blob: 9e3e9617cff1fdaa514d1727315fe5bbc8f085f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// gpu_driver_versions.proto schema
syntax = "proto3";
package pb;
option go_package = ".;pb";
// Represents all the information about a GPU driver version.
// It contains the GPU driver version label (e.g., "default", "latest"), and the GPU driver version that is associated with that label.
message DriverVersion {
// GPU driver version label.
string label = 1;
// The driver version that is associated with this label.
string version = 2;
// more metadata about the driver version.
// Represents GPU driver version information for a specific GPU type, mapping from GPU type to GPU driver version information.
message GPUDriverVersionInfo
// GPU type.
string gpu_type = 1;
// A repeated field to hold list of GPU driver versions with the associated labels that are built by cos.
// it is something like: <{"latest","535.129.11"}, ...>
repeated DriverVersion supported_driver_versions = 2;
// Represents a list of GPU driver version information.
message GPUDriverVersionInfoList {
repeated GPUDriverVersionInfo gpu_driver_version_info = 1;