python-utils-r1: Fork eclass from portage stable.

This is an initial commit so ChromeOS sepecific changes can be tracked.

TEST=PreCQ passes

Change-Id: I04f38035e16260e3b3add4106f6e57df43e2b305
Commit-Ready: Allen Webb <>
Tested-by: Allen Webb <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Frysinger <>
diff --git a/eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass b/eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3cf82b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,1516 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# @ECLASS: python-utils-r1.eclass
+# Python team <>
+# Author: MichaƂ Górny <>
+# Based on work of: Krzysztof Pawlik <>
+# @SUPPORTED_EAPIS: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+# @BLURB: Utility functions for packages with Python parts.
+# A utility eclass providing functions to query Python implementations,
+# install Python modules and scripts.
+# This eclass does not set any metadata variables nor export any phase
+# functions. It can be inherited safely.
+# For more information, please see the wiki:
+case "${EAPI:-0}" in
+	0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
+		;;
+	*)
+		die "Unsupported EAPI=${EAPI} (unknown) for ${ECLASS}"
+		;;
+if [[ ${_PYTHON_ECLASS_INHERITED} ]]; then
+	die 'python-r1 suite eclasses can not be used with python.eclass.'
+if [[ ! ${_PYTHON_UTILS_R1} ]]; then
+[[ ${EAPI:-0} == [012345] ]] && inherit eutils multilib
+inherit toolchain-funcs
+# All supported Python implementations, most preferred last.
+	jython2_7
+	pypy pypy3
+	python2_7
+	python3_4 python3_5 python3_6 python3_7
+# Set to a non-empty value in order to make eclass tolerate (ignore)
+# unknown implementations in PYTHON_COMPAT.
+# This is intended to be set by the user when using ebuilds that may
+# have unknown (newer) implementations in PYTHON_COMPAT. The assumption
+# is that the ebuilds are intended to be used within multiple contexts
+# which can involve revisions of this eclass that support a different
+# set of Python implementations.
+# @FUNCTION: _python_impl_supported
+# @USAGE: <impl>
+# Check whether the implementation <impl> (PYTHON_COMPAT-form)
+# is still supported.
+# Returns 0 if the implementation is valid and supported. If it is
+# unsupported, returns 1 -- and the caller should ignore the entry.
+# If it is invalid, dies with an appopriate error messages.
+_python_impl_supported() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	[[ ${#} -eq 1 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: takes exactly 1 argument (impl)."
+	local impl=${1}
+	# keep in sync with _PYTHON_ALL_IMPLS!
+	# (not using that list because inline patterns shall be faster)
+	case "${impl}" in
+		python2_7|python3_[4567]|jython2_7)
+			return 0
+			;;
+		pypy1_[89]|pypy2_0|python2_[56]|python3_[123])
+			return 1
+			;;
+		pypy|pypy3)
+			if [[ ${EAPI:-0} == [01234] ]]; then
+				die "PyPy is supported in EAPI 5 and newer only."
+			fi
+			;;
+		*)
+			[[ ${PYTHON_COMPAT_NO_STRICT} ]] && return 1
+			die "Invalid implementation in PYTHON_COMPAT: ${impl}"
+	esac
+# @FUNCTION: _python_set_impls
+# Check PYTHON_COMPAT for well-formedness and validity, then set
+# two global variables:
+# - _PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS containing valid implementations supported
+#   by the ebuild (PYTHON_COMPAT - dead implementations),
+# - and _PYTHON_UNSUPPORTED_IMPLS containing valid implementations that
+#   are not supported by the ebuild.
+# Implementations in both variables are ordered using the pre-defined
+# eclass implementation ordering.
+# This function must be called once in global scope by an eclass
+# utilizing PYTHON_COMPAT.
+_python_set_impls() {
+	local i
+	if ! declare -p PYTHON_COMPAT &>/dev/null; then
+		die 'PYTHON_COMPAT not declared.'
+	fi
+	if [[ $(declare -p PYTHON_COMPAT) != "declare -a"* ]]; then
+		die 'PYTHON_COMPAT must be an array.'
+	fi
+	for i in "${PYTHON_COMPAT[@]}"; do
+		# trigger validity checks
+		_python_impl_supported "${i}"
+	done
+	local supp=() unsupp=()
+	for i in "${_PYTHON_ALL_IMPLS[@]}"; do
+		if has "${i}" "${PYTHON_COMPAT[@]}"; then
+			supp+=( "${i}" )
+		else
+			unsupp+=( "${i}" )
+		fi
+	done
+	if [[ ! ${supp[@]} ]]; then
+		die "No supported implementation in PYTHON_COMPAT."
+	fi
+	if [[ ${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]} ]]; then
+		# set once already, verify integrity
+		if [[ ${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]} != ${supp[@]} ]]; then
+			eerror "Supported impls (PYTHON_COMPAT) changed between inherits!"
+			eerror "Before: ${_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS[*]}"
+			eerror "Now   : ${supp[*]}"
+			die "_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS integrity check failed"
+		fi
+		if [[ ${_PYTHON_UNSUPPORTED_IMPLS[@]} != ${unsupp[@]} ]]; then
+			eerror "Unsupported impls changed between inherits!"
