blob: 67eb0e38e696ef132f9e279d7f36bddad318a757 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script is being deprecated and moved to chromite/ by 2022-06-30.
# Do not add any references to this script.
# Please reach out if you have any questions.
. "$(dirname "$0")/" || exit 1
if [[ "$1" != "--script-is-run-only-by-chromite-and-not-users" ]]; then
die_notrace 'This script must not be run by users.' \
'Please run `build_packages` from $PATH (in chromite/bin/) instead.'
# Discard the magic marker flag.
# Developer-visible flags.
DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" \
"The board to build packages for."
DEFINE_boolean withrevdeps "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \
"Calculate reverse dependencies on changed ebuilds."
DEFINE_boolean cleanbuild "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"Perform a clean build; delete sysroot if it exists before building."
# The --board_root flag specifies the environment variables ROOT and PKGDIR.
# This allows fetching and emerging of all packages to specified board_root.
# Note that --board_root will setup the board normally in /build/$BOARD, if it's
# not setup yet. It also expects the toolchain to already be installed in the
# board_root. --usepkgonly and --norebuild are required, because building is not
# supported when board_root is set.
# enforce this)."
DEFINE_string board_root "" \
"Emerge packages to board_root."
# --run_goma option is designed to be used on bots.
# If you're trying to build pacakges with goma in your local dev env, this is
# *not* the option you're looking for. Please see comments below.
# This option; 1) starts goma, 2) builds packages (expecting that goma is
# used), then 3) stops goma explicitly.
# 3) is a request from the goma team, so that stats/logs can be taken.
# Note: GOMA_DIR and GOMA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE are expected to be passed
# via env var.
# In local dev env cases, compiler_proxy is expected to keep running.
# In such a case;
# $ python ${GOMA_DIR}/ ensure_start
# $ ./build_packages (... and options without --run_goma ...)
# is an expected commandline sequence. If you set --run_goma flag while
# compiler_proxy is already running, the existing compiler_proxy will be
# stopped.
DEFINE_boolean run_goma "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"If set to true, (re)starts goma, builds packages, and then stops goma."
# This option is for building chrome remotely.
#1) starts reproxy 2) builds chrome with reproxy and 3) stops reproxy so
# logs/stats can be collected.
# Note: RECLIENT_DIR and REPROXY_CFG are expected to be passed via env var.
DEFINE_boolean run_remoteexec "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"If set to true, starts RBE reproxy, builds packages, and then stops reproxy."
# Parse command line
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
# Die on any errors.
# Chrome packages that need to be treated the same. These are the chrome and
# chrome follow-on packages that share the same version as chrome and are
# updated in lock step.
# Skip revdeps when we don't already have a built sysroot.
if [[ "${FLAGS_cleanbuild}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" || ! -d "${BOARD_ROOT}" ]]; then
# Setup all the emerge command/flags.
# TODO(xcl): Remove once reverse dependency logic is migrated to Python.
# During the migration, temporarily get the emerge flags from a envvar set in
# Python.
# Figure out which packages we should be building.
PACKAGES=( "$@" )
# TODO(xcl): During the migration, temporarily get the force local build
# packages from a envvar set in Python.
# Build cros_workon packages when they are changed.
if [[ -n "${FLAGS_board_root}" ]]; then
export ROOT="${FLAGS_board_root}"
export SYSROOT="${ROOT}"
export PKGDIR="${ROOT}"/packages
# Temporarily modify the emerge flags so we can calculate the revdeps
# on the modified packages.
if [[ "${FLAGS_withrevdeps}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" &&
"${SKIP_REVDEPS}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]]; then
info "starting reverse dependency calculations ..."
