blob: 5a7e9e8b4d27b27f8199702ba4b0cede45ff9a84 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package firmware;
option go_package = "";
// The type of a firmware binary.
message FirmwareType {
enum Type {
MAIN = 1;
EC = 2;
// Specifies the version of a firmware binary.
message Version {
int32 major = 1;
int32 minor = 2;
// Specifies the location of a firmware binary.
message FirmwarePayload {
// The build target the firmware was built for.
string build_target_name = 1;
// The name of the firmware image used by the firmware updater. Typically
// the device name, but can differ when a device may have two or more
// different firmware images.
string firmware_image_name = 2;
FirmwareType.Type type = 3;
Version version = 4;
// Specifies different firmware payloads to use in a build.
message FirmwareConfig {
// The main read-only firmware.
FirmwarePayload main_ro_payload = 1;
// The main read-write firmware.
FirmwarePayload main_rw_payload = 2;
// The embedded controller read-only firmware.
FirmwarePayload ec_ro_payload = 3;