+			eerror "Before: ${_PYTHON_UNSUPPORTED_IMPLS[*]}"
+			eerror "Now   : ${unsupp[*]}"
+			die "_PYTHON_UNSUPPORTED_IMPLS integrity check failed"
+		fi
+	else
+		_PYTHON_SUPPORTED_IMPLS=( "${supp[@]}" )
+		_PYTHON_UNSUPPORTED_IMPLS=( "${unsupp[@]}" )
+	fi
+# @FUNCTION: _python_impl_matches
+# @USAGE: <impl> <pattern>...
+# Check whether the specified <impl> matches at least one
+# of the patterns following it. Return 0 if it does, 1 otherwise.
+# <impl> can be in PYTHON_COMPAT or EPYTHON form. The patterns can be
+# either:
+# a) fnmatch-style patterns, e.g. 'python2*', 'pypy'...
+# b) '-2' to indicate all Python 2 variants (= !python_is_python3)
+# c) '-3' to indicate all Python 3 variants (= python_is_python3)
+_python_impl_matches() {
+	[[ ${#} -ge 2 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: takes at least 2 parameters"
+	local impl=${1} pattern
+	shift
+	for pattern; do
+		if [[ ${pattern} == -2 ]]; then
+			! python_is_python3 "${impl}"
+			return
+		elif [[ ${pattern} == -3 ]]; then
+			python_is_python3 "${impl}"
+			return
+		# unify value style to allow lax matching
+		elif [[ ${impl/./_} == ${pattern/./_} ]]; then
+			return 0
+		fi
+	done
+	return 1
+# The absolute path to the current Python interpreter.
+# This variable is set automatically in the following contexts:
+# python-r1: Set in functions called by python_foreach_impl() or after
+# calling python_export_best().
+# python-single-r1: Set after calling python-single-r1_pkg_setup().
+# distutils-r1: Set within any of the python sub-phase functions.
+# Example value:
+# @CODE
+# /usr/bin/python2.7
+# @CODE
+# The executable name of the current Python interpreter.
+# This variable is set automatically in the following contexts:
+# python-r1: Set in functions called by python_foreach_impl() or after
+# calling python_export_best().
+# python-single-r1: Set after calling python-single-r1_pkg_setup().
+# distutils-r1: Set within any of the python sub-phase functions.
+# Example value:
+# @CODE
+# python2.7
+# @CODE
+# The path to Python site-packages directory.
+# Set and exported on request using python_export().
+# Requires a proper build-time dependency on the Python implementation.
+# Example value:
+# @CODE
+# /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages
+# @CODE
+# The path to Python include directory.
+# Set and exported on request using python_export().
+# Requires a proper build-time dependency on the Python implementation.
+# Example value:
+# @CODE
+# /usr/include/python2.7
+# @CODE
+# The path to Python library.
+# Set and exported on request using python_export().
+# Valid only for CPython. Requires a proper build-time dependency
+# on the Python implementation.
+# Example value:
+# @CODE
+# /usr/lib64/
+# @CODE
+# Proper C compiler flags for building against Python. Obtained from
+# pkg-config or python-config.
+# Set and exported on request using python_export().
+# Valid only for CPython. Requires a proper build-time dependency
+# on the Python implementation and on pkg-config.
+# Example value:
+# @CODE
+# -I/usr/include/python2.7
+# @CODE
+# Proper C compiler flags for linking against Python. Obtained from
+# pkg-config or python-config.
+# Set and exported on request using python_export().
+# Valid only for CPython. Requires a proper build-time dependency
+# on the Python implementation and on pkg-config.
+# Example value:
+# @CODE
+# -lpython2.7
+# @CODE
+# Path to the python-config executable.
+# Set and exported on request using python_export().
+# Valid only for CPython. Requires a proper build-time dependency
+# on the Python implementation and on pkg-config.
+# Example value:
+# @CODE
+# /usr/bin/python2.7-config
+# @CODE
+# The complete dependency on a particular Python package as a string.
+# Set and exported on request using python_export().
+# Example value:
+# @CODE
+# dev-lang/python:2.7[xml]
+# @CODE
+# The location where Python scripts must be installed for current impl.
+# Set and exported on request using python_export().
+# Example value:
+# @CODE
+# /usr/lib/python-exec/python2.7
+# @CODE
+# @FUNCTION: python_export
+# @USAGE: [<impl>] <variables>...
+# Set and export the Python implementation-relevant variables passed
+# as parameters.
+# The optional first parameter may specify the requested Python
+# implementation (either as PYTHON_TARGETS value, e.g. python2_7,
+# or an EPYTHON one, e.g. python2.7). If no implementation passed,
+# the current one will be obtained from ${EPYTHON}.
+# The variables which can be exported are: PYTHON, EPYTHON,
+# PYTHON_SITEDIR. They are described more completely in the eclass
+# variable documentation.
