blob: ca9cee12c56a7b377c6939143038b576ca45164d [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2024 The ChromiumOS Authors
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "2common.h"
#include "2rsa.h"
* Montgomery c[] = d[] - e[] if d[] > e[], c[] = d[] - e[] + n[] otherwise.
* Uses "Subtract with Carry" and "Add with Carry" instructions to optimize BigNum
* arithmetic. e[] will be overwritten with intermediate results.
static void sub_mod(uint32_t *c, uint32_t *ed, const uint32_t *n, const uint32_t arrsize)
uint32_t borrow, tmp1, tmp2, i;
/* e[] = d[] - e[] */
uint32_t size_clobber = arrsize;
uint32_t *ed_clobber = ed;
asm (
"subs wzr, wzr, wzr\n\t" /* init carry flag for subtraction */
"ldp %w[e], %w[d], [%[ed_ptr]]\n\t"
"sbcs %w[e], %w[d], %w[e]\n\t"
"str %w[e], [%[ed_ptr]], #8\n\t"
"sub %w[size], %w[size], #1\n\t"
"cbnz %w[size], 1b\n\t"
"cset %w[e], cc\n\t" /* "borrow" = carry flag is 0 (cleared) */
: [e] "=r" (borrow),
[d] "=r" (tmp1),
[size] "+r" (size_clobber),
[ed_ptr] "+r" (ed_clobber)
:: "cc", "memory"
if (borrow) {
/* e[] = e[] + n[] */
size_clobber = arrsize;
ed_clobber = ed;
asm volatile (
"adds wzr, wzr, wzr\n\t" /* init carry flag for addition */
"ldr %w[e], [%[ed_ptr]]\n\t"
"ldr %w[n], [%[n_ptr]], #4\n\t"
"adcs %w[e], %w[e], %w[n]\n\t"
"str %w[e], [%[ed_ptr]], #8\n\t"
"sub %w[size], %w[size], #1\n\t"
"cbnz %w[size], 1b\n\t"
: [e] "=r" (tmp1),
[n] "=r" (tmp2),
[size] "+r" (size_clobber),
[ed_ptr] "+r" (ed_clobber),
[n_ptr] "+r" (n)
:: "cc", "memory"
/* c[] = e[] */
for (i = 0; i < arrsize; i++)
c[i] = ed[i * 2];
* Montgomery c[] = a[] * b[] / R % mod (`ed` is a local scratch buffer)
* Algorithm according to and
static void mont_mult(uint32_t *c,
const uint32_t *a,
const uint32_t *b,
const uint32_t *n,
uint32_t *ed,
const uint32_t mu,
const uint32_t arrsize)
const uint32_t mub0 = mu * b[0];
uint32_t i;
memset(ed, 0, arrsize * sizeof(uint32_t) * 2);
for (i = 0; i < arrsize; i++) {
const uint32_t c0 = ed[1] - ed[0];
const uint32_t muc0 = mu * c0;
const uint32_t a_i = a[i];
const uint32_t q = muc0 + mub0 * a_i;
const uint32_t *n_clobber = n;
const uint32_t *b_clobber = b;
void *ed_clobber = ed;
uint32_t size_clobber = arrsize - 1;
asm volatile (
/* v4.2d = always contains [0, 0] (for idempotent Add High Narrow) */
"movi v4.2d, #0\n\t"
/* v3.2s = "mul" = [q, a[i]] */
"fmov s3, %w[q]\n\t"
"mov v3.s[1], %w[a_i]\n\t"
/* v1.2s = "bmod" = [n[0], b[0]] */
"ldr s1, [%[n]], #4\n\t"
"ld1 {v1.s}[1], [%[b]], #4\n\t"
/* v2.2s = [e, d] */
"ldr d2, [%[ed]]\n\t"
"uxtl v2.2d, v2.2s\n\t"
/* v2.2d = "p01" = ed + bmod * mul */
