blob: fb0629c686528964d20f11a57ad58de445313fa2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# @ECLASS: platform.eclass
# ChromiumOS Build Team
# Please report bugs via (with label Build)
# @BLURB: helper eclass for building Chromium package in src/platform2
# Packages in src/platform2 are in active development. We want builds to be
# incremental and fast. This centralized the logic needed for this.
# Set to yes if the package needs libchrome.
: ${WANT_LIBCHROME:="yes"}
# Set to yes if the package needs libbrillo.
# Subdir in src/platform2 where the package is located.
# If set to yes, run the test only for amd64 and x86.
# Indicates whether this is a platform build by setting a non-empty value.
: "${PLATFORM_BUILD:="1"}"
# Set to yes if the package is built by ARC toolchain.
# Path where build artifacts will end up. Exported from this eclass when
# platform_src_unpack is called; not intended to be set in ebuilds that inherit
# this eclass.
inherit cros-debug cros-fuzzer cros-sanitizers cros-workon flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs multiprocessing
[[ "${WANT_LIBCHROME}" == "yes" ]] && inherit libchrome
# Sanity check: libbrillo can't exist without libchrome.
if [[ "${WANT_LIBBRILLO}" == "yes" ]]; then
if [[ "${WANT_LIBCHROME}" == "no" ]]; then
die "libbrillo requires libchrome"
# While not all packages utilize USE=test, it's common to write gn conditionals
# based on the flag. Add it to the eclass so ebuilds don't have to duplicate it
# everywhere even if they otherwise aren't using the flag.
IUSE="compilation_database cros_host test"
# Similarly to above, we use gtest (includes gmock) for unittests in platform2
# packages. Add the dep all the time even if a few packages wouldn't use it as
# it doesn't add any real overhead. As we often use the FRIEND_TEST macro
# provided by gtest/gtest_prod.h in regular class definitions, the gtest
# dependency is needed outside test as well.
cros_host? ( dev-util/gn )
# @FUNCTION: platform_gen_compilation_database
# Generates a compilation database for use by language servers.
platform_gen_compilation_database() {
local db_chroot="${OUT}/compile_commands_chroot.json"
ninja -C "${OUT}" -t compdb cc cxx > "${db_chroot}" || die
local ext_chroot_path="${EXTERNAL_TRUNK_PATH}/chroot"
# Make relative include paths absolute.
sed -i -e "s:-I\./:-I${OUT}/:g" "${db_chroot}" || die
# Generate non-chroot version of the DB with the following
# changes:
# 1. translate file and directory paths
# 2. call clang directly instead of using CrOS wrappers
# 3. use standard clang target triples
# 4. remove a few compiler options that might not be available
# in the potentially older clang version outside the chroot
# 5. Add "-stdlib=libc++" so that the clang outside the chroot can
# find built-in headers like <string> and <memory>
sed -E -e "s:(\.\./|\.\.)*/mnt/host/source/:${EXTERNAL_TRUNK_PATH}/:g" \
-e "s:/build/:${ext_chroot_path}/build/:g" \
-e "s:-isystem /:-isystem ${ext_chroot_path}/:g" \
-e "s:[a-z0-9_]+-(cros|pc)-linux-gnu([a-z]*)?-clang:clang:g" \
-e "s:([a-z0-9_]+)-cros-linux-gnu:\1-linux-gnu:g" \
-e "s:-fdebug-info-for-profiling::g" \
-e "s:-mretpoline::g" \
-e "s:-mretpoline-external-thunk::g" \
-e "s:-mfentry::g" \
"${db_chroot}" \
| jq 'map(.command |= . + " -stdlib=libc++")' \
> "${OUT}/compile_commands_no_chroot.json" || die
echo \
"compile_commands_*.json are compilation databases for ${CATEGORY}/${PN}. The
files can be used by tools that support the commonly used JSON compilation
database format.
To use the compilation database with an IDE or other tools outside of the
chroot create a symlink named 'compile_commands.json' in the ${PN} source
directory (outside of the chroot) to compile_commands_no_chroot.json. Also
make sure that you have libc++ installed:
$ sudo apt-get install libc++-dev
" > "${OUT}/compile_commands.txt" || die
platform() {
local platform2_py="${PLATFORM_TOOLDIR}/"
local action="$1"
local libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)"
local cache_dir="$(cros-workon_get_build_dir)"
if [[ ${PLATFORM_ARC_BUILD} == "yes" ]]; then
if [[ "${WANT_LIBCHROME}" == "yes" || -n "${IS_LIBCHROME}" ]]; then
export BASE_VER="$(libchrome_ver)"
local cmd=(
if [[ "${CROS_WORKON_INCREMENTAL_BUILD}" != "1" ]]; then
cmd+=( --disable_incremental )
"${cmd[@]}" || die
# The stdout from this function used in platform_install
platform_get_target_args() {
if use cros_host; then
echo "--host"
# Avoid --board as we have all the vars we need in the env.
platform_is_native() {
use amd64 || use x86
platform_src_unpack() {
if [[ ${#CROS_WORKON_DESTDIR[@]} -gt 1 || "${CROS_WORKON_OUTOFTREE_BUILD}" != "1" ]]; then
export OUT="$(cros-workon_get_build_dir)/out/Default"
platform_install() {
local line
while read -ra line; do
echo "${line[@]}"
eval "${line[@]}"
done < <(platform install || die "platform install was failed.")