+python_export() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	local impl var
+	case "${1}" in
+		python*|jython*)
+			impl=${1/_/.}
+			shift
+			;;
+		pypy|pypy3)
+			impl=${1}
+			shift
+			;;
+		*)
+			impl=${EPYTHON}
+			if [[ -z ${impl} ]]; then
+				die "python_export called without a python implementation and EPYTHON is unset"
+			fi
+			;;
+	esac
+	debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: implementation: ${impl}"
+	for var; do
+		case "${var}" in
+				export EPYTHON=${impl}
+				debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: EPYTHON = ${EPYTHON}"
+				;;
+				export PYTHON=${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/${impl}
+				debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: PYTHON = ${PYTHON}"
+				;;
+				[[ -n ${PYTHON} ]] || die "PYTHON needs to be set for ${var} to be exported, or requested before it"
+				# sysconfig can't be used because:
+				# 1) pypy doesn't give site-packages but stdlib
+				# 2) jython gives paths with wrong case
+				PYTHON_SITEDIR=$("${PYTHON}" -c 'import distutils.sysconfig; print(distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib())') || die
+				export PYTHON_SITEDIR
+				;;
+				[[ -n ${PYTHON} ]] || die "PYTHON needs to be set for ${var} to be exported, or requested before it"
+				PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR=$("${PYTHON}" -c 'import distutils.sysconfig; print(distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc())') || die
+				# Jython gives a non-existing directory
+				if [[ ! -d ${PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR} ]]; then
+					die "${impl} does not install any header files!"
+				fi
+				;;
+				[[ -n ${PYTHON} ]] || die "PYTHON needs to be set for ${var} to be exported, or requested before it"
+				PYTHON_LIBPATH=$("${PYTHON}" -c 'import os.path, sysconfig; print(os.path.join(sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBDIR"), sysconfig.get_config_var("LDLIBRARY")) if sysconfig.get_config_var("LDLIBRARY") else "")') || die
+				export PYTHON_LIBPATH
+				if [[ ! ${PYTHON_LIBPATH} ]]; then
+					die "${impl} lacks a (usable) dynamic library"
+				fi
+				;;
+				local val
+				case "${impl}" in
+					python*)
+						# python-2.7, python-3.2, etc.
+						val=$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --cflags ${impl/n/n-}) || die
+						;;
+					*)
+						die "${impl}: obtaining ${var} not supported"
+						;;
+				esac
+				export PYTHON_CFLAGS=${val}
+				debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: PYTHON_CFLAGS = ${PYTHON_CFLAGS}"
+				;;
+				local val
+				case "${impl}" in
+					python*)
+						# python-2.7, python-3.2, etc.
+						val=$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --libs ${impl/n/n-}) || die
+						;;
+					*)
+						die "${impl}: obtaining ${var} not supported"
+						;;
+				esac
+				export PYTHON_LIBS=${val}
+				debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: PYTHON_LIBS = ${PYTHON_LIBS}"
+				;;
+				local flags val
+				case "${impl}" in
+					python*)
+						[[ -n ${PYTHON} ]] || die "PYTHON needs to be set for ${var} to be exported, or requested before it"
+						flags=$("${PYTHON}" -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var("ABIFLAGS") or "")') || die
+						val=${PYTHON}${flags}-config
+						;;
+					*)
+						die "${impl}: obtaining ${var} not supported"
+						;;
+				esac
+				export PYTHON_CONFIG=${val}
+				debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: PYTHON_CONFIG = ${PYTHON_CONFIG}"
+				;;
+				local d
+				case ${impl} in
+					python2.7)
+						PYTHON_PKG_DEP='>=dev-lang/python-2.7.5-r2:2.7';;
+					python3.3)
+						PYTHON_PKG_DEP='>=dev-lang/python-3.3.2-r2:3.3';;
+					python*)
+						PYTHON_PKG_DEP="dev-lang/python:${impl#python}";;
+					pypy)
+						PYTHON_PKG_DEP='>=virtual/pypy-5:0=';;
+					pypy3)
+						PYTHON_PKG_DEP='>=virtual/pypy3-5:0=';;
+					jython2.7)
+						PYTHON_PKG_DEP='dev-java/jython:2.7';;
+					*)
+						die "Invalid implementation: ${impl}"
+				esac
+				# use-dep
+				if [[ ${PYTHON_REQ_USE} ]]; then
+				fi
+				export PYTHON_PKG_DEP
+				debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: PYTHON_PKG_DEP = ${PYTHON_PKG_DEP}"
+				;;
+				local dir
+				export PYTHON_SCRIPTDIR=${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/python-exec/${impl}
+				;;
+			*)
+				die "python_export: unknown variable ${var}"
+		esac
+	done
+# @FUNCTION: python_get_sitedir
+# @USAGE: [<impl>]
+# Obtain and print the 'site-packages' path for the given
+# implementation. If no implementation is provided, ${EPYTHON} will
+# be used.
+# If you just need to have PYTHON_SITEDIR set (and exported), then it is
+# better to use python_export() directly instead.
+python_get_sitedir() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	python_export "${@}" PYTHON_SITEDIR
+	echo "${PYTHON_SITEDIR}"
+# @FUNCTION: python_get_includedir
+# @USAGE: [<impl>]
+# Obtain and print the include path for the given implementation. If no
+# implementation is provided, ${EPYTHON} will be used.
+# If you just need to have PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR set (and exported), then it
+# is better to use python_export() directly instead.
+python_get_includedir() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	python_export "${@}" PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR
+# @FUNCTION: python_get_library_path
+# @USAGE: [<impl>]
+# Obtain and print the Python library path for the given implementation.
+# If no implementation is provided, ${EPYTHON} will be used.
+# Please note that this function can be used with CPython only. Use
+# in another implementation will result in a fatal failure.
+python_get_library_path() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	python_export "${@}" PYTHON_LIBPATH
+	echo "${PYTHON_LIBPATH}"
+# @FUNCTION: python_get_CFLAGS
+# @USAGE: [<impl>]
+# Obtain and print the compiler flags for building against Python,
+# for the given implementation. If no implementation is provided,
+# ${EPYTHON} will be used.
