blob: 42690e137a9e5ad16014968697f33c6668bff024 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2010 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Command to extract the dependency tree for a given package.
This produces JSON output for other tools to process.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import sys
from chromite.lib import build_target_lib
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import sysroot_lib
from chromite.lib.depgraph import DepGraphGenerator
from chromite.lib.parser import package_info
from chromite.utils import pformat
def FlattenDepTree(deptree, pkgtable=None, parentcpv=None, get_cpe=False):
"""Simplify dependency json.
Turn something like this (the parallel_emerge DepsTree format):
"app-admin/eselect-1.2.9": {
"action": "merge",
"deps": {
"sys-apps/coreutils-7.5-r1": {
"action": "merge",
"deps": {},
"deptype": "runtime"
...into something like this (the cros_extract_deps format):
"app-admin/eselect-1.2.9": {
"deps": ["coreutils-7.5-r1"],
"rev_deps": [],
"name": "eselect",
"category": "app-admin",
"version": "1.2.9",
"full_name": "app-admin/eselect-1.2.9",
"action": "merge"
"sys-apps/coreutils-7.5-r1": {
"deps": [],
"rev_deps": ["app-admin/eselect-1.2.9"],
"name": "coreutils",
"category": "sys-apps",
"version": "7.5-r1",
"full_name": "sys-apps/coreutils-7.5-r1",
"action": "merge"
deptree: The dependency tree.
pkgtable: The package table to update. If None, create a new one.
parentcpv: The parent CPV.
get_cpe: If set True, include CPE in the flattened dependency tree.
A flattened dependency tree.
if pkgtable is None:
pkgtable = {}
for cpv, record in deptree.items():
if cpv not in pkgtable:
pkg_info = package_info.parse(cpv)
pkgtable[cpv] = {
"deps": [],
"rev_deps": [],
"name": pkg_info.package,
"category": pkg_info.category,
"version": pkg_info.vr,
"full_name": cpv,
"cpes": [],
"action": record["action"],
if get_cpe:
pkg_info.category, pkg_info.package, pkg_info.version
# If we have a parent, that is a rev_dep for the current package.
if parentcpv:
# If current package has any deps, record those.
for childcpv in record["deps"]:
# Visit the subtree recursively as well.
record["deps"], pkgtable=pkgtable, parentcpv=cpv, get_cpe=get_cpe
# Sort 'deps' & 'rev_deps' alphabetically to make them more readable.
return pkgtable
def GetCPEFromCPV(category, package, version):
"""Look up the CPE for a specified Portage package.
category: The Portage package's category, e.g. "net-misc"
package: The Portage package's name, e.g. "curl"
version: The Portage version, e.g. "7.30.0"
A list of CPE Name strings, e.g.
["cpe:/a:curl:curl:7.30.0", "cpe:/a:curl:libcurl:7.30.0"]
equery_cmd = ["equery", "m", "-U", "%s/%s" % (category, package)]
lines =
equery_cmd, check=False, print_cmd=False, stdout=True, encoding="utf-8"
# Look for lines like "Remote-ID: cpe:/a:kernel:linux-pam ID: cpe"
# and extract the cpe URI.
cpes = []
for line in lines:
if "ID: cpe" not in line:
cpes.append("%s:%s" % (line.split()[1], version.replace("_", "")))
# Note that we're assuming we can combine the root of the CPE, taken
# from metadata.xml, and tack on the version number as used by
# Portage, and come up with a legitimate CPE. This works so long as
# Portage and CPE agree on the precise formatting of the version
# number, which they almost always do. The major exception we've
# identified thus far is that our ebuilds have a pattern of inserting
# underscores prior to patchlevels, that neither upstream nor CPE
# use. For example, our code will decide we have
# cpe:/a:todd_miller:sudo:1.8.6_p7 yet the advisories use a format
# like cpe:/a:todd_miller:sudo:1.8.6p7, without the underscore. (CPE
# is "right" in this example, in that it matches
# Removing underscores seems to improve our chances of correctly
# arriving at the CPE used by NVD. However, at the end of the day,
# ebuild version numbers are rev'd by people who don't have "try to
# match NVD" as one of their goals, and there is always going to be
# some risk of minor formatting disagreements at the version number
# level, if not from stray underscores then from something else.
# This is livable so long as you do some fuzzy version number
# comparison in your vulnerability monitoring, between what-we-have
# and what-the-advisory-says-is-affected.
return cpes
def GenerateCPEList(deps_list, sysroot):
"""Generate all CPEs for the packages included in deps_list and SDK packages
deps_list: A flattened dependency tree (cros_extract_deps format).
sysroot: The board directory to use when finding SDK packages.
