blob: 480fb0fa1d926a78f15ac77b06aac97925377da3 [file] [log] [blame]
DEFINED_PHASES=compile configure install postinst postrm preinst prepare prerm setup test unpack
DEPEND==dev-rust/hashbrown-0.11*:= >=dev-rust/rayon-1.2.0:= <dev-rust/rayon-2.0.0 =dev-rust/serde-1*:= =dev-rust/autocfg-1*:= >=virtual/rust-1.39.0:= virtual/rust-binaries:=
DESCRIPTION=A hash table with consistent order and fast iteration. The indexmap is a hash table where the iteration order of the key-value pairs is independent of the hash values of the keys. It has the usual hash table functionality, it preserves insertion order except after removals, and it allows lookup of its elements by either hash table key or numerical index. A corresponding hash set type is also provided. This crate was initially published under the name ordermap, but it was renamed to indexmap.
IUSE=cros-debug asan coverage fuzzer msan tsan ubsan amd64 asan coverage cros_host fuzzer lsan +lto msan sccache test tsan ubsan x86
LICENSE=|| ( Apache-2.0 MIT )
RDEPEND==dev-rust/hashbrown-0.11*:= >=dev-rust/rayon-1.2.0:= <dev-rust/rayon-2.0.0 =dev-rust/serde-1*:= =dev-rust/autocfg-1*:=
REQUIRED_USE=?? ( asan lsan msan tsan )
SRC_URI= -> indexmap-1.7.0.crate
_eclasses_=cros-constants bf71cd1168b6441b64a8cdbc06c36eda cros-debug d2750757005d6a444f8eb12bb9eb9944 cros-rust 6eeb74d498700b38a0852e1f4514dea4 cros-sanitizers 5d3cd3adbab6bd1fbf1edd64d5041997 eutils fcb2aa98e1948b835b5ae66ca52868c5 flag-o-matic 09a8beb8e6a8e02dc1e1bd83ac353741 multilib 2477ebe553d3e4d2c606191fe6c33602 multiprocessing c3cf317581e5bd068a4b851f03dd8cba toolchain-funcs 528ab0a9e1ee02c57524ad3bede3c57e