+# Please note that this function can be used with CPython only.
+# It requires Python and pkg-config installed, and therefore proper
+# build-time dependencies need be added to the ebuild.
+python_get_CFLAGS() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	python_export "${@}" PYTHON_CFLAGS
+	echo "${PYTHON_CFLAGS}"
+# @FUNCTION: python_get_LIBS
+# @USAGE: [<impl>]
+# Obtain and print the compiler flags for linking against Python,
+# for the given implementation. If no implementation is provided,
+# ${EPYTHON} will be used.
+# Please note that this function can be used with CPython only.
+# It requires Python and pkg-config installed, and therefore proper
+# build-time dependencies need be added to the ebuild.
+python_get_LIBS() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	python_export "${@}" PYTHON_LIBS
+	echo "${PYTHON_LIBS}"
+# @USAGE: [<impl>]
+# Obtain and print the PYTHON_CONFIG location for the given
+# implementation. If no implementation is provided, ${EPYTHON} will be
+# used.
+# Please note that this function can be used with CPython only.
+# It requires Python installed, and therefore proper build-time
+# dependencies need be added to the ebuild.
+python_get_PYTHON_CONFIG() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	python_export "${@}" PYTHON_CONFIG
+	echo "${PYTHON_CONFIG}"
+# @FUNCTION: python_get_scriptdir
+# @USAGE: [<impl>]
+# Obtain and print the script install path for the given
+# implementation. If no implementation is provided, ${EPYTHON} will
+# be used.
+python_get_scriptdir() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	python_export "${@}" PYTHON_SCRIPTDIR
+# @FUNCTION: _python_ln_rel
+# @USAGE: <from> <to>
+# Create a relative symlink.
+_python_ln_rel() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	local target=${1}
+	local symname=${2}
+	local tgpath=${target%/*}/
+	local sympath=${symname%/*}/
+	local rel_target=
+	while [[ ${sympath} ]]; do
+		local tgseg= symseg=
+		while [[ ! ${tgseg} && ${tgpath} ]]; do
+			tgseg=${tgpath%%/*}
+			tgpath=${tgpath#${tgseg}/}
+		done
+		while [[ ! ${symseg} && ${sympath} ]]; do
+			symseg=${sympath%%/*}
+			sympath=${sympath#${symseg}/}
+		done
+		if [[ ${tgseg} != ${symseg} ]]; then
+			rel_target=../${rel_target}${tgseg:+${tgseg}/}
+		fi
+	done
+	rel_target+=${tgpath}${target##*/}
+	debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: ${symname} -> ${target}"
+	debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: rel_target = ${rel_target}"
+	ln -fs "${rel_target}" "${symname}"
+# @FUNCTION: python_optimize
+# @USAGE: [<directory>...]
+# Compile and optimize Python modules in specified directories (absolute
+# paths). If no directories are provided, the default system paths
+# are used (prepended with ${D}).
+python_optimize() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	if [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} == pre* || ${EBUILD_PHASE} == post* ]]; then
+		eerror "The new Python eclasses expect the compiled Python files to"
+		eerror "be controlled by the Package Manager. For this reason,"
+		eerror "the python_optimize function can be used only during src_* phases"
+		eerror "(src_install most commonly) and not during pkg_* phases."
+		echo
+		die "python_optimize is not to be used in pre/post* phases"
+	fi
+	[[ ${EPYTHON} ]] || die 'No Python implementation set (EPYTHON is null).'
+	local PYTHON=${PYTHON}
+	[[ ${PYTHON} ]] || python_export PYTHON
+	# default to sys.path
+	if [[ ${#} -eq 0 ]]; then
+		local f
+		while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do
+			# 1) accept only absolute paths
+			#    (i.e. skip '', '.' or anything like that)
+			# 2) skip paths which do not exist
+			#    (python2.6 complains about them verbosely)
+			if [[ ${f} == /* && -d ${D%/}${f} ]]; then
+				set -- "${D%/}${f}" "${@}"
+			fi
+		done < <("${PYTHON}" -c 'import sys; print("\0".join(sys.path))' || die)
+		debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: using sys.path: ${*/%/;}"
+	fi
+	local d
+	for d; do
+		# make sure to get a nice path without //
+		local instpath=${d#${D%/}}
+		instpath=/${instpath##/}
+		case "${EPYTHON}" in
+			python2.7|python3.[34])
+				"${PYTHON}" -m compileall -q -f -d "${instpath}" "${d}"
+				"${PYTHON}" -OO -m compileall -q -f -d "${instpath}" "${d}"
+				;;
+			python*|pypy3)
+				# both levels of optimization are separate since 3.5
+				"${PYTHON}" -m compileall -q -f -d "${instpath}" "${d}"
+				"${PYTHON}" -O -m compileall -q -f -d "${instpath}" "${d}"
+				"${PYTHON}" -OO -m compileall -q -f -d "${instpath}" "${d}"
+				;;
+			*)
+				"${PYTHON}" -m compileall -q -f -d "${instpath}" "${d}"
+				;;
+		esac
+	done
+# @FUNCTION: python_scriptinto
+# @USAGE: <new-path>
+# Set the directory to which files passed to python_doexe(),
+# python_doscript(), python_newexe() and python_newscript()
+# are going to be installed. The new value needs to be relative
+# to the installation root (${ED}).