platform_test() {
local platform2_test_py="${PLATFORM_TOOLDIR}/"
local action="$1"
local bin="$2"
local run_as_root="$3"
local native_gtest_filter="$4"
local qemu_gtest_filter="$5"
local run_as_root_flag=""
if [[ "${run_as_root}" == "1" ]]; then
local gtest_filter
platform_is_native \
&& gtest_filter=${native_gtest_filter} \
|| gtest_filter=${qemu_gtest_filter:-${native_gtest_filter}}
local cmd=(
# Only add these options if they're specified ... leads to cleaner output
# for developers to read.
[[ -n ${gtest_filter} ]] && cmd+=( --gtest_filter="${gtest_filter}" )
[[ -n ${P2_TEST_FILTER} ]] && cmd+=( --user_gtest_filter="${P2_TEST_FILTER}" )
[[ -n "${P2_VMODULE}" ]] && cmd+=( --vmodule="${P2_VMODULE}" )
echo "${cmd[@]}"
"${cmd[@]}" || die
# @FUNCTION: platform_fuzzer_install
# Installs fuzzer targets in one common location for all fuzzing projects.
# @USAGE: <owners file> <fuzzer binary> [--dict dict_file] \
# [--options options_file] [extra files ...]
platform_fuzzer_install() {
fuzzer_install "$@"
# @FUNCTION: platform_fuzzer_test
# Tests a fuzzer binary (passed as an argument) against a small corpus of
# files. This is needed to make sure the fuzzer is built correctly and runs
# properly before being uploaded for contiguous tests.
# @USAGE: <fuzzer binary> [corpus_path]
platform_fuzzer_test() {
fuzzer_test "$@" "${PLATFORM_TOOLDIR}"/fuzzer_corpus || die
platform_src_compile() {
platform "compile" "all"
use compilation_database && platform_gen_compilation_database
platform_configure() {
platform "configure" "$@"
platform_src_configure() {
if use test && use amd64 && platform_is_native && tc-is-cross-compiler; then
# Do not use target specific flags when building for unit tests.
# As the build machine may not support the generated instructions.
# This only helps the code being rebuilt during unit tests, e.g.
# libraries that are not rebuilt can still cause SIGILLs etc.
append-flags '-march=corei7'
platform_configure "$@"
platform_src_test() {
# We pass SRC along so unittests can access data files in their checkout.
# It's also the name used by the framework.
export SRC="${S}"
platform_test "pre_test"
[[ "${PLATFORM_NATIVE_TEST}" == "yes" ]] && ! platform_is_native &&
ewarn "Skipping unittests for non-x86: ${PN}" && return 0
[[ "$(type -t platform_pkg_test)" == "function" ]] && platform_pkg_test
platform_test "post_test"
platform_src_install() {
use compilation_database && platform_install_compilation_database
platform_install_dbus_client_lib() {
local libname=${1:-${PN}}
local client_includes=/usr/include/${libname}-client
local client_test_includes=/usr/include/${libname}-client-test
# Install DBus proxy headers.
insinto "${client_includes}/${libname}"
doins "${OUT}/gen/include/${libname}/dbus-proxies.h"
insinto "${client_test_includes}/${libname}"
doins "${OUT}/gen/include/${libname}/dbus-proxy-mocks.h"
# Install pkg-config for client libraries.
"${OUT}" lib${libname}-client "${client_includes}" ||
die "Error generating lib${libname}-client.pc file"
"${OUT}" lib${libname}-client-test "${client_test_includes}" ||
die "Error generating lib${libname}-client-test.pc file"
insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig"
doins "${OUT}/lib${libname}-client.pc"
doins "${OUT}/lib${libname}-client-test.pc"
# @FUNCTION: platform_install_compilation_database
# Installs compilation database files to
# /build/compilation_database/${CATEGORY}/${PN}.
platform_install_compilation_database() {
insinto "/build/compilation_database/${CATEGORY}/${PN}"
doins "${OUT}/compile_commands.txt"
doins "${OUT}/compile_commands_chroot.json"
doins "${OUT}/compile_commands_no_chroot.json"
EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_compile src_test src_configure src_unpack src_install