| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| # Sign the final build image using the "official" keys. |
| # |
| # Prerequisite tools needed in the system path: |
| # |
| # futility (from src/platform/vboot_reference) |
| # vbutil_kernel (from src/platform/vboot_reference) |
| # vbutil_key (from src/platform/vboot_reference) |
| # cgpt (from src/platform/vboot_reference) |
| # dump_kernel_config (from src/platform/vboot_reference) |
| # verity (from src/platform/verity) |
| # load_kernel_test (from src/platform/vboot_reference) |
| # dumpe2fs |
| # sha1sum |
| # kms_signer, if KEY_ORIGIN == kms. |
| |
| # Load common constants and variables. |
| . "$(dirname "$0")/common.sh" |
| |
| # Print usage string |
| usage() { |
| cat <<EOF |
| Usage: $PROG <type> <key_origin> input_image /path/to/keys/dir [output_image] [version_file] |
| where <type> is one of: |
| base (sign a base image, similar to an SSD image) |
| update_payload (sign a delta update hash) |
| key_origin: "local" for local keys, or "kms" for Cloud KMS keys. |
| output_image: File name of the signed output image |
| version_file: File name of where to read the kernel and firmware versions. |
| |
| If you are signing an image, you must specify an [output_image] and |
| optionally, a [version_file]. |
| |
| EOF |
| if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then |
| error "$*" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| exit 0 |
| } |
| |
| # Verify we have as many arguments as we expect, else show usage & quit. |
| # Usage: |
| # check_argc <number args> <exact number> |
| # check_argc <number args> <lower bound> <upper bound> |
| check_argc() { |
| case $# in |
| 2) |
| if [[ $1 -ne $2 ]]; then |
| usage "command takes exactly $2 args" |
| fi |
| ;; |
| 3) |
| if [[ $1 -lt $2 || $1 -gt $3 ]]; then |
| usage "command takes $2 to $3 args" |
| fi |
| ;; |
| *) |
| die "check_argc: incorrect number of arguments" |
| esac |
| } |
| |
| # Abort on errors. |
| set -e |
| |
| # Add to the path since some tools reside here and may not be in the non-root |
| # system path. |
| PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin |
| |
| TYPE=$1 |
| KEY_DIR=$4 |
| |
| |
| # Make sure the tools we need are available. |
| prereqs=("${FUTILITY}" vbutil_kernel cgpt dump_kernel_config verity) |
| prereqs+=(load_kernel_test dumpe2fs sha1sum e2fsck) |
| if [[ "${KEY_ORIGIN}" == "kms" ]]; then |
| prereqs+=(kms_signer) |
| fi |
| for prereq in ${prereqs[@]}; do |
| type -P "${prereq}" &>/dev/null || \ |
| die "${prereq} tool not found." |
| done |
| |
| # TODO(gauravsh): These are duplicated from chromeos-setimage. We need |
| # to move all signing and rootfs code to one single place where it can be |
| # reused. crosbug.com/19543 |
| |
| # get_verity_arg <commandline> <key> -> <value> |
| get_verity_arg() { |
| echo "$1" | sed -n "s/.*\b$2=\([^ \"]*\).*/\1/p" |
| } |
| |
| # Get the dmparams parameters from a kernel config. |
| get_dmparams_from_config() { |
| local kernel_config=$1 |
| echo ${kernel_config} | sed -nre 's/.*dm="([^"]*)".*/\1/p' |
| } |
| # Get the verity root digest hash from a kernel config command line. |
| get_hash_from_config() { |
| local kernel_config=$1 |
| local dm_config=$(get_dmparams_from_config "${kernel_config}") |
| local vroot_dev=$(get_dm_slave "${dm_config}" vroot) |
| echo $(get_verity_arg "${vroot_dev}" root_hexdigest) |
| } |
| |
| # Get the slave device and its args |
| # get_dm_ags $dm_config [vboot|vroot] |
| # Assumes we have only one slave device per device |
| get_dm_slave() { |
| local dm=$1 |
| local device=$2 |
| echo $(echo "${dm}" | sed -nre "s/.*${device}[^,]*,([^,]*).*/\1/p") |