+# If not set explicitly, the directory defaults to /usr/bin.
+# Example:
+# @CODE
+# src_install() {
+#   python_scriptinto /usr/sbin
+#   python_foreach_impl python_doscript foo
+# }
+# @CODE
+python_scriptinto() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	python_scriptroot=${1}
+# @FUNCTION: python_doexe
+# @USAGE: <files>...
+# Install the given executables into the executable install directory,
+# for the current Python implementation (${EPYTHON}).
+# The executable will be wrapped properly for the Python implementation,
+# though no shebang mangling will be performed.
+python_doexe() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	local f
+	for f; do
+		python_newexe "${f}" "${f##*/}"
+	done
+# @FUNCTION: python_newexe
+# @USAGE: <path> <new-name>
+# Install the given executable into the executable install directory,
+# for the current Python implementation (${EPYTHON}).
+# The executable will be wrapped properly for the Python implementation,
+# though no shebang mangling will be performed. It will be renamed
+# to <new-name>.
+python_newexe() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	[[ ${EPYTHON} ]] || die 'No Python implementation set (EPYTHON is null).'
+	[[ ${#} -eq 2 ]] || die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} <path> <new-name>"
+	if [[ ${EAPI:-0} == [0123] ]]; then
+		die "python_do* and python_new* helpers are banned in EAPIs older than 4."
+	fi
+	local wrapd=${python_scriptroot:-/usr/bin}
+	local f=${1}
+	local newfn=${2}
+	python_export PYTHON_SCRIPTDIR
+	(
+		dodir "${wrapd}"
+		exeopts -m 0755
+		exeinto "${d}"
+		newexe "${f}" "${newfn}" || return ${?}
+	)
+	# install the wrapper
+	_python_ln_rel "${ED%/}"/usr/lib/python-exec/python-exec2 \
+		"${ED%/}/${wrapd}/${newfn}" || die
+	# don't use this at home, just call python_doscript() instead
+	if [[ ${_PYTHON_REWRITE_SHEBANG} ]]; then
+		python_fix_shebang -q "${ED%/}/${d}/${newfn}"
+	fi
+# @FUNCTION: python_doscript
+# @USAGE: <files>...
+# Install the given scripts into the executable install directory,
+# for the current Python implementation (${EPYTHON}).
+# All specified files must start with a 'python' shebang. The shebang
+# will be converted, and the files will be wrapped properly
+# for the Python implementation.
+# Example:
+# @CODE
+# src_install() {
+#   python_foreach_impl python_doscript ${PN}
+# }
+# @CODE
+python_doscript() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	python_doexe "${@}"
+# @FUNCTION: python_newscript
+# @USAGE: <path> <new-name>
+# Install the given script into the executable install directory
+# for the current Python implementation (${EPYTHON}), and name it
+# <new-name>.
+# The file must start with a 'python' shebang. The shebang will be
+# converted, and the file will be wrapped properly for the Python
+# implementation. It will be renamed to <new-name>.
+# Example:
+# @CODE
+# src_install() {
+#   python_foreach_impl python_newscript foo
+# }
+# @CODE
+python_newscript() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	python_newexe "${@}"
+# @FUNCTION: python_moduleinto
+# @USAGE: <new-path>
+# Set the Python module install directory for python_domodule().
+# The <new-path> can either be an absolute target system path (in which
+# case it needs to start with a slash, and ${ED} will be prepended to
+# it) or relative to the implementation's site-packages directory
+# (then it must not start with a slash). The relative path can be
+# specified either using the Python package notation (separated by dots)
+# or the directory notation (using slashes).
+# When not set explicitly, the modules are installed to the top
+# site-packages directory.
+# In the relative case, the exact path is determined directly
+# by each python_doscript/python_newscript function. Therefore,
+# python_moduleinto can be safely called before establishing the Python
+# interpreter and/or a single call can be used to set the path correctly
+# for multiple implementations, as can be seen in the following example.
+# Example:
+# @CODE
+# src_install() {
+#   python_moduleinto bar
+#   # installs ${PYTHON_SITEDIR}/bar/
+#   python_foreach_impl python_domodule
+# }
+# @CODE
+python_moduleinto() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	python_moduleroot=${1}
+# @FUNCTION: python_domodule
+# @USAGE: <files>...
+# Install the given modules (or packages) into the current Python module
+# installation directory. The list can mention both modules (files)
+# and packages (directories). All listed files will be installed
+# for all enabled implementations, and compiled afterwards.
+# Example:
+# @CODE
+# src_install() {
+#   # (${PN} being a directory)
+#   python_foreach_impl python_domodule ${PN}
+# }
+# @CODE
+python_domodule() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	[[ ${EPYTHON} ]] || die 'No Python implementation set (EPYTHON is null).'
+	if [[ ${EAPI:-0} == [0123] ]]; then
+		die "python_do* and python_new* helpers are banned in EAPIs older than 4."
+	fi
+	local d
+	if [[ ${python_moduleroot} == /* ]]; then
+		# absolute path
+		d=${python_moduleroot}
+	else
+		# relative to site-packages
+		[[ ${PYTHON_SITEDIR} ]] || python_export PYTHON_SITEDIR
+		d=${PYTHON_SITEDIR#${EPREFIX}}/${python_moduleroot//.//}
+	fi
+	(
+		insopts -m 0644
+		insinto "${d}"
+		doins -r "${@}" || return ${?}
+	)
+	python_optimize "${ED%/}/${d}"
+# @FUNCTION: python_doheader
+# @USAGE: <files>...
