blob: f2be380e60e72bbee44fc5dd40e2bbbdf80dd58f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# @ECLASS: cros-zephyr-fpmcu.eclass
# Chromium OS Firmware Team
# Please report bugs via (with label Build)
# @BLURB: helper eclass for building Zephyr FPMCU firmware
# Release FPMCU firmware needs to be built from specific branches/commits and
# must be signed by the signing daemon. This eclass provides a standardized
# mechanism for that process by building for a specific Zephyr program and
# installing it into /build/<board>/<FPMCU_board>/release/zephyr so that the
# signer can pick it up. Note that this doesn't install the firmware into the
# rootfs; that has to be done by a separate ebuild since the signer runs after
# the build.
# NOTE: When making changes to this class, make sure to modify the
# `sys-firmware/chromeos-zephyr-fpmcu-release-*/files/revision_bump' to cause
# package rebuilds (work around for
if [[ -z "${_ECLASS_CROS_ZEPHYR_FPMCU}" ]]; then
# Check for EAPI 7+.
case "${EAPI:-0}" in
0|1|2|3|4|5|6) die "unsupported EAPI (${EAPI}) in eclass (${ECLASS})" ;;
*) ;;
# Zephyr program to build.
if [[ -z "${ZEPHYR_PROGRAM}" ]]; then
die "ZEPHYR_PROGRAM must be specified in ebuild."
inherit cros-workon cros-ec-merge-ro cros-zephyr-utils
# @FUNCTION: cros-zephyr-fpmcu_src_prepare
# Prepare sources for compilation. Create symbolic link to private sources
# in EC repository.
cros-zephyr-fpmcu_src_prepare() {
# We don't list the private repositories in CROS_WORKON_PROJECT since this
# is a public ebuild. Instead, the private files are installed to
# "${SYSROOT}/firmware/${ZEPHYR_PROGRAM}/release/ec-private" by
# `chromeos-ec-private-files`.
# We link that private source into modules/ec/private.
ln -sfT "${SYSROOT}/firmware/${ZEPHYR_PROGRAM}/release/ec-private" \
"${S}/modules/ec/private" || die
# @FUNCTION: cros-zephyr-fpmcu_src_compile
# Compile Zephyr program specified in ZEPHYR_PROGRAM variable.
cros-zephyr-fpmcu_src_compile() {
# Let the EC Makefiles set the compiler. It already has logic for choosing
# between gcc and clang for the different architectures that EC builds.
unset CC
# Setting SYSROOT to the board's sysroot (e.g., /build/hatch) causes
# compilation failures when cross-compiling for other targets (e.g., ARM).
# Let the EC Makefiles determine architecture flags. For example, using
# "-march=goldmont" fails when using "armv7m-cros-eabi-clang" with the
# error: the clang compiler does not support '-march=goldmont'
filter-flags "-march=*"
local version="no_version"
local gdesc="$(git describe --dirty --match='v*' 2>/dev/null)"
if [[ -n "${gdesc}" ]]; then
local fields vernum numcommits
IFS="-" read -r -a fields <<< "${gdesc}"
IFS="." read -r -a vernum <<< "${fields[0]}"
einfo "Building targets: ${ZEPHYR_PROGRAM}"
run_zmake build -B "build" --version "${version}" "${ZEPHYR_PROGRAM}" \
|| die "Failed to build ${ZEPHYR_PROGRAM}."
# @FUNCTION: cros-zephyr-fpmcu_src_install
# Install compiled firmware to the firmware/${BOARD}/release/zephyr directory
# Replace RO firmware if requested.
cros-zephyr-fpmcu_src_install() {
# Replace RO if requested.
if [[ -n "${FIRMWARE_RELEASE_REPLACE_RO}" ]] && [[ "${FIRMWARE_RELEASE_REPLACE_RO}" == "yes" ]]; then
local firmware_bin_dir="${SYSROOT}/firmware/fpmcu-firmware-binaries"
# Check if firmware-bin directory exists.
if [[ ! -d "${firmware_bin_dir}" ]]; then
einfo "No RO firmware found. This is expected in a public build."
# Find appropriate RO file.
local ro_fw="$(cros-ec-merge-ro_find_ro_fw "${ZEPHYR_PROGRAM}" "${firmware_bin_dir}")"
local rw_fw="${S}/build/${ZEPHYR_PROGRAM}/output/ec.bin"
local merged_fw="$(cros-ec-merge-ro_do_merge "${ro_fw}" "${rw_fw}")"
cp "${merged_fw}" "${rw_fw}" || die
# Do not strip elf files so debug symbols are available
# in the firmware_from_source.tar.bz2 bundles from builders.
dostrip -x "/firmware/${ZEPHYR_PROGRAM}/release/zephyr"/zephyr.{rw,ro}.elf
# Run 'insinto' in subshell to avoid changing the insinto path for
# the caller.
insinto "/firmware/${ZEPHYR_PROGRAM}/release/zephyr"
doins "build/${ZEPHYR_PROGRAM}"/output/*
EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_prepare src_compile src_install