blob: f59a206e3698665c1f0258d7eed84e17eb16c31d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This package contains the error interface returned by changelog and
// findbuild packages. It includes functions to retrieve HTTP status codes
// from Gerrit and Gitiles errors, and functions to create ChangelogErrors
// relevant to the changelog and findbuild features.
package utils
import (
var (
grpcCodeToHTTP = map[string]string{
codes.Unknown.String(): "500",
codes.InvalidArgument.String(): "400",
codes.NotFound.String(): "404",
codes.PermissionDenied.String(): "403",
codes.Unauthenticated.String(): "401",
codes.ResourceExhausted.String(): "429",
codes.FailedPrecondition.String(): "400",
codes.OutOfRange.String(): "400",
codes.Internal.String(): "500",
codes.Unavailable.String(): "503",
codes.DataLoss.String(): "500",
// ForbiddenError is a ChangelogError object indicating the user does not have
// permission to access a resource
ForbiddenError = &UtilChangelogError{
httpCode: "403",
header: "No Access",
err: "This account does not have access to internal repositories. Please retry with an authorized account, or select the external button to query from publically accessible sources.",
// InternalServerError is a ChangelogError object indicating an internal error
InternalServerError = &UtilChangelogError{
httpCode: "500",
header: "Internal Server Error",
err: "An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the requested information.",
gitiles403ErrMsg = "unexpected HTTP 403 from Gitiles"
gerritErrCodeRe = regexp.MustCompile("status code\\s*(\\d+)")
// ChangelogError is the error type used by the changelog and findbuild package
type ChangelogError interface {
HTTPCode() string
Header() string
HTMLError() string
Retryable() bool
// UtilChangelogError implements the ChangelogError interface
type UtilChangelogError struct {
httpCode string
header string
err string
htmlErr string
retryable bool
// HTTPCode retrieves the HTTP error code associated with the error
// ex. 400
func (e *UtilChangelogError) HTTPCode() string {
return e.httpCode
// Header retrieves the full HTTP status associated with the error
// ex. 400 Bad Request
func (e *UtilChangelogError) Header() string {
return e.header
// Error returns the error string
func (e *UtilChangelogError) Error() string {
return e.err
// HTMLError returns an HTML version of the error string
func (e *UtilChangelogError) HTMLError() string {
if e.htmlErr != "" {
return e.htmlErr
return e.Error()
// Retryable indicates whether increasing the search range
// could resolve this error
func (e *UtilChangelogError) Retryable() bool {
return e.retryable
func unwrapError(err error) error {
innerErr := err
for errors.Unwrap(innerErr) != nil {
innerErr = errors.Unwrap(innerErr)
return innerErr
func croslandLink(croslandURL, source, target string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/log/%s..%s", croslandURL, source, target)
// BothBuildsNotFound indicates that neither build was not found
func BothBuildsNotFound(croslandURL, source, target string) *UtilChangelogError {
return &UtilChangelogError{
httpCode: "404",
header: "Build Not Found",
err: strings.Join([]string{
"The builds associated with input",
"cannot be found. It may be possible that the inputs are either invalid or both belong",
"to pre-Cusky builds. If both of the inputs belong to pre-Cusky builds, note that this tool only supports changelogs",
"between Cusky builds. Otherwise, please input valid build numbers (example: 13310.1035.0) or valid image names",
"(example: cos-rc-85-13310-1034-0).",
}, " "),
htmlErr: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s and %s %s<br><br>%s %s <a href=%s target=\"_blank\">%s</a>. %s %s",
"The builds associated with input",
"could not be found.",
"It may be possible that the inputs are either invalid or both belong to pre-Cusky builds.",
"If both of the inputs belong to pre-Cusky builds, please check",
croslandLink(croslandURL, source, target),
croslandLink(croslandURL, source, target),
"Otherwise, please input valid build numbers",
"(example: 13310.1035.0) or valid image names (example: cos-rc-85-13310-1034-0).",
// BuildNotFound returns a ChangelogError object for changelog indicating
// the desired build could not be found
func BuildNotFound(buildNumber string) *UtilChangelogError {
return &UtilChangelogError{
httpCode: "404",
header: "Build Not Found",
err: strings.Join([]string{
"The build associated with input",
"cannot be found. It may be possible that the input is either invalid or belongs to a",
"pre-Cusky build. If you entered a pre-Cusky build number or image name, note that changelog between",
"pre-Cusky and Cusky builds are not supported. Otherwise, please input a valid build number",
"(example: 13310.1035.0) or a valid image name (example: cos-rc-85-13310-1034-0).",
}, " "),
htmlErr: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s<br><br>%s %s %s %s",
"The build associated with input",
"cannot be found.",
"It may be possible that either the input is either invalid or belongs to a",
"pre-Cusky build. If you entered a pre-Cusky build number or image name, note that changelog between",
"pre-Cusky and Cusky builds are not supported. Otherwise, please input a valid build number",
"(example: 13310.1035.0) or a valid image name (example: cos-rc-85-13310-1034-0).",
func clLink(clID, instanceURL string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<a href=\"%s/c/%s\" target=\"_blank\">CL %s</a>", instanceURL, clID, clID)
// CLNotFound returns a ChangelogError object for findbuild indicating the provided
// CL could not be found
func CLNotFound(clID string) *UtilChangelogError {
return &UtilChangelogError{
httpCode: "404",
header: "CL Not Found",
err: fmt.Sprintf("No CL was found matching the identifier: %s. Please enter either the CL-number (example: 3206) or a Commit-SHA (example: I7e549d7753cc7acec2b44bb5a305347a97719ab9) of a submitted CL.", clID),
// CLLandingNotFound returns a ChangelogError object for findbuild indicating
// no build was found containing a CL
func CLLandingNotFound(clID, instanceURL string) *UtilChangelogError {
errStrFmt := "No build was found containing %s."