+# Install the given headers into the implementation-specific include
+# directory. This function is unconditionally recursive, i.e. you can
+# pass directories instead of files.
+# Example:
+# @CODE
+# src_install() {
+#   python_foreach_impl python_doheader foo.h bar.h
+# }
+# @CODE
+python_doheader() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	[[ ${EPYTHON} ]] || die 'No Python implementation set (EPYTHON is null).'
+	if [[ ${EAPI:-0} == [0123] ]]; then
+		die "python_do* and python_new* helpers are banned in EAPIs older than 4."
+	fi
+	(
+		insopts -m 0644
+		insinto "${d}"
+		doins -r "${@}" || return ${?}
+	)
+# @FUNCTION: python_wrapper_setup
+# @USAGE: [<path> [<impl>]]
+# Create proper 'python' executable and pkg-config wrappers
+# (if available) in the directory named by <path>. Set up PATH
+# and PKG_CONFIG_PATH appropriately. <path> defaults to ${T}/${EPYTHON}.
+# The wrappers will be created for implementation named by <impl>,
+# or for one named by ${EPYTHON} if no <impl> passed.
+# If the named directory contains a python symlink already, it will
+# be assumed to contain proper wrappers already and only environment
+# setup will be done. If wrapper update is requested, the directory
+# shall be removed first.
+python_wrapper_setup() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	local workdir=${1:-${T}/${EPYTHON}}
+	local impl=${2:-${EPYTHON}}
+	[[ ${workdir} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no workdir specified."
+	[[ ${impl} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no impl nor EPYTHON specified."
+	if [[ ! -x ${workdir}/bin/python ]]; then
+		_python_check_dead_variables
+		mkdir -p "${workdir}"/{bin,pkgconfig} || die
+		# Clean up, in case we were supposed to do a cheap update.
+		rm -f "${workdir}"/bin/python{,2,3}{,-config} || die
+		rm -f "${workdir}"/bin/2to3 || die
+		rm -f "${workdir}"/pkgconfig/python{,2,3}.pc || die
+		python_export "${impl}" EPYTHON PYTHON
+		local pyver pyother
+		if python_is_python3; then
+			pyver=3
+			pyother=2
+		else
+			pyver=2
+			pyother=3
+		fi
+		# Python interpreter
+		# note: we don't use symlinks because python likes to do some
+		# symlink reading magic that breaks stuff
+		#
+		cat > "${workdir}/bin/python" <<-_EOF_ || die
+			#!/bin/sh
+			exec "${PYTHON}" "\${@}"
+		_EOF_
+		cp "${workdir}/bin/python" "${workdir}/bin/python${pyver}" || die
+		chmod +x "${workdir}/bin/python" "${workdir}/bin/python${pyver}" || die
+		local nonsupp=( "python${pyother}" "python${pyother}-config" )
+		# CPython-specific
+		if [[ ${EPYTHON} == python* ]]; then
+			cat > "${workdir}/bin/python-config" <<-_EOF_ || die
+				#!/bin/sh
+				exec "${PYTHON}-config" "\${@}"
+			_EOF_
+			cp "${workdir}/bin/python-config" \
+				"${workdir}/bin/python${pyver}-config" || die
+			chmod +x "${workdir}/bin/python-config" \
+				"${workdir}/bin/python${pyver}-config" || die
+			# Python 2.6+.
+			ln -s "${PYTHON/python/2to3-}" "${workdir}"/bin/2to3 || die
+			# Python 2.7+.
+			ln -s "${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/${EPYTHON/n/n-}.pc \
+				"${workdir}"/pkgconfig/python.pc || die
+			ln -s python.pc "${workdir}"/pkgconfig/python${pyver}.pc || die
+		else
+			nonsupp+=( 2to3 python-config "python${pyver}-config" )
+		fi
+		local x
+		for x in "${nonsupp[@]}"; do
+			cat >"${workdir}"/bin/${x} <<-_EOF_ || die
+				#!/bin/sh
+				echo "${ECLASS}: ${FUNCNAME}: ${x} is not supported by ${EPYTHON} (PYTHON_COMPAT)" >&2
+				exit 127
+			_EOF_
+			chmod +x "${workdir}"/bin/${x} || die
+		done
+	fi
+	# Now, set the environment.
+	# But note that ${workdir} may be shared with something else,
+	# and thus already on top of PATH.
+	if [[ ${PATH##:*} != ${workdir}/bin ]]; then
+		PATH=${workdir}/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}
+	fi
+	if [[ ${PKG_CONFIG_PATH##:*} != ${workdir}/pkgconfig ]]; then
+		PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${workdir}/pkgconfig${PKG_CONFIG_PATH:+:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}}
+	fi
+# @FUNCTION: python_is_python3
+# @USAGE: [<impl>]
+# Check whether <impl> (or ${EPYTHON}) is a Python3k variant
+# (i.e. uses syntax and stdlib of Python 3.*).
+# Returns 0 (true) if it is, 1 (false) otherwise.
+python_is_python3() {
+	local impl=${1:-${EPYTHON}}
+	[[ ${impl} ]] || die "python_is_python3: no impl nor EPYTHON"
+	[[ ${impl} == python3* || ${impl} == pypy3 ]]
+# @FUNCTION: python_is_installed
+# @USAGE: [<impl>]
+# Check whether the interpreter for <impl> (or ${EPYTHON}) is installed.