| } |
| |
| # Set the slave device and its args for a device |
| # get_dm_ags $dm_config [vboot|vroot] args |
| # Assumes we have only one slave device per device |
| set_dm_slave() { |
| local dm=$1 |
| local device=$2 |
| local slave=$3 |
| echo $(echo "${dm}" | |
| sed -nre "s#(.*${device}[^,]*,)([^,]*)(.*)#\1${slave}\3#p") |
| } |
| |
| # Calculate rootfs hash of an image |
| # |
| # rootfs calculation parameters are grabbed from KERNEL_CONFIG |
| # |
| # Updated dm-verity arguments (to be replaced in kernel config command line) |
| # with the new hash is stored in $CALCULATED_DM_ARGS and the new hash image is |
| # written to the file HASH_IMAGE. |
| calculate_rootfs_hash() { |
| local rootfs_image=$1 |
| local kernel_config=$2 |
| local hash_image=$3 |
| local dm_config=$(get_dmparams_from_config "${kernel_config}") |
| |
| if [ -z "${dm_config}" ]; then |
| warn "Couldn't grab dm_config. Aborting rootfs hash calculation." |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| local vroot_dev=$(get_dm_slave "${dm_config}" vroot) |
| |
| # Extract the key-value parameters from the kernel command line. |
| local rootfs_sectors=$(get_verity_arg "${vroot_dev}" hashstart) |
| local verity_algorithm=$(get_verity_arg "${vroot_dev}" alg) |
| local root_dev=$(get_verity_arg "${vroot_dev}" payload) |
| local hash_dev=$(get_verity_arg "${vroot_dev}" hashtree) |
| local salt=$(get_verity_arg "${vroot_dev}" salt) |
| |
| local salt_arg |
| if [ -n "$salt" ]; then |
| salt_arg="salt=$salt" |
| fi |
| |
| # Run the verity tool on the rootfs partition. |
| local slave=$(sudo verity mode=create \ |
| alg=${verity_algorithm} \ |
| payload="${rootfs_image}" \ |
| payload_blocks=$((rootfs_sectors / 8)) \ |
| hashtree="${hash_image}" ${salt_arg}) |
| # Reconstruct new kernel config command line and replace placeholders. |
| slave="$(echo "${slave}" | |
| sed -s "s|ROOT_DEV|${root_dev}|g;s|HASH_DEV|${hash_dev}|")" |
| CALCULATED_DM_ARGS="$(set_dm_slave "${dm_config}" vroot "${slave}")" |
| CALCULATED_KERNEL_CONFIG="$(echo "${kernel_config}" | |
| sed -e 's#\(.*dm="\)\([^"]*\)\(".*\)'"#\1${CALCULATED_DM_ARGS}\3#g")" |
| } |
| |
| # Re-calculate rootfs hash, update rootfs and kernel command line(s). |
| # |
| # The rootfs is hashed by tool 'verity', and the hash data is stored after the |
| # rootfs. A hash of those hash data (also known as final verity hash) may be |
| # contained in kernel 2 or kernel 4 command line. |
| # |
| # This function reads dm-verity configuration from KERNEL, rebuilds the rootfs |
| # hash, and then resigns kernel A & B by their keyblock and private key files. |
| update_rootfs_hash() { |
| local loopdev="$1" # Input image. |
| local loop_kern="$2" # Kernel that contains verity args. |
| local kern_a_keyblock="$3" # Keyblock file for kernel A. |
| local kern_a_privkey="$4" # Private key file for kernel A. |
| local kern_b_keyblock="$5" # Keyblock file for kernel B. |
| local kern_b_privkey="$6" # Private key file for kernel A. |
| local loop_rootfs="${loopdev}p3" |
| |
| # Note even though there are two kernels, there is one place (after rootfs) |
| # for hash data, so we must assume both kernel use same hash algorithm (i.e., |
| # DM config). |
| info "Updating rootfs hash and updating config for Kernel partitions" |
| |
| # If we can't find dm parameters in the kernel config, bail out now. |
| local kernel_config=$(sudo dump_kernel_config "${loop_kern}") |
| local dm_config=$(get_dmparams_from_config "${kernel_config}") |
| if [ -z "${dm_config}" ]; then |
| error "Couldn't grab dm_config from kernel ${loop_kern}" |
