blob: 5f510e914fc860e5e35d3e9ff1e9ace64cb2ca1b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
inherit cros-rustc
DESCRIPTION="The parts of our Rust toolchain necessary to build host binaries"
# dev-lang/rust-1.58.1-r1 introduced the split between dev-lang/rust and
# dev-lang/rust-host; note that here to work around file collisions.
src_install() {
local obj="${CROS_RUSTC_BUILD_DIR}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2"
local tools="${obj}-tools/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/"
dobin "${obj}/bin/rustc" "${obj}/bin/rustdoc"
dobin "${tools}/cargo"
dobin "${tools}/rustfmt" "${tools}/cargo-fmt"
dobin "${tools}/clippy-driver" "${tools}/cargo-clippy"
dobin src/etc/rust-gdb src/etc/rust-lldb
insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)"
doins -r "${obj}/lib/"*
doins -r "${obj}/lib64/"*
# Install miscellaneous LLVM tools.
# These tools are already provided in the SDK, but they're built with
# the version of LLVM built by sys-devel/llvm. Rust uses an independent
# version of LLVM, so the use of these tools is sometimes necessary to
# produce artifacts that work with `rustc` and such.
# Our long-term plan is to have Rust using the same version of LLVM as
# sys-devel/llvm. When that happens, all of the below will be removed, with
# the expectation that users will migrate to the LLVM tools on `$PATH`.
local llvm_tools="${CROS_RUSTC_BUILD_DIR}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/bin"
exeinto "/usr/libexec/rust"
doexe "${llvm_tools}/llvm-profdata"