPU component:
// this can be used to initialize CPU outside of the
// profiler package.
func NewCPU(name string) *CPU {
return &CPU{
name: name,
metrics: &USEMetrics{},
// Name returns the name of the CPU component.
func (c *CPU) Name() string {
// USEMetrics returns USEMetrics for the CPU component.
func (c *CPU) USEMetrics() *USEMetrics {
return c.metrics
// CollectUtilization calculates the utilization score for the CPU Component.
// It does this by summing the time spent running non-kernel code (user time),
// time spent running kernel code (system time), and time stolen from a vitual
// virtual machine (steal) to get the total CPU time spent servicing work.
// These values can be found on vmstat's 'us' (user), 'sy' (system), and 'st'
// (steal) columns.
func (c *CPU) CollectUtilization(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
cmd := "vmstat"
parsedOutput, ok := outputs[cmd]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing output for %q", cmd)
us, usPresent := parsedOutput["us"]
if !usPresent {
return fmt.Errorf("missing vmstat column 'us'")
sy, syPresent := parsedOutput["sy"]
if !syPresent {
return fmt.Errorf("missing vmstat column 'sy'")
st, stPresent := parsedOutput["st"]
if !stPresent {
return fmt.Errorf("missing vmstat column 'st'")
if len(us) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no vmstat report collected")
} else if len(us) == 1 {
err := "only averages values since last reboot were collected. To calculate utilization value" +
" reflecting current conditions of component, additional reports are needed"
return fmt.Errorf(err)
// ignore the first values of 'us', 'sy' and 'st' since they reflect averages
// since last reboot and can bring averages down
us = us[1:]
sy = sy[1:]
st = st[1:]
columns := [][]string{us, sy, st}
var total int
// loop over us, sy, st columns and sum their values
for _, column := range columns {
sum, err := utils.SumAtoi(column)
if err != nil {
return err
total += sum
count := len(us)
c.metrics.Utilization = math.Round((float64(total)/float64(count))*100) / 100
return nil
// calculateCPUCount gets the number of processors in the system.
// It does this by getting the value lscpu's "CPU(s)" row.
func (c *CPU) calculateCPUCount(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) (int, error) {
cmd := "lscpu"
parsedOutput, ok := outputs[cmd]
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("missing output for %q", cmd)
val, ok := parsedOutput["CPU(s)"]
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("missing lscpu row 'CPU(s)'")
count, err := strconv.Atoi(val[0])
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not convert %s to an int: %v", val[0], err)
return count, nil
// CollectSaturation calculates the saturation value for the CPU component.
// It does this by comparing the number of runnable processes with the number
// of CPUs in the system. If the number of processes (running or waiting) is
// greater than the CPU count, the CPU component is saturated. The value of
// runnable processes is found on vmstat's 'r' column and CPU count from
// lscpu's "CPU(s)" row.
func (c *CPU) CollectSaturation(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
cmd := "vmstat"
parsedOutput, ok := outputs[cmd]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing output for %q", cmd)
running, present := parsedOutput["r"]
if !present {
return fmt.Errorf("missing vmstat column 'r'")
if len(running) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no vmstat report collected")
} else if len(running) == 1 {
err := "only averages values since last reboot were collected. To calculate utilization value" +
" reflecting current conditions of component, additional reports are needed"
return fmt.Errorf(err)
// ignore the first values of 'r' since they reflect averages since last
// reboot and can bring the average down
running = running[1:]
// loop over the "r" column and sum the values
sum, err := utils.SumAtoi(running)
if err != nil {
return err
num := len(running)
runningProcs := sum / num
count, err := c.calculateCPUCount(outputs)
if err != nil {
return err
c.metrics.Saturation = runningProcs > count
return nil
// CollectErrors collects errors for the CPU component.
func (c *CPU) CollectErrors(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
// Not yet implemented.
return nil
// MemCap holds information about the Memory capacity component:
// name and USE Metrics collected.
type MemCap struct {
name string
metrics *USEMetrics
// NewMemCap holds information about the Memory capacity component:
// this can be used to initialize MemCap outside of the
// profiler package.
func NewMemCap(name string) *MemCap {
return &MemCap{
name: name,
metrics: &USEMetrics{},
// Name returns the name of the Memory capacity component.
func (m *MemCap) Name() string {
// USEMetrics returns USEMetrics for the Memory capacity component.
func (m *MemCap) USEMetrics() *USEMetrics {
return m.metrics
// CollectUtilization calculates the utilization score for Memory Capacity.