link := clLink(clID, instanceURL)
return &UtilChangelogError{
httpCode: "406",
header: "No Build Found",
err: fmt.Sprintf(errStrFmt, "CL "+clID),
htmlErr: fmt.Sprintf(errStrFmt, link),
retryable: true,
// CLNotUsed returns a ChangelogError object for findbuild indicating
// that the repository and branch associated with a CL was not found in any
// manifest files
func CLNotUsed(clID, repo, branch, instanceURL string) *UtilChangelogError {
errStrFmt := "%s modifies the %s repository on the %s branch, which has not been used in COS builds since the CL's submission."
link := clLink(clID, instanceURL)
return &UtilChangelogError{
httpCode: "406",
header: "CL Not Used",
err: fmt.Sprintf(errStrFmt, "CL "+clID, repo, branch),
htmlErr: fmt.Sprintf(errStrFmt, link, repo, branch),
// CLTooRecent returns a ChangelogError object for findbuild indicating the provided
// CL could not be found
func CLTooRecent(clID, instanceURL string) *UtilChangelogError {
errStrFmt := "%s was submitted too recently to be included in any builds. Please wait a couple hours and try again."
link := clLink(clID, instanceURL)
return &UtilChangelogError{
httpCode: "406",
header: "CL Too Recent",
err: fmt.Sprintf(errStrFmt, "CL "+clID),
htmlErr: fmt.Sprintf(errStrFmt, link),
// CLNotSubmitted returns a ChangelogError object for findbuild indicating
// that the provided CL has not been submitted
func CLNotSubmitted(clID, instanceURL string) *UtilChangelogError {
errStrFmt := "%s has not been submitted yet. A CL will not enter any build until it is successfully submitted."
link := clLink(clID, instanceURL)
return &UtilChangelogError{
httpCode: "406",
header: "CL Not Submitted",
err: fmt.Sprintf(errStrFmt, "CL "+clID),
htmlErr: fmt.Sprintf(errStrFmt, link),
// CLInvalidRelease returns a ChangelogError object for findbuild indicating
// that the branch a CL was submitted in was not recognized as a release branch
func CLInvalidRelease(clID, release, instanceURL string) *UtilChangelogError {
errStrFmt := "%s maps to release %s, which is not a valid release"
link := clLink(clID, instanceURL)
return &UtilChangelogError{
httpCode: "406",
header: "Invalid Release Branch",
err: fmt.Sprintf(errStrFmt, "CL "+clID, release),
htmlErr: fmt.Sprintf(errStrFmt, link, release),
// GitilesErrCode parses a Gitiles error message and returns an HTTP error code
// associated with the error. Returns 500 if no error code is found.
func GitilesErrCode(err error) string {
err = unwrapError(err)
rpcStatus, ok := status.FromError(err)
if !ok {
return "500"
code, text := rpcStatus.Code(), rpcStatus.Message()
// RPC status code misclassifies 403 error as 500 error for Gitiles requests
if code == codes.Internal && text == gitiles403ErrMsg {
code = codes.PermissionDenied
if httpCode, ok := grpcCodeToHTTP[code.String()]; ok {
return httpCode
return "500"
// GerritErrCode parse a Gerrit error and returns an HTTP error code associated
// with the error. Returns 500 if no error code is found.
func GerritErrCode(err error) string {
err = unwrapError(err)
matches := gerritErrCodeRe.FindStringSubmatch(err.Error())
if len(matches) != 2 {
return "500"
return matches[1]