blob: c978fd49d26ac4da82aae524d5f20f4e60412c70 [file] [log] [blame]
package input
// FlagInfo holds input preference from the user
type FlagInfo struct {
// Args
Image1 string
Image2 string
// Input Types
LocalPtr bool
GcsPtr bool
CosCloudPtr bool
// Authentication
ProjectIDPtr string
// Binary
BinaryDiffPtr string
BinaryTypesSelected []string
// Package
PackageSelected bool
// Commit
CommitSelected bool
// Release Notes
ReleaseNotesSelected bool
// Verbosity of output
// If true, full Rootfs, Os-Config, and Stateful Partition output is shown.
// Else false (default), Rootfs and Stateful Partition directories listed on files
// pointed to by CompressRootfsFile and CompressStatefulFile respectively are compressed.
// For OS-configs difference, all /etc entries that are listed in CompressRootfsFile are ignored.
Verbose bool
// File used to compress directories in the output from Rootfs difference and
// for ignore entries under /etc for OS-Config difference
// (either user provided or default CompressRootfs.txt)
CompressRootfsFile string
// Slice of CompressRootfsFile
CompressRootfsSlice []string
// File used to compress directories in the output from Stateful-partition difference
// (either user provided or default CompressStateful.txt)
CompressStatefulFile string
// Slice of CompressRootfsFile
CompressStatefulSlice []string
// Output
OutputSelected string