| error " (config: ${kernel_config})" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| # check and clear need_to_resign tag |
| local rootfs_dir=$(make_temp_dir) |
| sudo mount -o ro "${loop_rootfs}" "${rootfs_dir}" |
| if has_needs_to_be_resigned_tag "${rootfs_dir}"; then |
| # remount as RW |
| sudo mount -o remount,rw "${rootfs_dir}" |
| sudo rm -f "${rootfs_dir}/${TAG_NEEDS_TO_BE_SIGNED}" |
| fi |
| sudo umount "${rootfs_dir}" |
| |
| local hash_image=$(make_temp_file) |
| |
| # Disable rw mount support prior to hashing. |
| disable_rw_mount "${loop_rootfs}" |
| |
| if ! calculate_rootfs_hash "${loop_rootfs}" "${kernel_config}" \ |
| "${hash_image}"; then |
| error "calculate_rootfs_hash failed!" |
| error "Aborting rootfs hash update!" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| local rootfs_blocks=$(sudo dumpe2fs "${loop_rootfs}" 2> /dev/null | |
| grep "Block count" | |
| tr -d ' ' | |
| cut -f2 -d:) |
| local rootfs_sectors=$((rootfs_blocks * 8)) |
| |
| # Overwrite the appended hashes in the rootfs |
| sudo dd if="${hash_image}" of="${loop_rootfs}" bs=512 \ |
| seek=${rootfs_sectors} conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null |
| |
| # Update kernel command lines |
| local dm_args="${CALCULATED_DM_ARGS}" |
| local temp_config=$(make_temp_file) |
| local kernelpart= |
| local keyblock= |
| local priv_key= |
| local new_kernel_config= |
| |
| for kernelpart in 2 4; do |
| loop_kern="${loopdev}p${kernelpart}" |
| if ! new_kernel_config="$( |
| sudo dump_kernel_config "${loop_kern}" 2>/dev/null)" && |
| [[ "${kernelpart}" == 4 ]]; then |
| # Legacy images don't have partition 4. |
| info "Skipping empty kernel partition 4 (legacy images)." |
| continue |
| fi |
| new_kernel_config="$(echo "${new_kernel_config}" | |
| sed -e 's#\(.*dm="\)\([^"]*\)\(".*\)'"#\1${dm_args}\3#g")" |
| info "New config for kernel partition ${kernelpart} is:" |
| echo "${new_kernel_config}" | tee "${temp_config}" |
| # Re-calculate kernel partition signature and command line. |
| if [[ "$kernelpart" == 2 ]]; then |
| keyblock="${kern_a_keyblock}" |
| priv_key="${kern_a_privkey}" |
| else |
| keyblock="${kern_b_keyblock}" |
| priv_key="${kern_b_privkey}" |
| fi |
| sudo vbutil_kernel --repack "${loop_kern}" \ |
| --keyblock ${keyblock} \ |
| --signprivate ${priv_key} \ |
| --version "${KERNEL_VERSION}" \ |
| --oldblob "${loop_kern}" \ |
| --config ${temp_config} |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # Update the SSD install-able vblock file on stateful partition. |
| # ARGS: Loopdev |
| # This is deprecated because all new images should have a SSD boot-able kernel |
| # in partition 4. However, the signer needs to be able to sign new & old images |
| # (crbug.com/449450#c13) so we will probably never remove this. |
| update_stateful_partition_vblock() { |
| local loopdev="$1" |
| local temp_out_vb="$(make_temp_file)" |
| |
| local loop_kern="${loopdev}p4" |
| if [[ -z "$(sudo dump_kernel_config "${loop_kern}" 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then |
| info "Building vmlinuz_hd.vblock from legacy image partition 2." |
| loop_kern="${loopdev}p2" |
| fi |
| |
| # vblock should always use kernel keyblock. |
| sudo vbutil_kernel --repack "${temp_out_vb}" \ |
| --keyblock "${KEY_DIR}/kernel.keyblock" \ |
| --signprivate "${KEY_DIR}/kernel_data_key.vbprivk" \ |
| --oldblob "${loop_kern}" \ |
| --vblockonly |
| |
| # Copy the installer vblock to the stateful partition. |
| local stateful_dir=$(make_temp_dir) |
| sudo mount "${loopdev}p1" "${stateful_dir}" |
| sudo cp ${temp_out_vb} ${stateful_dir}/vmlinuz_hd.vblock |
| sudo umount "${stateful_dir}" |