A list of CPE info for packages in deps_list and SDK packages, e.g.
"ComponentName": "app-admin/sudo",
"Repository": "cros",
"Targets": [
"ComponentName": "sys-libs/glibc",
"Repository": "cros",
"Targets": [
cpe_dump = []
# Generate CPEs for SDK packages.
for pkg_info in sorted(
sysroot_lib.get_sdk_provided_packages(sysroot), key=lambda x: x.cpvr
# Only add CPE for SDK CPVs missing in deps_list.
if deps_list.get(pkg_info.cpvr) is not None:
cpes = GetCPEFromCPV(
pkg_info.category, pkg_info.package, pkg_info.version
if cpes:
"ComponentName": "%s" % pkg_info.atom,
"Repository": "cros",
"Targets": sorted(cpes),
logging.warning("No CPE entry for %s", pkg_info.cpvr)
# Generate CPEs for packages in deps_list.
for cpv, record in sorted(deps_list.items()):
if record["cpes"]:
name = "%s/%s" % (record["category"], record["name"])
"ComponentName": name,
"Repository": "cros",
"Targets": sorted(record["cpes"]),
logging.warning("No CPE entry for %s", cpv)
return sorted(cpe_dump, key=lambda k: k["ComponentName"])
def ParseArgs(argv):
"""Parse command line arguments."""
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
target = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
target.add_argument("--sysroot", type="path", help="Path to the sysroot.")
target.add_argument("--board", help="Board name.")
choices=["deps", "cpe"],
help="Output either traditional deps or CPE-only JSON.",
"--output-path", default=None, help="Write output to the given path."
parser.add_argument("pkgs", nargs="*")
opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
return opts
def FilterObsoleteDeps(package_deps):
"""Remove all the packages that are to be uninstalled from |package_deps|.
None since this method mutates |package_deps| directly.
obsolete_package_deps = []
for k, v in package_deps.items():
if v["action"] in ("merge", "nomerge"):
elif v["action"] == "uninstall":
assert False, "Unrecognized action. Package dep data: %s" % v
for p in obsolete_package_deps:
del package_deps[p]
def ExtractDeps(
"""Returns the set of dependencies for the packages in package_list.
For calculating dependencies graph, this should only consider packages
that are DEPENDS, RDEPENDS, or BDEPENDS. Essentially, this should answer the
question "which are all the packages which changing them may change the
execution of any binaries produced by packages in |package_list|."
sysroot: the path (string) to the root directory into which the package
is pretend to be merged. This value is also used for setting
package_list: the list of packages (CP string) to extract their
dependencies from.
formatting: can either be 'deps' or 'cpe'. For 'deps', see the return
format in docstring of FlattenDepTree, for 'cpe', see the return
format in docstring of GenerateCPEList.
include_bdepend: Controls whether BDEPEND packages that would be
installed to BROOT (usually "/" instead of ROOT) are included in the
backtrack: Setting to False disables backtracking in Portage's
dependency solver. If the highest available version of dependencies
doesn't produce a solvable graph Portage will give up and return an
error instead of trying other candidates.
A JSON-izable object that either follows 'deps' or 'cpe' format.
lib_argv = ["--quiet", "--pretend", "--emptytree"]
if include_bdepend:
lib_argv += ["--include-bdepend"]
if not backtrack:
lib_argv += ["--backtrack=0"]
lib_argv += ["--sysroot=%s" % sysroot]
deps = DepGraphGenerator()
deps_tree, _deps_info, bdeps_tree = deps.GenDependencyTree()
trees = (deps_tree, bdeps_tree)
flattened_trees = tuple(
FlattenDepTree(tree, get_cpe=(formatting == "cpe")) for tree in trees
# Workaround: since emerge doesn't honor the --emptytree flag, for now we
# need to manually filter out packages that are obsolete (meant to be
# uninstalled by emerge)
# TODO( remove this work around once
# is addressed.
for tree in flattened_trees:
if formatting == "cpe":
flattened_trees = tuple(
GenerateCPEList(tree, sysroot) for tree in flattened_trees
return flattened_trees
def main(argv):
opts = ParseArgs(argv)
sysroot = opts.sysroot or build_target_lib.get_default_sysroot_path(
deps_list, _ = ExtractDeps(sysroot, opts.pkgs, opts.format)
deps_list, fp=opts.output_path if opts.output_path else sys.stdout