// It does this by getting the quotient of used memory (main and virtual)
// and total memory (main and virtual). The values for main memory can be
// found on free's "Mem" row while virtual memory stats can be found on the
// "Swap" row. To get the used and total values for each row, free's "used"
// and "total" columns are used.
func (m *MemCap) CollectUtilization(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
cmd := "free"
parsedOutput, ok := outputs[cmd]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing output for %q", cmd)
memUsed, muPresent := parsedOutput["Mem:used"]
if !muPresent {
return fmt.Errorf("missing free's Mem row and used column")
swapUsed, suPresent := parsedOutput["Swap:used"]
if !suPresent {
return fmt.Errorf("missing free's Swap row and used column")
memory := [][]string{memUsed, swapUsed}
var used int
for _, mem := range memory {
sum, err := utils.SumAtoi(mem)
if err != nil {
return err
used += sum
total, err := m.calculateTotalMemory(outputs)
if err != nil {
return err
m.metrics.Utilization = math.Round((float64(used)/float64(total))*1000) / 1000
return nil
// calculateTotalMemory calculates the total memory on the system.
// It does this by summing the total Main and total Swap memory which
// can be found on free's "Mem" row + "total" column, and "Swap" row +
// "total" column.
func (m *MemCap) calculateTotalMemory(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) (int, error) {
cmd := "free"
parsedOutput, ok := outputs[cmd]
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("missing output for %q", cmd)
memTotal, mtPresent := parsedOutput["Mem:total"]
if !mtPresent {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("missing free's Mem row and total column")
swapTotal, stPresent := parsedOutput["Swap:total"]
if !stPresent {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("missing free's Swap row and total column")
memory := [][]string{memTotal, swapTotal}
var total int
for _, mem := range memory {
sum, err := utils.SumAtoi(mem)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
total += sum
return total, nil
// CollectSaturation calculates the saturation value for Memory Capacity.
// It does this by checking whether the amount of memory being swapped in
// and out of the disks is significant. This indicates that the system is
// low on memory and the kernel is relying heavily on pages from the swap
// space on the disk. Here we define "significant" as the amount of swapped
// memory amounting to roughly 10% of the total memory." The values for
// memory swapped in and out of disks can be found on vmstat's 'si'
// (swapped in) and 'so' (swapped to) columns.
func (m *MemCap) CollectSaturation(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
cmd := "vmstat"
parsedOutput, ok := outputs[cmd]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing output for %q", cmd)
si, siPresent := parsedOutput["si"]
if !siPresent {
return fmt.Errorf("missing vmstat column 'si'")
so, soPresent := parsedOutput["so"]
if !soPresent {
return fmt.Errorf("missing vmstat column 'so'")
memory := [][]string{si, so}
var swaps int
for _, swap := range memory {
sum, err := utils.SumAtoi(swap)
if err != nil {
return err
swaps += sum
average := swaps / len(si)
total, err := m.calculateTotalMemory(outputs)
if err != nil {
return err
// ten percent of total memory
threshold := 0.1 * float64(total)
m.metrics.Saturation = float64(average) > threshold
return nil
// CollectErrors collects errors for the MemCap component.
func (m *MemCap) CollectErrors(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
// Not yet implemented.
return nil
// StorageDevIO holds information about the Storage device I/O component:
// name and USE Metrics collected.
type StorageDevIO struct {
name string
metrics *USEMetrics
// NewStorageDevIO holds information about the Storage device I/O component:
// this can be used to initialize Storage device I/O outside of the
// profiler package.
func NewStorageDevIO(name string) *StorageDevIO {
return &StorageDevIO{
name: name,
metrics: &USEMetrics{},
// Name returns the name of the Storage device I/O component.
func (d *StorageDevIO) Name() string {
// USEMetrics returns USEMetrics for the Storage Device I/O Component.
func (d *StorageDevIO) USEMetrics() *USEMetrics {
return d.metrics
// CollectUtilization collects the utilization score for the StorageDevIO component.
// It does this by getting the percentage of elapsed time during which I/O requests
// were issued to the devices. This value can be found on iostat's '%util' column.
func (d *StorageDevIO) CollectUtilization(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
cmd := "iostat"
parsedOutput, ok := outputs[cmd]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing output for %q", cmd)
util, ok := parsedOutput["%util"]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("mising iostat column util")
total, err := utils.SumParseFloat(util)
if err != nil {
return err
average := total / float64(len(util))
d.metrics.Utilization = average
return nil
// CollectSaturation collects the saturation value for the StorageDevIO component.