+# Uses has_version with a proper dependency string.
+# Returns 0 (true) if it is, 1 (false) otherwise.
+python_is_installed() {
+	local impl=${1:-${EPYTHON}}
+	[[ ${impl} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no impl nor EPYTHON"
+	local hasv_args=()
+	case ${EAPI:-0} in
+		0|1|2|3|4)
+			local -x ROOT=/
+			;;
+		5|6)
+			hasv_args+=( --host-root )
+			;;
+		*)
+			hasv_args+=( -b )
+			;;
+	esac
+	case "${impl}" in
+		pypy|pypy3)
+			local append=
+			if [[ ${PYTHON_REQ_USE} ]]; then
+				append=[${PYTHON_REQ_USE}]
+			fi
+			# be happy with just the interpeter, no need for the virtual
+			has_version "${hasv_args[@]}" "dev-python/${impl}${append}" \
+				|| has_version "${hasv_args[@]}" "dev-python/${impl}-bin${append}"
+			;;
+		*)
+			local PYTHON_PKG_DEP
+			python_export "${impl}" PYTHON_PKG_DEP
+			has_version "${hasv_args[@]}" "${PYTHON_PKG_DEP}"
+			;;
+	esac
+# @FUNCTION: python_fix_shebang
+# @USAGE: [-f|--force] [-q|--quiet] <path>...
+# Replace the shebang in Python scripts with the current Python
+# implementation (EPYTHON). If a directory is passed, works recursively
+# on all Python scripts.
+# Only files having a 'python*' shebang will be modified. Files with
+# other shebang will either be skipped when working recursively
+# on a directory or treated as error when specified explicitly.
+# Shebangs matching explicitly current Python version will be left
+# unmodified. Shebangs requesting another Python version will be treated
+# as fatal error, unless --force is given.
+# --force causes the function to replace even shebangs that require
+# incompatible Python version. --quiet causes the function not to list
+# modified files verbosely.
+python_fix_shebang() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	[[ ${EPYTHON} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: EPYTHON unset (pkg_setup not called?)"
+	local force quiet
+	while [[ ${@} ]]; do
+		case "${1}" in
+			-f|--force) force=1; shift;;
+			-q|--quiet) quiet=1; shift;;
+			--) shift; break;;
+			*) break;;
+		esac
+	done
+	[[ ${1} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no paths given"
+	local path f
+	for path; do
+		local any_correct any_fixed is_recursive
+		[[ -d ${path} ]] && is_recursive=1
+		while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do
+			local shebang i
+			local error= from=
+			# note: we can't ||die here since read will fail if file
+			# has no newline characters
+			IFS= read -r shebang <"${f}"
+			# First, check if it's shebang at all...
+			if [[ ${shebang} == '#!'* ]]; then
+				local split_shebang=()
+				read -r -a split_shebang <<<${shebang} || die
+				# Match left-to-right in a loop, to avoid matching random
+				# repetitions like 'python2.7 python2'.
+				for i in "${split_shebang[@]}"; do
+					case "${i}" in
+						*"${EPYTHON}")
+							debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: in file ${f#${D%/}}"
+							debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: shebang matches EPYTHON: ${shebang}"
+							# Nothing to do, move along.
+							any_correct=1
+							from=${EPYTHON}
+							break
+							;;
+						*python|*python[23])
+							debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: in file ${f#${D%/}}"
+							debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: rewriting shebang: ${shebang}"
+							if [[ ${i} == *python2 ]]; then
+								from=python2
+								if [[ ! ${force} ]]; then
+									python_is_python3 "${EPYTHON}" && error=1
+								fi
+							elif [[ ${i} == *python3 ]]; then
+								from=python3
+								if [[ ! ${force} ]]; then
+									python_is_python3 "${EPYTHON}" || error=1
+								fi
+							else
+								from=python
+							fi
+							break
+							;;
+						*python[23].[0123456789]|*pypy|*pypy3|*jython[23].[0123456789])
+							# Explicit mismatch.
+							if [[ ! ${force} ]]; then
+								error=1
+							else
+								case "${i}" in
+									*python[23].[0123456789])
+										from="python[23].[0123456789]";;
+									*pypy)
+										from="pypy";;
+									*pypy3)
+										from="pypy3";;
+									*jython[23].[0123456789])
+										from="jython[23].[0123456789]";;
+									*)
+										die "${FUNCNAME}: internal error in 2nd pattern match";;
+								esac
+							fi
+							break
+							;;
+					esac
+				done
+			fi
+			if [[ ! ${error} && ! ${from} ]]; then
+				# Non-Python shebang. Allowed in recursive mode,
+				# disallowed when specifying file explicitly.
+				[[ ${is_recursive} ]] && continue
+				error=1
+			fi
+			if [[ ! ${quiet} ]]; then
+				einfo "Fixing shebang in ${f#${D%/}}."
+			fi
+			if [[ ! ${error} ]]; then
+				# We either want to match ${from} followed by space
+				# or at end-of-string.