| } |
| |
| # Do a sanity check on the image's rootfs |
| # ARGS: Image |
| verify_image_rootfs() { |
| local rootfs=$1 |
| # This flips the read-only compatibility flag, so that e2fsck does not |
| # complain about unknown file system capabilities. |
| enable_rw_mount "${rootfs}" |
| info "Running e2fsck to check root file system for errors" |
| sudo e2fsck -fn "${rootfs}" || |
| die "Root file system has errors!" |
| # Flip the bit back so we don't break hashes. |
| disable_rw_mount "${rootfs}" |
| } |
| |
| # Extracts a firmware updater bundle (for firmware image binaries) file |
| # (generated by src/platform/firmware/pack_firmware.sh). |
| extract_firmware_bundle() { |
| local input="$(readlink -f "$1")" |
| local output_dir="$2" |
| if [ ! -s "${input}" ]; then |
| return 1 |
| elif grep -q '^##CUTHERE##' "${input}"; then |
| # Bundle supports self-extraction. |
| "$input" --sb_extract "${output_dir}" || |
| die "Extracting firmware autoupdate (--sb_extract) failed." |
| else |
| # Legacy bundle - try uudecode. |
| uudecode -o - ${input} | tar -C ${output_dir} -zxf - 2>/dev/null || |
| die "Extracting firmware autoupdate failed." |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Repacks firmware updater bundle content from given folder. |
| repack_firmware_bundle() { |
| local input_dir="$1" |
| local target="$(readlink -f "$2")" |
| |
| if [ ! -s "${target}" ]; then |
| return 1 |
| elif grep -q '^##CUTHERE##' "${target}"; then |
| # Bundle supports repacking. |
| # Workaround issue crosbug.com/p/33719 |
| sed -i \ |
| 's/shar -Q -q -x -m -w/shar -Q -q -x -m --no-character-count/' \ |
| "${target}" |
| "$target" --sb_repack "${input_dir}" || |
| die "Updating firmware autoupdate (--sb_repack) failed." |
| else |
| # Legacy bundle using uuencode + tar.gz. |
| # Replace MD5 checksum in the firmware update payload. |
| local newfd_checksum="$(md5sum ${input_dir}/bios.bin | cut -f 1 -d ' ')" |
| local temp_version="$(make_temp_file)" |
| cat ${input_dir}/VERSION | |
| sed -e "s#\(.*\)\ \(.*bios.bin.*\)#${newfd_checksum}\ \2#" > ${temp_version} |
| mv ${temp_version} ${input_dir}/VERSION |
| |
| # Re-generate firmware_update.tgz and copy over encoded archive in |
| # the original shell ball. |
| sed -ine '/^begin .*firmware_package/,/end/D' "$target" |
| tar zcf - -C "${input_dir}" . | |
| uuencode firmware_package.tgz >>"${target}" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Sign an update payload (usually created by paygen). |
| # Depends on global variable KEY_ORIGIN. |
| # <HASH> is supposed to be a SHA256 hash, unencoded, 32 bytes long. |
| sign_update_payload() { |
| if [[ "${KEY_ORIGIN}" == "local" ]]; then |
| sign_update_payload_local "$@" |
| elif [[ "${KEY_ORIGIN}" == "kms" ]]; then |
| sign_update_payload_kms "$@" |
| else |
| die "Unsupported KEY_ORIGIN: ${KEY_ORIGIN}" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| sign_update_payload_local() { |
| local hash=$1 |
| local key_dir=$2 |
| local output=$3 |
| local key_output key_size key_file="${key_dir}/update_key.pem" |
| # Maps key size to verified boot's algorithm id (for pad_digest_utility). |
| # Hashing algorithm is always SHA-256. |
| local algo algos=( |
| [1024]=1 |
| [2048]=4 |
| [4096]=7 |
| [8192]=10 |
| ) |
| |
| key_output=$(futility show "${key_file}") |
| key_size=$(echo "${key_output}" | sed -n '/Key length/s/[^0-9]*//p') |
| algo=${algos[${key_size}]} |
| if [[ -z ${algo} ]]; then |
| die "Unknown algorithm: futility output=${key_output}" |
| fi |
| |
| pad_digest_utility ${algo} "${hash}" | \ |
| openssl rsautl -sign -pkcs -inkey "${key_file}" -out "${output}" |
