blob: c8b2b3ee5934307ad6e6a708c10f59b637e88b4e [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos_overlay;
option go_package = "";
import "src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/proto/audio_config.proto";
import "src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/proto/firmware_config.proto";
import "src/platform2/bluetooth/proto/config.proto";
import "src/platform2/chromeos-config/proto/identity_scan_config.proto";
import "src/platform2/power_manager/config.proto";
message BuildPayload {
// Determines how to scan for a unique hardware design config.
// And based on that hardware configuriation identity,
// defines all of the unique software build and runtime configuration.
// For context, see: config/api/design.proto
message DesignConfig {
chromeos_config.IdentityScanConfig.DesignConfigId scan_config = 1;
firmware.FirmwareConfig firmware = 2;
bluetooth.BluetoothConfig bluetooth_config = 3;
power_manager.PowerManagerConfig power_manager_config = 4;
AudioConfig audio_config = 5;
// Determines how to scan for a unique device brand.
// And based on that brand identity,
// defines all of the unique branding information.
// For context, see: config/api/device_brand.proto
message BrandConfig {
chromeos_config.IdentityScanConfig.BrandId scan_config = 1;
// Base filename of the default wallpaper to show on this device.
string wallpaper = 2;