+				if [[ ${shebang} == *${from}" "* ]]; then
+					sed -i -e "1s:${from} :${EPYTHON} :" "${f}" || die
+				else
+					sed -i -e "1s:${from}$:${EPYTHON}:" "${f}" || die
+				fi
+				any_fixed=1
+			else
+				eerror "The file has incompatible shebang:"
+				eerror "  file: ${f#${D%/}}"
+				eerror "  current shebang: ${shebang}"
+				eerror "  requested impl: ${EPYTHON}"
+				die "${FUNCNAME}: conversion of incompatible shebang requested"
+			fi
+		done < <(find -H "${path}" -type f -print0 || die)
+		if [[ ! ${any_fixed} ]]; then
+			local cmd=eerror
+			[[ ${EAPI:-0} == [012345] ]] && cmd=eqawarn
+			"${cmd}" "QA warning: ${FUNCNAME}, ${path#${D%/}} did not match any fixable files."
+			if [[ ${any_correct} ]]; then
+				"${cmd}" "All files have ${EPYTHON} shebang already."
+			else
+				"${cmd}" "There are no Python files in specified directory."
+			fi
+			[[ ${cmd} == eerror ]] && die "${FUNCNAME} did not match any fixable files (QA warning fatal in EAPI ${EAPI})"
+		fi
+	done
+# @FUNCTION: _python_check_locale_sanity
+# @USAGE: <locale>
+# @RETURN: 0 if sane, 1 otherwise
+# Check whether the specified locale sanely maps between lowercase
+# and uppercase ASCII characters.
+_python_check_locale_sanity() {
+	local -x LC_ALL=${1}
+	local IFS=
+	local lc=( {a..z} )
+	local uc=( {A..Z} )
+	local input="${lc[*]}${uc[*]}"
+	local output=$(tr '[:lower:][:upper:]' '[:upper:][:lower:]' <<<"${input}")
+	[[ ${output} == "${uc[*]}${lc[*]}" ]]
+# @FUNCTION: python_export_utf8_locale
+# @RETURN: 0 on success, 1 on failure.
+# Attempts to export a usable UTF-8 locale in the LC_CTYPE variable. Does
+# nothing if LC_ALL is defined, or if the current locale uses a UTF-8 charmap.
+# This may be used to work around the quirky open() behavior of python3.
+python_export_utf8_locale() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	# If the locale program isn't available, just return.
+	type locale >/dev/null || return 0
+	if [[ $(locale charmap) != UTF-8 ]]; then
+		# Try English first, then everything else.
+		local lang locales="C.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 en_GB.UTF-8 $(locale -a)"
+		for lang in ${locales}; do
+			if [[ $(LC_ALL=${lang} locale charmap 2>/dev/null) == UTF-8 ]]; then
+				if _python_check_locale_sanity "${lang}"; then
+					export LC_CTYPE=${lang}
+					if [[ -n ${LC_ALL} ]]; then
+						export LC_NUMERIC=${LC_ALL}
+						export LC_TIME=${LC_ALL}
+						export LC_COLLATE=${LC_ALL}
+						export LC_MONETARY=${LC_ALL}
+						export LC_MESSAGES=${LC_ALL}
+						export LC_PAPER=${LC_ALL}
+						export LC_NAME=${LC_ALL}
+						export LC_ADDRESS=${LC_ALL}
+						export LC_TELEPHONE=${LC_ALL}
+						export LC_MEASUREMENT=${LC_ALL}
+						export LC_ALL=
+					fi
+					return 0
+				fi
+			fi
+		done
+		ewarn "Could not find a UTF-8 locale. This may trigger build failures in"
+		ewarn "some python packages. Please ensure that a UTF-8 locale is listed in"
+		ewarn "/etc/locale.gen and run locale-gen."
+		return 1
+	fi
+	return 0
+# -- python.eclass functions --
+_python_check_dead_variables() {
+	local v
+	do
+		if [[ ${!v} ]]; then
+			die "${v} is invalid for python-r1 suite, please take a look @"
+		fi
+	done
+	do
+		if [[ ${!v} ]]; then
+			die "${v} is invalid for python-r1 suite, please take a look @"
+		fi
+	done
+	do
+		if [[ ${!v} ]]; then
+			die "${v} is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+		fi
+	done
+	do
+		if [[ ${!v} ]]; then
+			die "${v} is invalid for distutils-r1, please take a look @${v}"
+		fi
+	done
+		die "${v} is invalid for distutils-r1, please take a look @"
+	fi
+	# python.eclass::progress
+	do
+		if [[ ${!v} ]]; then
+			die "${v} is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+		fi
+	done
+python_pkg_setup() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite, please take a look @"
+python_convert_shebangs() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite, please take a look @"
+python_clean_py-compile_files() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_clean_installation_image() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_execute_function() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite, please take a look @"
+python_generate_wrapper_scripts() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_merge_intermediate_installation_images() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_set_active_version() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite, please take a look @"
+python_need_rebuild() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite, please take a look @"
+python_get_implementation() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_get_implementational_package() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_get_libdir() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_get_library() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_get_version() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_get_implementation_and_version() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_execute_nosetests() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_execute_py.test() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_execute_trial() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_enable_pyc() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_disable_pyc() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_mod_optimize() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite, please take a look @"
+python_mod_cleanup() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite, please take a look @"
+# python.eclass::progress
+python_abi_depend() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_install_executables() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_get_extension_module_suffix() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_byte-compile_modules() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_clean_byte-compiled_modules() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"
+python_generate_cffi_modules() {
+	die "${FUNCNAME}() is invalid for python-r1 suite"