| } |
| |
| # Signs a payload with a key stored in Cloud KMS. |
| # $key_dir/kms.key must exist and must be a file with content in the |
| # following format: |
| # KMS_PROJECT=<project> |
| # KMS_LOCATION=<location> |
| # KMS_KEYRING=<keyring> |
| # KMS_KEY=<key> |
| # KMS_KEYVERSION=<key version> |
| sign_update_payload_kms() { |
| local -r hash="$1" key_dir="$2" output="$3" |
| local -r key_file="${key_dir}/kms.key" |
| |
| source "${key_file}" |
| |
| info "Signing update payload hash ${hash} with key ${key_file}" |
| kms_signer \ |
| --project "${KMS_PROJECT}" \ |
| --location "${KMS_LOCATION}" \ |
| --keyring "${KMS_KEYRING}" \ |
| --key "${KMS_KEY}" \ |
| --key-version "${KMS_KEYVERSION}" \ |
| digest \ |
| --input "${hash}" \ |
| --output "${output}" |
| } |
| |
| # Sign UEFI binaries, if possible. |
| # Args: LOOPDEV |
| sign_uefi_binaries() { |
| local loopdev="$1" |
| local kms_option="--nokms" |
| if [[ "${KEY_ORIGIN}" == "kms" ]]; then |
| kms_option="--kms" |
| fi |
| |
| local esp_dir |
| if ! esp_dir="$(mount_image_esp "${loopdev}")"; then |
| error "Could not mount EFI partition for signing UEFI binaries" |
| return 1 |
| elif [[ -z "${esp_dir}" ]]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| "${SCRIPT_DIR}/sign_uefi.sh" -t "${esp_dir}" -k "${KEY_DIR}" "${kms_option}" |
| sudo umount "${esp_dir}" |
| |
| local rootfs_dir="$(make_temp_dir)" |
| mount_loop_image_partition "${loopdev}" 3 "${rootfs_dir}" |
| "${SCRIPT_DIR}/sign_uefi.sh" -t "${rootfs_dir}/boot" -k "${KEY_DIR}" "${kms_option}" |
| sudo umount "${rootfs_dir}" |
| |
| info "Signed UEFI binaries" |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # Verify the signatures of UEFI binaries. |
| # Args: LOOPDEV |
| verify_uefi_signatures() { |
| local loopdev="$1" |
| local succeeded=1 |
| |
| if [[ ! -d "${KEY_DIR}/uefi" ]]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| |
| local esp_dir |
| if ! esp_dir="$(mount_image_esp "${loopdev}")"; then |
| error "Could not mount EFI partition for verifying UEFI signatures" |
| return 1 |
| elif [[ -z "${esp_dir}" ]]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| "${SCRIPT_DIR}/verify_uefi.sh" "${esp_dir}" "${esp_dir}" \ |
| "${KEY_DIR}/uefi" || succeeded=0 |
| |
| local rootfs_dir="$(make_temp_dir)" |
| mount_loop_image_partition_ro "${loopdev}" 3 "${rootfs_dir}" |
| "${SCRIPT_DIR}/verify_uefi.sh" "${rootfs_dir}/boot" "${esp_dir}" \ |
| "${KEY_DIR}/uefi" || succeeded=0 |
| sudo umount "${rootfs_dir}" |
| |
| sudo umount "${esp_dir}" |
| |
| if [[ "${succeeded}" == "0" ]]; then |
| die "UEFI signature verification failed" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Verify an image including rootfs hash using the specified keys. |
| verify_image() { |
| local loopdev=$(loopback_partscan "${INPUT_IMAGE}") |
| local loop_rootfs="${loopdev}p3" |
| |
| info "Verifying RootFS hash..." |
| # What we get from image. |
| local kernel_config |
| # What we calculate from the rootfs. |
| local new_kernel_config |
| # Depending on the type of image, the verity parameters may |
| # exist in either kernel partition 2 or kernel partition 4 |
| local partnum |
| for partnum in 2 4; do |
| info "Considering Kernel partition ${partnum}" |
| kernel_config=$(sudo dump_kernel_config "${loopdev}p${partnum}") |
| local hash_image=$(make_temp_file) |
| if ! calculate_rootfs_hash "${loop_rootfs}" "${kernel_config}" \ |
| "${hash_image}"; then |
| info "Trying next kernel partition." |
| continue |
| fi |
| new_kernel_config="$CALCULATED_KERNEL_CONFIG" |
| break |
| done |
| |
| # Note: If calculate_rootfs_hash succeeded above, these should |
| # be non-empty. |
