blob: 2ff8d00bd1cab51999b344d5ae82486495e3c897 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2024 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Does presubmit checks for Rust-like changes.
This is intended to be used by `repo`. For more information, please see
Enforces that all Rust toolchain packages, as well as the Rust virtual, are at
the same ${PVR}. This does not apply to rust-bootstrap.
import dataclasses
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
from typing import List, Optional
_ALL_RUST_DIRS = ("virtual/rust/", "dev-lang/rust/", "dev-lang/rust-host/")
_CROS_RUSTC_ECLASS = "eclass/cros-rustc.eclass"
_Complaint = str
class CommitChanges:
"""Contains information about the modifications performed by a commit."""
# A list of files that were only modified in-place; not deleted, created,
# renamed, etc.
files_only_modified: List[str]
# All files changed by a commit that aren't in `files_only_modified`. Note
# that renames will have an entry for _both_ the rename-from and rename-to
# locations.
all_other_changed_files: List[str]
def all_changed_files(self) -> List[str]:
return self.files_only_modified + self.all_other_changed_files
def from_commit(cls, sha: str) -> "CommitChanges":
# This command outputs a line-separated list of files changed by a
# commit, in the form:
# operation file_name (new_file_name)?
# e.g.,
# M dev-lang/rust/
# R100 dev-lang/rust/foo dev-lang/rust/foo2
output = subprocess.check_output(
# Only report Added, Deleted, Copied, Modified, Renamed, and
# Type-Changed files. Other types seem to have git-inter
output_re = re.compile(r"^([ADMRT])\d*\s+(\S+)(?:\s+(\S+))?$")
all_other_changed_files = []
files_only_modified = []
for line in output.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line:
m = output_re.match(line)
assert m, f"Unexpectedly failed to match {line!r} with {output_re}"
mod_type, file1, maybe_file2 = m.groups()
if mod_type == "R":
assert maybe_file2, f"No second file for a rename? Line: {line}"
all_other_changed_files += (file1, maybe_file2)
assert not maybe_file2, (
f"Second file unexpectedly present for {mod_type} operation. "
f"Line: {line}"
if mod_type == "M":
return cls(
def _will_change_to_file_cause_revbump(
file: str, package_directory: str
) -> bool:
"""Returns whether changes to `file` cause `package` to be revbumped."""
file_in_package = os.path.relpath(file, package_directory)
if file_in_package.startswith("../"):
return False
return (
file_in_package == "Manifest"
or file_in_package.startswith("files/")
or file_in_package.endswith("-9999.ebuild")
def _ensure_cros_rustc_changes_have_revbumps(
changes: CommitChanges,
) -> Optional[_Complaint]:
all_changed_files = changes.all_changed_files
if not any(x == _CROS_RUSTC_ECLASS for x in all_changed_files):
for file in all_changed_files:
if _will_change_to_file_cause_revbump(
file, "dev-lang/rust/"
) or _will_change_to_file_cause_revbump(file, "dev-lang/rust-host/"):
# Just `return None` here, since something, somewhere will
# cause a revbump to a Rust package. The 'lockstep' check later
# ensures that all other packages are revbumped properly.
return None
return textwrap.dedent(
{_CROS_RUSTC_ECLASS} was changed, but no corresponding cros-rustc users
were changed in a way that will cause them to be uprevved by Annealing.
If this is intended, pass `--ignore-hooks` or `--no-verify` to `repo`.
Otherwise, please update `files/revision_bump` in dev-lang/rust and
def _ensure_rust_and_rust_host_are_in_lockstep(
changes: CommitChanges,
) -> Optional[_Complaint]:
has_rust_change = False
has_rust_host_change = False
for file in changes.all_changed_files:
if _will_change_to_file_cause_revbump(file, "dev-lang/rust/"):
has_rust_change = True
if has_rust_host_change:
elif _will_change_to_file_cause_revbump(file, "dev-lang/rust-host/"):
has_rust_host_change = True
if has_rust_change:
if has_rust_change == has_rust_host_change:
return None
if has_rust_change:
package_with_changes = "rust"
package_missing_changes = "rust-host"
package_missing_changes = "rust"
package_with_changes = "rust-host"
return textwrap.dedent(
Change(s) in dev-lang/{package_with_changes} detected, but no change is
in dev-lang/{package_missing_changes}. This can lead to rust and
rust-host becoming desynced, which will break your CQ+1 run. If you'd
like to force an uprev of dev-lang/{package_missing_changes}, you can
update dev-lang/{package_missing_changes}/files/revision_bump.
def _ensure_no_virtual_rust_revbumps(
changes: CommitChanges,
) -> Optional[_Complaint]:
"""Complains if the commit modifies ebuild names in virtual/rust."""
virtual_rust_ebuild = re.compile(r"virtual/rust/.*\.ebuild")
# Ignore simple modifications of virtual/rust. It's OK to change it in ways
# that don't involve bringing it out of sync with the other Rust packages.
has_potential_revbumps = any(
virtual_rust_ebuild.match(x) for x in changes.all_other_changed_files
if not has_potential_revbumps:
return None
return textwrap.dedent(
Creations/deletions/renames to ebuilds in virtual/rust detected. The
SDK builder maintains this file; it should not be uprevved by humans.
Bypass this check if you're certain you want to do this.
def _is_rusty_file(file_path: str) -> bool:
"""Returns whether the param is in a rust dir we should check."""
return file_path == _CROS_RUSTC_ECLASS or any(
file_path.startswith(x) for x in _ALL_RUST_DIRS
def main():
"""Main function."""
presubmit_files = os.environ.get("PRESUBMIT_FILES")
if presubmit_files is None:
sys.exit("Need a value for PRESUBMIT_FILES")
# Skip this for CLs that don't touch Rust. It's faster, and if this is
# broken at ToT somehow, we don't want to halt all uploads on unrelated
# CLs.
presubmit_files = [x.strip() for x in presubmit_files.splitlines()]
if not any(_is_rusty_file(x) for x in presubmit_files):
presubmit_commit = os.environ.get("PRESUBMIT_COMMIT")
if presubmit_commit is None:
sys.exit("Need a value for PRESUBMIT_COMMIT")
changes = CommitChanges.from_commit(presubmit_commit)
checks = (
had_complaint = False
for check in checks:
if c := check(changes):
had_complaint = True
print(f"error: {c}", file=sys.stderr)
sys.exit(1 if had_complaint else 0)
if __name__ == "__main__":