blob: e49dbb14aeba1cd9660935efc4da278a1bdd6bc0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
description "Starts perfetto system tracing service and probes"
author ""
start on started traced
stop on stopping traced
expect fork
respawn limit 10 10
oom score -100
# Use 10 times regular as usage, which is ~240 MiB for memory usage limit.
# Note that internally perfetto has it's own watchdog and will self-kill if its
# memory budget exceeds SUM(tracing buffers) + 32MB slack.
limit as 250000000 unlimited
env PERFETTO_SOCK_DIR=/run/perfetto
env PERFETTO_PRODUCER_SOCK_NAME=/run/perfetto/traced-producer.sock
pre-start script
# Make per_cpu trace file writable for group debugfs-access.
chgrp debugfs-access /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/per_cpu/cpu*/trace
chmod g+w /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/per_cpu/cpu*/trace
# Allow group debugfs-access to eanble tracing events through writing to the
# "enable" files.
find /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events -name enable \
-exec chgrp debugfs-access {} + -exec chmod g+w {} +
end script
# Common mount flags for tmpfs.
# Mount tmpfs at /sys/kernel/debug: traced_probes doesn't access debugfs.
# TODO(chinglinyu): use /sys/kernel/tracing and remove this tmpfs mount after
# kernels < v4.1 are no longer supported.
tracefs_mnt_args="-k tmpfs,/sys/kernel/debug,tmpfs,${mnt_flags}"
# Bind mount /sys/kernel/debug/tracing.
tracefs_mnt_args="${tracefs_mnt_args} -b /sys/kernel/debug/tracing,,1"
# minijail0 args.
# -u traced-probes -g traced-probes: run as user: traced-probes,
# group: traced-probes.
# -G: Inherit supplementary groups from new uid.
# -c 0: Grant no caps.
# -i: fork immediately and don't block the startup.
# -l: enter a new IPC namespace.
# -e: enter a new network namespace.
# --uts: enter a new UTS namespace.
# traced_probes runs without -p because it needs to see the PID of the traced
# processes.
# -n: set no new_privs.
# -b /sys: bind mount sysfs.
# ${tracefs_mnt_args}: mount tracefs.
exec /sbin/minijail0 -u traced-probes -g traced-probes \
-G -c 0 -i -l -e --uts -n \
--profile=minimalistic-mountns -t \
-k "tmpfs,/run,tmpfs,${mnt_flags}" \
-b "${PERFETTO_SOCK_DIR}",,1 \
-b /sys \
${tracefs_mnt_args} \
-S /usr/share/policy/traced_probes.policy \
-- /usr/bin/traced_probes
end script