blob: 44c8bd139f9b07e291bd1ab66ec588b8e49d5944 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script sets up Cr50 flash log time base, and then retrieves the Cr50
# flash log entries collected since the previous run and reports flash log
# events IDs to the UMA server.
# The previous run is identified by the timestamp saved in a file which
# survives reboots, updates and powerwashes.
# if the file does not exist, all Cr50 flash log entries are extracted and the
# timestamp of the last entry is saved.
script_name="$(basename "$0")"
logit() {
logger -t "${script_name}" -- "$@"
die() {
local text="$*"
logit "Fatal error: ${text}"
exit 1
. "/usr/share/cros/"
main() {
local exit_code
local epoch_secs
local prev_stamp
if [ ! -f "${TIMESTAMP_FILE}" ]; then
logit "${TIMESTAMP_FILE} not found, creating"
echo 0 > "${TIMESTAMP_FILE}" || die "failed to create ${TIMESTAMP_FILE}"
# Set Cr50 flash logger time base.
epoch_secs="$(date '+%s')"
gsctool_cmd -a -T "${epoch_secs}" ||
die "Failed to set Cr50 flash log time base to ${epoch_secs}"
logit "Set Cr50 flash log base time to ${epoch_secs}"
prev_stamp="$(cat "${TIMESTAMP_FILE}")"
# Log lines returned by gsctool -ML consist of the header followed by the
# space separated bytes of the log entry . 'M' ensures the header is two colon
# separated fields, the first field - the entry timestamp, the second field -
# the log event ID.
# After awk processing below just the header is printed for each line.
gsctool_cmd -a -M -L "${prev_stamp}" | sed 's/:/ /g' | while read -r entry; do
local event_id
local new_stamp
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
set -- ${entry}
if [ "${event_id}" = "05" ]; then
# If event_id is 05, which is FE_LOG_NVMEM, then adopt '200 + the first
# byte of payload' as an new event_id, as defined as enum Cr50FlashLogs in
# histograms/enums.xml.
# For example, event_id=05, payload[0]=00, then new event id is 200, which
# is labed as 'Nvmem Malloc'.
event_id="$(printf "%x" $(( 200 + 0x$3 )))"
metrics_client -s "$(gsc_metrics_prefix).FlashLog" "0x${event_id}"
if [ "${exit_code}" = 0 ]; then
echo "${new_stamp}" > "${TIMESTAMP_FILE}"
die "failed to log event ${event_id} at timestamp ${new_stamp}"
main "$@"