blob: 5904cc2f6eaf08eabca3ff9953b17a966fffa376 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Initial value just for style purposes.
# Disable on-device grammar check for boards with 2GB rootfs.
USE="${USE} -ondevice_grammar"
# Disable on-device text suggestions.
USE="${USE} -ondevice_text_suggestions"
# Disable on-device handwriting.
USE="${USE} -ondevice_handwriting"
# Disable ime addon features.
USE="${USE} -ime_addons"
# Enable document scanning by DLC due to insufficient rootfs.
USE="${USE} -ondevice_document_scanner ondevice_document_scanner_dlc"
# Disable Camera Frame Annotator.
USE="${USE} -camera_feature_frame_annotator"
# Disable Floss Bluetooth
USE="${USE} -floss"
# Disable extra Japanese fonts.
USE="${USE} -extra_japanese_fonts"
# Disable Google Sans Variable due to insufficient rootfs.
USE="${USE} -gsans_variable_font"
# Disable federated service.
USE="${USE} -federated_service"