blob: aab605b42d627c99d1a1db4e431a413be2b572c4 [file] [log] [blame]
package input
import (
const gcsObjFormat = ".tar.gz"
const makeDirFilemode = 0700
const timeOut = "7200s"
const imageFormat = "vmdk"
const name = ""
const pathToKernelConfigs = "usr/src/linux-headers-4.19.112+/.config"
const pathToSysctlSettings = "/etc/sysctl.d/00-sysctl.conf" // Located in partition 3 Root-A
// ImageInfo stores all relevant information on a COS image
type ImageInfo struct {
// Input Overhead
TempDir string // Temporary directory holding the mounted image and disk file
DiskFile string // Path to the DOS/MBR disk partition file
StatePartition1 string // Path to mounted directory of partition #1, stateful partition
RootfsPartition3 string // Path to mounted directory of partition #3, Rootfs-A
EFIPartition12 string // Path to mounted directory of partition #12, EFI-System
LoopDevice1 string // Active loop device for mounted image
LoopDevice3 string // Active loop device for mounted image
LoopDevice12 string // Active loop device for mounted image
// Binary info
Version string // Major cos version
BuildID string // Minor cos version
PartitionFile string // Path to the file storing the disk partition structure from "sgdisk"
SysctlSettingsFile string // Path to the /etc/sysctrl.d/00-sysctl.conf file of an image
KernelCommandLine string // The kernel command line boot-time parameters stored in partition 12 efi/boot/grub.cfg
KernelConfigsFile string // Path to the ".config" file downloaded from GCS that holds a build's kernel configs
// Rename temporary directory and its contents once Version and BuildID are known
func (image *ImageInfo) Rename(flagInfo *FlagInfo) error {
if image.Version != "" && image.BuildID != "" {
fullImageName := "cos-" + image.Version + "-" + image.BuildID
if err := os.Rename(image.TempDir, fullImageName); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to rename directory %v to %v: %v", image.TempDir, fullImageName, err)
image.TempDir = fullImageName
if !flagInfo.LocalPtr {
image.DiskFile = filepath.Join(fullImageName, "disk.raw")
if image.StatePartition1 != "" {
image.StatePartition1 = filepath.Join(fullImageName, "stateful")
if image.RootfsPartition3 != "" {
image.RootfsPartition3 = filepath.Join(fullImageName, "rootfs")
if image.EFIPartition12 != "" {
image.EFIPartition12 = filepath.Join(fullImageName, "efi")
image.PartitionFile = filepath.Join(fullImageName, "partitions.txt")
image.KernelConfigsFile = filepath.Join(fullImageName, pathToKernelConfigs)
image.SysctlSettingsFile = filepath.Join(image.RootfsPartition3, pathToSysctlSettings)
return nil
// MountImage is an ImagInfo method that mounts partitions 1,3 and 12 of
// the image into the temporary directory
// Input:
// (string) arr - List of binary types selected from the user
// Output: nil on success, else error
func (image *ImageInfo) MountImage(arr []string) error {
if image.TempDir == "" {
return nil
if utilities.InArray("Stateful-partition", arr) {
stateful := filepath.Join(image.TempDir, "stateful")
if err := os.Mkdir(stateful, makeDirFilemode); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create make directory %v: %v", stateful, err)
image.StatePartition1 = stateful
loopDevice1, err := utilities.MountDisk(image.DiskFile, image.StatePartition1, "1")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to mount %v's partition #1 onto %v: %v", image.DiskFile, image.StatePartition1, err)
image.LoopDevice1 = loopDevice1
if utilities.InArray("Version", arr) || utilities.InArray("BuildID", arr) || utilities.InArray("Rootfs", arr) || utilities.InArray("Sysctl-settings", arr) || utilities.InArray("OS-config", arr) || utilities.InArray("Kernel-configs", arr) {
rootfs := filepath.Join(image.TempDir, "rootfs")
if err := os.Mkdir(rootfs, makeDirFilemode); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create make directory %v: %v", rootfs, err)
image.RootfsPartition3 = rootfs
loopDevice3, err := utilities.MountDisk(image.DiskFile, image.RootfsPartition3, "3")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to mount %v's partition #3 onto %v: %v", image.DiskFile, image.RootfsPartition3, err)
image.LoopDevice3 = loopDevice3
if utilities.InArray("Kernel-command-line", arr) {
efi := filepath.Join(image.TempDir, "efi")
if err := os.Mkdir(efi, makeDirFilemode); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create make directory %v: %v", efi, err)
image.EFIPartition12 = efi
loopDevice12, err := utilities.MountDisk(image.DiskFile, image.EFIPartition12, "12")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to mount %v's partition #12 onto %v: %v", image.DiskFile, image.EFIPartition12, err)
image.LoopDevice12 = loopDevice12
return nil
// GetGcsImage is an ImagInfo method that calls the GCS client api to
// download a COS image from a GCS bucket, unzips it, and mounts relevant
// partitions. ADC is used for authorization
// Input:
// (string) gcsPath - GCS "bucket/object" path for stored COS Image (.tar.gz file)
// Output: nil on success, else error
func (image *ImageInfo) GetGcsImage(gcsPath string) error {
if gcsPath == "" {
return nil
var gcsBucket, gcsObject string
if startOfBucket := strings.Index(gcsPath, "gs://"); startOfBucket < len(gcsPath)-5 {
gcsPath = gcsPath[startOfBucket+5:]
} else {
return errors.New("Error: Argument " + gcsPath + " is not a valid gcs path \"gs://<bucket>/<object_path>.tar.gz\"")
if startOfObject := strings.Index(gcsPath, "/"); startOfObject > 0 && startOfObject < len(gcsPath)-1 {