| expected_hash=$(get_hash_from_config "${new_kernel_config}") |
| got_hash=$(get_hash_from_config "${kernel_config}") |
| |
| if [ -z "${expected_hash}" ] || [ -z "${got_hash}" ]; then |
| die "Couldn't verify RootFS hash on the image." |
| fi |
| |
| if [ ! "${got_hash}" = "${expected_hash}" ]; then |
| cat <<EOF |
| FAILED: RootFS hash is incorrect. |
| Expected: ${expected_hash} |
| Got: ${got_hash} |
| EOF |
| exit 1 |
| else |
| info "PASS: RootFS hash is correct (${expected_hash})" |
| fi |
| |
| # Now try and verify kernel partition signature. |
| set +e |
| local try_key=${KEY_DIR}/recovery_key.vbpubk |
| info "Testing key verification..." |
| # The recovery key is only used in the recovery mode. |
| echo -n "With Recovery Key (Recovery Mode ON, Dev Mode OFF): " && \ |
| { load_kernel_test "${INPUT_IMAGE}" "${try_key}" -b 2 >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ |
| echo "YES"; } || echo "NO" |
| echo -n "With Recovery Key (Recovery Mode ON, Dev Mode ON): " && \ |
| { load_kernel_test "${INPUT_IMAGE}" "${try_key}" -b 3 >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ |
| echo "YES"; } || echo "NO" |
| |
| try_key=${KEY_DIR}/kernel_subkey.vbpubk |
| # The SSD key is only used in non-recovery mode. |
| echo -n "With SSD Key (Recovery Mode OFF, Dev Mode OFF): " && \ |
| { load_kernel_test "${INPUT_IMAGE}" "${try_key}" -b 0 >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ |
| echo "YES"; } || echo "NO" |
| echo -n "With SSD Key (Recovery Mode OFF, Dev Mode ON): " && \ |
| { load_kernel_test "${INPUT_IMAGE}" "${try_key}" -b 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ |
| echo "YES"; } || echo "NO" |
| set -e |
| |
| verify_image_rootfs "${loop_rootfs}" |
| |
| verify_uefi_signatures "${INPUT_IMAGE}" |
| } |
| |
| # Update the legacy bootloader templates in EFI partition if available. |
| update_legacy_bootloader() { |
| local loopdev="$1" |
| local loop_kern="$2" |
| |
| local esp_dir |
| if ! esp_dir="$(mount_image_esp "${loopdev}")"; then |
| error "Could not mount EFI partition for updating legacy bootloader cfg." |
| return 1 |
| elif [[ -z "${esp_dir}" ]]; then |
| info "Not updating legacy bootloader configs: ${loopdev}" |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| |
| # If we can't find the dm parameter in the kernel config, bail out now. |
| local kernel_config=$(sudo dump_kernel_config "${loop_kern}") |
| local root_hexdigest="$(get_hash_from_config "${kernel_config}")" |
| if [[ -z "${root_hexdigest}" ]]; then |
| error "Couldn't grab root_digest from kernel partition ${loop_kern}" |
| error " (config: ${kernel_config})" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| # Update syslinux configs for legacy BIOS systems. |
| if [[ -d "${esp_dir}/syslinux" ]]; then |
| local cfg=("${esp_dir}"/syslinux/*.cfg) |
| if ! sudo sed -i -r \ |
| "s/\broot_hexdigest=[a-z0-9]+/root_hexdigest=${root_hexdigest}/g" \ |
| "${cfg[@]}"; then |
| error "Updating syslinux configs failed: '${cfg[*]}'" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| # Update grub configs for EFI systems. |
| local grub_cfg="${esp_dir}/efi/boot/grub.cfg" |
| if [[ -f "${grub_cfg}" ]]; then |
| if ! sudo sed -i -r \ |
| "s/\broot_hexdigest=[a-z0-9]+/root_hexdigest=${root_hexdigest}/g" \ |
| "${grub_cfg}"; then |
| error "Updating grub config failed: '${grub_cfg}'" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Sign an image file with proper keys. |
| # |
| # A ChromiumOS image file (INPUT) always contains 2 partitions (kernel A & B). |
| # This function will rebuild hash data by DM_PARTNO, resign kernel partitions by |