SIM_EMERGE_FLAGS=( "${EMERGE_FLAGS[@]}" --pretend --columns )
if [[ ${#PACKAGES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
# cros-workon packages are always going to be force reinstalled, so we add
# the forced reinstall behavior to the modified package calculation. This is
# necessary to include when a user has already installed a 9999 ebuild and is
# now reinstalling that package with additional local changes, because
# otherwise the modified package calculation would not see that a 'new'
# package is being installed.
if [[ ${#CROS_WORKON_PKGS[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
# Calculate only the ebuild changes from the emerge simulation ignoring
# the virtual packages and the forced rebuild of autotest-all package.
# The lines of the following block do the following operations:
# 1. Do a pretend `emerge` command to get a list of what would be built.
# 2. Filter to only packages that will be installed to the board sysroot.
# 3. Filter to only packages that would be built from source and rewrite the
# line from Portage's full output to only $CATEGORY/$PACKAGE
# 4. Filter the list of packages to a heuristic set of packages known to have
# incorrectly specified dependencies.
# 5. Sort the output and remove any duplicate entries.
sudo -E "${EMERGE_CMD[@]}" "${SIM_EMERGE_FLAGS[@]}" "${PACKAGES[@]}" | \
grep -e 'to /build/' | \
sed -n -E '/^\[ebuild /{s:^[^]]+\] +::;s: .*::;p}' | \
grep -E '/(coreboot-private-files.*|tast-build-deps)$' | \
sort -u ) )
if [[ "${#BASE_INSTALL_PKGS[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then
info "Forced rebuild packages detected: ${BASE_INSTALL_PKGS[*]}."
# Convert specific versions into base package names
MOD_PKGS+=( $(\
equery-${FLAGS_board} list -p -o --format='$category/$name' \
"${BASE_INSTALL_PKGS[@]}" | sort -u ) )
# Remove Chrome as rebuilding it is expensive and almost never makes sense.
# Ignore grep exit status in case chromeos-chrome is the only package.
grep_cmd=( grep -v )
for pkg in "${CHROME_PACKAGES[@]}"; do
grep_cmd+=( -e "${pkg}" )
MOD_PKGS=( $(printf '%s\n' "${MOD_PKGS[@]}" | "${grep_cmd[@]}" || :) )
if [[ "${#MOD_PKGS[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then
info "calculating reverse dependencies on packages: ${MOD_PKGS[*]}"
REV_DEPS=( $(\
equery-${FLAGS_board} -q depends --indirect "${MOD_PKGS[@]}" |\
awk '{print $1}' | grep -v ^virtual/ | sort -u) )
if [[ "${#REV_DEPS[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then
# Convert specific versions into base package names
equery-${FLAGS_board} -q list -p -o --format='$category/$name' \
"${REV_DEPS[@]}" | sort -u ) )
# Remove Chrome as rebuilding it is expensive and almost never makes
# sense. Ignore grep exit status in case chromeos-chrome is the only
# package.
grep_cmd=( grep -v )
for pkg in "${CHROME_PACKAGES[@]}"; do
grep_cmd+=( -e "${pkg}" )
RMOD_PKGS=( $(printf '%s\n' "${RMOD_PKGS[@]}" | "${grep_cmd[@]}" || :) )
info "final reverse dependencies that will be rebuilt: ${RMOD_PKGS[*]}"
fi # end FLAGS_withrevdeps
if [[ ${#FORCE_LOCAL_BUILD_PKGS[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
# A list of critical system packages that should never be incidentally
# reinstalled as a side effect of build_packages. All packages in this list
# are special cased to prefer matching installed versions, overriding the
# typical logic of upgrading to the newest available version.
# This list can't include any package that gets installed to a board!
# Packages such as LLVM or binutils must not be in this list as the normal
# rebuild logic must still apply to them for board targets.
# TODO(crbug/1050752): Remove this list and the corresponding arguments
# to `emerge` below once we figure out how to exclude toolchain packages from
# being upgraded transitively via BDEPEND relations.
info "Merging board packages now"
# Start reproxy for remote execution of building chrome.
if [[ "${FLAGS_run_remoteexec}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
info "Starting RBE reproxy."
bootstrap="${RECLIENT_DIR}/bootstrap --cfg=${REPROXY_CFG} \
trap "${bootstrap} --shutdown" EXIT
# Support goma on bots. This has to run in subshell, otherwise EXIT trap
# handler is overwritten.
elif [[ "${FLAGS_run_goma}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
info "Starting goma compiler_proxy."
"${goma_ctl}" restart
trap "'${goma_ctl}' stop" EXIT
info_run sudo -E "${EMERGE_CMD[@]}" "${EMERGE_FLAGS[@]}" "${PACKAGES[@]}" \
--useoldpkg-atoms="${CRITICAL_SDK_PACKAGES[*]}" \