"umlal v2.2d, v1.2s, v3.2s\n\t"
/* v2.2d = "t01" = MSB-half(p01) */
"addhn v2.2s, v2.2d, v4.2d\n\t"
/* for (j = 1; j < arrsize - 1; j++) */
/* v0.2d = zero-extend(ed + t01) */
"ldr d0, [%[ed], #8]\n\t"
"uaddl v0.2d, v0.2s, v2.2s\n\t"
/* v1.2s = "bmod" = [n[j], b[j]] */
"ldr s1, [%[n]], #4\n\t"
"ld1 {v1.s}[1], [%[b]], #4\n\t"
/* v0.2d = "p01" = ed[j] + t01 + bmod * mul */
"umlal v0.2d, v1.2s, v3.2s\n\t"
/* v2.2s = "t01" = MSB-half(p01) */
"addhn v2.2s, v0.2d, v4.2d\n\t"
/* store ed[j - 1] = LSB-half(p01) */
"xtn v0.2s, v0.2d\n\t"
"str d0, [%[ed]], #8\n\t"
"subs %w[size], %w[size], #1\n\t"
"b.hi 1b\n\t"
/* store ed[arrsize - 1] = final t01 */
"str d2, [%[ed]]\n\t"
: [ed] "+r" (ed_clobber),
[n] "+r" (n_clobber),
[b] "+r" (b_clobber),
[size] "+r" (size_clobber)
: [q] "r" (q),
[a_i] "r" (a_i)
: "v0", "v1","v2", "v3", "v4", "cc", "memory"
sub_mod(c, ed, n, arrsize);
static void swap_bignumber_endianness(const void *in, void *out, size_t size_bytes)
const void *in_end = in + size_bytes;
/* REV64 can only swap within each 8-byte half of the 16-byte register, so use a
transposed STP to do the final swap of the two halves afterwards. */
asm volatile (
"ldr q0, [%[in], #-16]!\n\t"
"rev64 v0.16b, v0.16b\n\t"
"mov d1, v0.d[1]\n\t"
"stp d1, d0, [%[out]], #16\n\t"
"subs %[size], %[size], #16\n\t"
"b.hi 1b\n\t"
: [in] "+r" (in_end),
[out] "+r" (out),
[size] "+r" (size_bytes)
:: "v0", "v1", "cc", "memory"
vb2_error_t vb2ex_hwcrypto_modexp(const struct vb2_public_key *key,
uint8_t *inout, void *workbuf,
size_t workbuf_size, int exp)
const uint32_t mu = -key->n0inv;
const uint32_t *n = key->n;
const uint32_t arrsize = key->arrsize;
uint32_t *a = workbuf;
uint32_t *aR = (void *)inout; /* Re-use location. */
uint32_t *aaR = a + arrsize;
uint32_t *aaa = aaR; /* Re-use location. */
uint32_t *ed = aaR + arrsize; /* 8-byte align guaranteed by VB2_WORKBUF_ALIGN */
uint32_t i;
if (exp != 65537 || arrsize % 16 != 0 ||
(void *)&ed[arrsize * 2] - workbuf > workbuf_size)
/* Convert from big endian byte array to little endian word array. */
swap_bignumber_endianness(inout, a, arrsize * sizeof(uint32_t));
mont_mult(aR, a, key->rr, n, ed, mu, arrsize); /* aR = a * RR / R mod M */
for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 2) {
mont_mult(aaR, aR, aR, n, ed, mu, arrsize); /* aaR = aR * aR / R mod M */
mont_mult(aR, aaR, aaR, n, ed, mu, arrsize); /* aR = aaR * aaR / R mod M */
mont_mult(aaa, aR, a, n, ed, mu, arrsize); /* aaa = aR * a / R mod M */
/* Convert back to bigendian byte array */
swap_bignumber_endianness(aaa, inout, arrsize * sizeof(uint32_t));
return VB2_SUCCESS;