| # their KEYBLOCK and PRIVKEY files, and then write to OUTPUT file. Note some |
| # special images (specified by IMAGE_TYPE, like 'recovery' or 'factory_install') |
| # may have additional steps (ex, tweaking verity hash or not stripping files) |
| # when generating output file. |
| sign_image_file() { |
| local image_type="$1" |
| local input="$2" |
| local output="$3" |
| local dm_partno="$4" |
| local kernA_keyblock="$5" |
| local kernA_privkey="$6" |
| local kernB_keyblock="$7" |
| local kernB_privkey="$8" |
| |
| info "Preparing ${image_type} image..." |
| cp --sparse=always "${input}" "${output}" |
| |
| local loopdev=$(loopback_partscan "${output}") |
| local loop_kern="${loopdev}p${dm_partno}" |
| local loop_rootfs="${loopdev}p3" |
| |
| sign_uefi_binaries "${loopdev}" |
| # We do NOT strip /boot for factory installer, since some devices need it to |
| # boot EFI. crbug.com/260512 would obsolete this requirement. |
| # |
| # We also do NOT strip /boot for legacy BIOS or EFI devices. This is because |
| # "cros_installer postinst" on BIOS or EFI systems relies on presence of |
| # /boot in rootfs to update kernel. We infer the BIOS type from the kernel |
| # config. |
| local loop_kerna="${loopdev}p2" |
| local kerna_config="$(sudo dump_kernel_config "${loop_kerna}")" |
| if [[ "${image_type}" != "factory_install" && |
| " ${kerna_config} " != *" cros_legacy "* && |
| " ${kerna_config} " != *" cros_efi "* ]]; then |
| "${SCRIPT_DIR}/strip_boot_from_image.sh" --image "${loop_rootfs}" |
| fi |
| update_rootfs_hash "${loopdev}" "${loop_kern}" \ |
| "${kernA_keyblock}" "${kernA_privkey}" \ |
| "${kernB_keyblock}" "${kernB_privkey}" |
| update_stateful_partition_vblock "${loopdev}" |
| if ! update_legacy_bootloader "${loopdev}" "${loop_kern}"; then |
| # Error is already logged. |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| # Let non-root users read it. It's okay. |
| sudo chmod 0644 "${output}" |
| info "Signed ${image_type} image output to ${output}" |
| } |
| |
| # Verification |
| case ${TYPE} in |
| dump_config) |
| check_argc $# 2 |
| loopdev=$(loopback_partscan "${INPUT_IMAGE}") |
| for partnum in 2 4; do |
| info "kernel config in partition number ${partnum}:" |
| sudo dump_kernel_config "${loopdev}p${partnum}" |
| echo |
| done |
| exit 0 |
| ;; |
| verify) |
| check_argc $# 2 |
| verify_image |
| exit 0 |
| ;; |
| *) |
| # All other signing commands take 4 to 5 args. |
| if [ -z "${OUTPUT_IMAGE}" ]; then |
| # Friendlier message. |
| usage "Missing output image name" |
| fi |
| check_argc $# 4 5 |
| ;; |
| esac |
| |
| # If a version file was specified, read the firmware and kernel |
| # versions from there. |
| if [ -n "${VERSION_FILE}" ]; then |
| FIRMWARE_VERSION=$(sed -n 's#^firmware_version=\(.*\)#\1#pg' ${VERSION_FILE}) |
| KERNEL_VERSION=$(sed -n 's#^kernel_version=\(.*\)#\1#pg' ${VERSION_FILE}) |
| fi |
| info "Using firmware version: ${FIRMWARE_VERSION}" |
| info "Using kernel version: ${KERNEL_VERSION}" |
| |
| # Make all modifications on output copy. |
| if [[ "${TYPE}" == "base" ]]; then |
| sign_image_file "SSD" "${INPUT_IMAGE}" "${OUTPUT_IMAGE}" 2 \ |
| "${KEY_DIR}/kernel.keyblock" "${KEY_DIR}/kernel_data_key.vbprivk" \ |
| "${KEY_DIR}/kernel.keyblock" "${KEY_DIR}/kernel_data_key.vbprivk" |
| elif [[ "${TYPE}" == "update_payload" ]]; then |
| # The argument names here are a little awkard because sign_update_payload |
| # doesn't sign "image" but only signs hashes, but we want to use the same |
| # interface as sign_image_file, so ... |
| sign_update_payload ${INPUT_IMAGE} ${KEY_DIR} ${OUTPUT_IMAGE} |
| else |
| die "Invalid type ${TYPE}" |
| fi |