blob: c88eac7b7fcd42c3e9cde3d1ed08e4cde7f83329 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script sets up a Gentoo chroot environment. The script is passed the
# path to an empty folder, which will be populated with a Gentoo stage3 and
# setup for development. Once created, the password is set to PASSWORD (below).
# One can enter the chrooted environment for work by running
SCRIPT_ROOT=$(readlink -f $(dirname "$0")/..)
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/" || exit 1
ENTER_CHROOT=$(readlink -f $(dirname "$0")/
if [ -n "${USE}" ]; then
echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: Building with a non-empty USE: ${USE}"
echo "This modifies the expected behaviour and can fail."
# Check if the host machine architecture is supported.
ARCHITECTURE="$(uname -m)"
if [[ "$ARCHITECTURE" != "x86_64" ]]; then
echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: $ARCHITECTURE is not supported as a host machine architecture."
exit 1
# Script must be run outside the chroot and as root.
# Define command line flags.
# See
DEFINE_string chroot "$DEFAULT_CHROOT_DIR" \
"Destination dir for the chroot environment."
DEFINE_boolean usepkg $FLAGS_TRUE "Use binary packages to bootstrap."
DEFINE_integer jobs -1 "How many packages to build in parallel at maximum."
DEFINE_string cache_dir "" "Directory to store caches within."
DEFINE_boolean eclean "${FLAGS_TRUE}" "Run eclean to delete old binpkgs."
# Parse command line flags.
FLAGS_HELP="usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [flags]"
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
# Set the right umask for chroot creation.
umask 022
# Only now can we die on error. shflags functions leak non-zero error codes,
# so will die prematurely if 'switch_to_strict_mode' is specified before now.
# TODO: replace shflags with something less error-prone, or contribute a fix.
[[ -z "${FLAGS_cache_dir}" ]] && die "--cache_dir is required"
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}"/sdk_lib/
if [[ $FLAGS_usepkg -eq $FLAGS_TRUE ]]; then
# Use binary packages. Include all build-time dependencies,
# so as to avoid unnecessary differences between source
# and binary builds.
USEPKG="--getbinpkg --usepkg --with-bdeps y"
# Use --usepkgonly to avoid building toolchain packages from source.
# Invoke enter_chroot. This can only be used after sudo has been installed.
enter_chroot() {
echo "$(date +%H:%M:%S) [enter_chroot] $*"
"$ENTER_CHROOT" --cache_dir "${FLAGS_cache_dir}" --chroot "$FLAGS_chroot" \
-- "${ENTER_CHROOT_ARGS[@]}" "$@"
# Invoke enter_chroot running the command as root, and w/out sudo.
# This should be used prior to sudo being merged.
early_enter_chroot() {
echo "$(date +%H:%M:%S) [early_enter_chroot] $*"
"$ENTER_CHROOT" --chroot "$FLAGS_chroot" --early_make_chroot \
--cache_dir "${FLAGS_cache_dir}" \
-- "${ENTER_CHROOT_ARGS[@]}" "${early_env[@]}" "$@"
# Run a command within the chroot. The main usage of this is to avoid the
# overhead of enter_chroot. It's when we do not need access to the source
# tree, don't need the actual chroot profile env, and can run the command as
# root. We do have to make sure PATH includes all the right programs as
# found inside of the chroot since the environment outside of the chroot
# might be insufficient (like distros with merged /bin /sbin and /usr).
bare_chroot() {
PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:${PATH}" \
chroot "${FLAGS_chroot}" "$@"
# Appends stdin to the given file name as the sudo user.
# $1 - The output file name.
user_append() {
cat >> "$1"
chown ${SUDO_UID}:${SUDO_GID} "$1"
init_setup () {
info "Running init_setup()..."
mkdir -p -m 755 "${FLAGS_chroot}/usr" \
"${FLAGS_chroot}${OVERLAYS_ROOT}" \
# Newer portage complains about bare overlays. Create the file that crossdev
# will also create later on.
cat <<EOF > "${FLAGS_chroot}/${CROSSDEV_OVERLAY}/metadata/layout.conf"
# Autogenerated and managed by crossdev
# Delete the above line if you want to manage this file yourself
masters = portage-stable chromiumos
repo-name = crossdev
use-manifests = true
thin-manifests = true
ln -sf "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}/src/third_party/eclass-overlay" \
ln -sf "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay" \
ln -sf "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}/src/third_party/portage-stable" \
# Use the standardized upgrade script to setup proxied vars.
"${SCRIPT_ROOT}/sdk_lib/" \
find "${FLAGS_chroot}/etc/"sudoers* -type f -exec chmod 0440 {} +
# Fix bad group for some.
chown -R root:root "${FLAGS_chroot}/etc/"sudoers*
info "Setting up hosts/resolv..."
# Copy config from outside chroot into chroot.
cp /etc/{hosts,resolv.conf} "$FLAGS_chroot/etc/"
chmod 0644 "$FLAGS_chroot"/etc/{hosts,resolv.conf}
# Setup host make.conf. This includes any overlay that we may be using
# and a pointer to pre-built packages.
# TODO: This should really be part of a profile in the portage.
info "Setting up /etc/make.*..."