gcsBucket = gcsPath[:startOfObject]
gcsObject = gcsPath[startOfObject+1:]
} else {
return errors.New("Error: Argument " + gcsPath + " is not a valid gcs path \"gs://<bucket>/<object_path>.tar.gz\"")
tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(".", "tempDir") // Removed at end
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create temporary directory: %v", err)
image.TempDir = tempDir
tarFile, err := utilities.GcsDowndload(gcsBucket, gcsObject, image.TempDir, filepath.Base(gcsObject), true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to download GCS object %v from bucket %v: %v", gcsObject, gcsBucket, err)
_, err = exec.Command("tar", "-xzf", tarFile, "-C", image.TempDir).Output()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to unzip %v into %v: %v", tarFile, image.TempDir, err)
image.DiskFile = filepath.Join(image.TempDir, "disk.raw")
return nil
// GetLocalImage is an ImageInfo method that creates a temporary directory
// to loop device mount the disk.raw file stored on the local file system
// Input:
// (string) localPath - Local path to the disk.raw file
// Output: nil on success, else error
func (image *ImageInfo) GetLocalImage(localPath string) error {
if localPath == "" {
return nil
image.DiskFile = localPath
tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(".", "tempDir") // Removed at end
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create temporary directory: %v", err)
image.TempDir = tempDir
return nil
// steps holds GCE payload meta data
type steps struct {
Args [5]string `json:"args"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Env [1]string `json:"env"`
// gcePayload holds GCE's rest API payload
type gcePayload struct {
Timeout string `json:"timeout"`
Steps [1]steps `json:"steps"`
Tags [2]string `json:"tags"`
// gceExport calls the cloud build REST api that exports a public compute
// image to a specific GCS bucket.
// Input:
// (string) projectID - project ID of the cloud project holding the image
// (string) bucket - name of the GCS bucket holding the COS Image
// (string) image - name of the source image to be exported
// Output: nil on success, else error
func gceExport(projectID, bucket, image string) error {
// API Variables
gceURL := "" + projectID + "/builds"
destURI := "gs://" + bucket + "/" + image + "." + imageFormat
args := [5]string{"-timeout=" + timeOut, "-source_image=" + image, "-client_id=api", "-format=" + imageFormat, "-destination_uri=" + destURI}
env := [1]string{"BUILD_ID=$BUILD_ID"}
tags := [2]string{"gce-daisy", "gce-daisy-image-export"}
// Build API bodies
steps := [1]steps{{Args: args, Name: name, Env: env}}
payload := gcePayload{
Timeout: timeOut,
Steps: steps,
Tags: tags}
requestBody, err := json.Marshal(payload)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to json marshal GCE payload: %v", err)
resp, err := http.Post(gceURL, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(requestBody))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to make POST request: %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read returned POST request: %v", err)
return nil
// GetCosImage calls the cloud build api to export a public COS image to a
// a GCS bucket and then calls GetGcsImage() to download that image from GCS.
// ADC is used for authorization.
// Input:
// (*ImageInfo) image - A struct that holds the relevent
// CosCloudPath "bucket/image" and projectID for the stored COS Image
// Output: nil on success, else error
func (image *ImageInfo) GetCosImage(cosCloudPath, projectID string) error {
if cosCloudPath == "" {
return nil
cosArray := strings.Split(cosCloudPath, "/")
if len(cosArray) != 2 {
return errors.New("Error: Argument " + cosCloudPath + " is not a valid cos-cloud path (\"/\" separators)")
gcsBucket := cosArray[0]
publicCosImage := cosArray[1]
if err := gceExport(projectID, gcsBucket, publicCosImage); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to export %v cos image to GCS bucket %v: %v", publicCosImage, gcsBucket, err)
gcsPath := filepath.Join(gcsBucket, publicCosImage, gcsObjFormat)
if err := image.GetGcsImage(gcsPath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to download image stored on GCS for %v: %v", gcsPath, err)
return nil
// Cleanup is a ImageInfo method that removes a mounted directory & loop device
// Input:
// (*ImageInfo) image - A struct that holds the relevent info to clean up
// Output: nil on success, else error
func (image *ImageInfo) Cleanup() error {
if image.TempDir == "" {
return nil
if image.LoopDevice1 != "" {
if err := utilities.Unmount(image.StatePartition1, image.LoopDevice1); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmount mount directory %v and/or loop device %v: %v", image.StatePartition1, image.LoopDevice1, err)
if image.LoopDevice3 != "" {
if err := utilities.Unmount(image.RootfsPartition3, image.LoopDevice3); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmount mount directory %v and/or loop device %v: %v", image.RootfsPartition3, image.LoopDevice3, err)
if image.LoopDevice12 != "" {
if err := utilities.Unmount(image.EFIPartition12, image.LoopDevice12); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmount mount directory %v and/or loop device %v: %v", image.EFIPartition12, image.LoopDevice12, err)
if err := os.RemoveAll(image.TempDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete directory %v: %v", image.TempDir, err)
return nil