// It does this by comparing the average queue length of requests that were issued
// to the device with 1. If the queue length is greater than 1, then the Storage Device
// component is saturated. The value for the average queue length can be found on
// iostat's 'aqu-sz' column.
func (d *StorageDevIO) CollectSaturation(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
cmd := "iostat"
parsedOutput, ok := outputs[cmd]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missig output for %q", cmd)
queue, ok := parsedOutput["aqu-sz"]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing iostat column 'aqu-sz'")
total, err := utils.SumParseFloat(queue)
if err != nil {
return err
average := total / float64(len(queue))
d.metrics.Saturation = average > 1
return nil
// CollectErrors collects errors for the Storage Device I/O component.
func (d *StorageDevIO) CollectErrors(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
// yet to be implemented
return nil
// StorageCap holds information about the Storage Capacity component:
// name and USE Metrics collected.
type StorageCap struct {
name string
metrics *USEMetrics
devices []string
// NewStorageCap holds information about the StorageCap component:
// this can be used to initialize StorageCap outside of the
// profiler package.
func NewStorageCap(name string) *StorageCap {
return &StorageCap{
name: name,
metrics: &USEMetrics{},
devices: []string{},
// sets the boot disk as default if no devices are specified
func (s *StorageCap) setDefaults() {
if len(s.devices) == 0 {
s.devices = []string{"/dev/sda"}
// CollectUtilization calculates the utilization value for Storage Capacity.
// It does this by getting disk usage of particular devices on the file system.
// Disk usage on a particular device can be found using the 'df' command by
// getting the 'Used' value of that device divided by its total size, found
// on the column specifying metrics of block size. In this case, this column is
// "1K-blocks", since "-k" was passed as a flag to 'df'. The devices to collect
// disk usage for are found on StorageCap's devices field. If this field is not
// set, "/dev/sda", i.e. the boot disk, is used as default.
func (s *StorageCap) CollectUtilization(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
// if devices are not set
dfCmd := "df"
parsedOutput, ok := outputs[dfCmd]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing output for %q", dfCmd)
usedBlocks, uPresent := parsedOutput["Used"]
if !uPresent {
return fmt.Errorf("missing df column 'Used'")
// total column is represented by the column displaying metrics of block size,
// in this case "1K-blocks"
totalBlocks, tPresent := parsedOutput["1K-blocks"]
if !tPresent {
return fmt.Errorf("missing df column '1K-blocks'")
fsystems, fsPresent := parsedOutput["Filesystem"]
if !fsPresent {
return fmt.Errorf("missing column 'Filesystem'")
// loop over all devices, if a device was specified by the struct,
// get its index and use that to find its "Used" and "total" values
var fUsed int
var fSize int
hasDevice := make([]bool, len(s.devices))
for index, fsystem := range fsystems {
for i, device := range s.devices {
if strings.HasPrefix(fsystem, device) {
// keep track of valid devices to collect statitics from
hasDevice[i] = true
s := usedBlocks[index]
val, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert %q to int: %v", val, err)
fUsed += val
s = totalBlocks[index]
val, err = strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert %q to int: %v", val, err)
fSize += val
// check if there are missing devices
for i, ok := range hasDevice {
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find the device %q", s.devices[i])
utiil := (float64(fUsed) / float64(fSize)) * 100
fsUtilization := math.Round((utiil)*100) / 100
s.metrics.Utilization = fsUtilization
return nil
// CollectSaturation collects the saturation value for Storage Capacity.
func (s *StorageCap) CollectSaturation(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
// Not yet implemented
return nil
// CollectErrors collects errors for the Storage Capacity component.
func (s *StorageCap) CollectErrors(outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
// Not yet implemented
return nil
func (s *StorageCap) USEMetrics() *USEMetrics {
return s.metrics
func (s *StorageCap) Name() string {
// CollectUSEMetrics collects USE Metrics for the component specified. It does this by calling
// the necessary methods to collect utilization, saturation and errors.
func CollectUSEMetrics(component Component, outputs map[string]utils.ParsedOutput) error {
metrics := component.USEMetrics()
metrics.Timestamp = time.Now()
start := metrics.Timestamp
var gotErr bool
if err := component.CollectUtilization(outputs); err != nil {
gotErr = true
log.Errorf("failed to collect utilization for %q: %v", component.Name(), err)
if err := component.CollectSaturation(outputs); err != nil {
gotErr = true
log.Errorf("failed to collect saturation for %q: %v", component.Name(), err)
end := time.Now()
metrics.Interval = end.Sub(start)
if gotErr {
err := "failed to collect all USE metrics for %q. " +
"Please check the logs for more information"
return fmt.Errorf(err, component.Name())
return nil
// GenerateUSEReport generates USE Metrics for all the components
// as well as an analysis string to help the diagnose performance issues.
func GenerateUSEReport(components []Component, cmds []Command) (USEReport, error) {
useReport := USEReport{Components: components}
outputs := make(map[string]utils.ParsedOutput)
for _, cmd := range cmds {
output, err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to run %q command: %v", cmd.Name(), err)
name := cmd.Name()
outputs[name] = output
var failed []string
for _, s := range components {
if err := CollectUSEMetrics(s, outputs); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to collect USE metrics for %q", s.Name())
failed = append(failed, s.Name())
if len(failed) != 0 {
err := "failed to generate USE report for %s components" +
"Please check the logs for more information"
return useReport, fmt.Errorf(err, failed)
return useReport, nil