rm -f "${FLAGS_chroot}"/etc/{,portage/}make.{conf,profile}{,.catalyst}
mkdir -p "${FLAGS_chroot}/etc/portage"
ln -sf "${CHROOT_CONFIG}/make.conf.amd64-host" \
ln -sf "${CHROOT_OVERLAY}/profiles/default/linux/amd64/10.0/sdk" \
# Create make.conf.user .
rm -f "${FLAGS_chroot}"/etc/make.conf.user
cat <<\EOF > "${FLAGS_chroot}"/etc/make.conf.user
# This file is useful for doing global (chroot and all board) changes.
# Tweak emerge settings, ebuild env, etc...
# Make sure to append variables unless you really want to clobber all
# existing settings. e.g. You most likely want:
# USE="${USE} foo"
# and *not*:
# USE="foo"
# This also is a good place to setup ACCEPT_LICENSE.
chmod 0644 "${FLAGS_chroot}"/etc/make.conf.user
# Create directories referred to by our conf files.
mkdir -p -m 775 "${FLAGS_chroot}/var/lib/portage/pkgs" \
"${FLAGS_chroot}/var/cache/"chromeos-{cache,chrome} \
echo "export CHROMEOS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/chromeos-cache" > \
chmod 0644 "${FLAGS_chroot}/etc/profile.d/"
rm -rf "${FLAGS_chroot}/var/cache/distfiles"
ln -s chromeos-cache/distfiles "${FLAGS_chroot}/var/cache/distfiles"
# Run this from w/in the chroot so we use whatever uid/gid
# these are defined as w/in the chroot.
bare_chroot chown "${SUDO_USER}:portage" /var/cache/chromeos-chrome
# Add chromite/bin and depot_tools into the path globally; note that the
# chromite wrapper itself might also be found in depot_tools.
# We rely on 'env-update' getting called below.
cat <<EOF > "${target}"
# TODO(zbehan): Configure stuff that is usually configured in postinst's,
# but wasn't. Fix the postinst's.
info "Running post-inst configuration hacks"
early_enter_chroot env-update
# This is basically a sanity check of our chroot. If any of these
# don't exist, then either bind mounts have failed, an invocation
# from above is broke, or some assumption about the stage3 is no longer
# true.
early_enter_chroot ls -l /etc/make.conf /etc/portage/make.profile \
mkdir -p "${target}"
ln -sfT \
"/mnt/host/source/chromite/sdk/etc/profile.d/" \
# Select a small set of locales for the user if they haven't done so
# already. This makes glibc upgrades cheap by only generating a small
# set of locales. The ones listed here are basically for the buildbots
# which always assume these are available. This works in conjunction
# with `cros_sdk --enter`.
local localegen="$FLAGS_chroot/etc/locale.gen"
if ! grep -q -v -e '^#' -e '^$' "${localegen}" ; then
cat <<EOF >> "${localegen}"
en_US ISO-8859-1
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
# Pass proxy variables into the environment.
for type in http ftp all; do
value=$(env | grep "${type}_proxy" || true)
if [ -n "${value}" ]; then
# Create a special /etc/make.conf.host_setup that we use to bootstrap
# the chroot. The regular content for the file will be generated the
# first time we invoke update_chroot (further down in this script).
create_bootstrap_host_setup "${FLAGS_chroot}"
# Run all the init stuff to setup the env.
# Clean out any stale binpkgs that might be in a warm cache. This is done
# immediately after unpacking the tarball in case ebuilds have been removed
# (e.g. from a revert).
if [[ "${FLAGS_eclean}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
info "Cleaning stale binpkgs"
early_enter_chroot /bin/bash -c '
source /mnt/host/source/src/scripts/ &&
eclean -e <(get_eclean_exclusions) packages'
info "Updating portage"
early_enter_chroot emerge -uNv --quiet --ignore-world portage
# Add chromite into python path.
for python_path in "${FLAGS_chroot}/usr/lib/"python*.*; do
sudo mkdir -p "${python_path}"
sudo ln -s -fT "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}"/chromite "${python_path}"/chromite
# Now that many of the fundamental packages should be in a good state, update
# the host toolchain. We have to do this step by step ourselves to avoid races
# when building tools that are actively used (e.g. updating the assembler while
# also compiling other packages that use the assembler).
info "Updating host toolchain"
TOOLCHAIN_ARGS=( --deleteold )
if [[ "${FLAGS_usepkg}" == "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]]; then
TOOLCHAIN_ARGS+=( --nousepkg )
# First the low level compiler tools. These should be fairly independent of
# the C library, so we can do it first.
early_enter_chroot ${EMERGE_CMD} -uNv ${USEPKG} ${USEPKGONLY} ${EMERGE_JOBS} \
# Next the C library. The compilers often use newer features, but the C library
# is often designed to work with older compilers.
early_enter_chroot ${EMERGE_CMD} -uNv ${USEPKG} ${USEPKGONLY} ${EMERGE_JOBS} \
sys-kernel/linux-headers sys-libs/glibc
# Now we can let the rest of the compiler packages build in parallel as they
# don't generally rely on each other.
# Note: early_enter_chroot executes as root.
early_enter_chroot "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}/chromite/bin/cros_setup_toolchains" \
--hostonly "${TOOLCHAIN_ARGS[@]}"
info "Updating Perl modules"
early_enter_chroot \
# If we're creating a new chroot, we also want to set it to the latest version.
enter_chroot run_chroot_version_hooks --init-latest
# Update chroot.
# Skip toolchain update because it already happened above, and the chroot is
# not ready to emerge all cross toolchains.
UPDATE_ARGS=( --skip_toolchain_update --noeclean )
if [[ "${FLAGS_usepkg}" == "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
UPDATE_ARGS+=( --usepkg )
UPDATE_ARGS+=( --nousepkg )
if [[ "${FLAGS_jobs}" -ne -1 ]]; then
UPDATE_ARGS+=( --jobs="${FLAGS_jobs}" )
enter_chroot "${CHROOT_TRUNK_DIR}/src/scripts/update_chroot" "${UPDATE_ARGS[@]}"
# The java-config package atm does not support $ROOT. Select a default
# VM ourselves until that gets fixed upstream.
enter_chroot sudo eselect java-vm set system openjdk-bin-11