blob: a477c473f5ac8111cd355930276a29b57dbfcb8a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Creates a remote_toolchain_inputs file for Reclient.
Reclient(go/rbe/dev/x/reclient) is used for remote execution of build
actions in build systems e.g. Chrome. It needs a toolchain inputs file
next to clang compiler binary which has all the input dependencies
needed to run the clang binary remotely.
Running the script:
$ generate_reclient_inputs [--output file_name] [--clang /path/to/clang]
will create the file /path/to/file_name.
By default, the script will write to /usr/bin/remote_toolchain_inputs.
Contact: Chrome OS toolchain team.
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Set
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.third_party import lddtree
def _GetSymLinkPath(base_dir: Path, link_path: str) -> Path:
"""Return the actual symlink path relative to base directory."""
if not link_path:
return None
# Handle absolute symlink paths.
if link_path[0] == '/':
return link_path
# handle relative symlinks.
return base_dir / link_path
def _CollectElfDeps(elfpath: Path) -> Set[Path]:
"""Returns the set of dependent files for the elf file."""
libs = set()
to_process = [elfpath]
elf = lddtree.ParseELF(elfpath, ldpaths=lddtree.LoadLdpaths())
for _, lib_data in elf['libs'].items():
if lib_data['path']:
while to_process:
path = to_process.pop()
if not path or path in libs:
if path.is_symlink():
# TODO: Replace os.readlink() by path.readlink().
to_process.append(_GetSymLinkPath(path.parent, os.readlink(path)))
return libs
def _GenerateRemoteInputsFile(out_file: str, clang_path: Path) -> None:
"""Generate Remote Inputs for Clang for executing on reclient/RBE."""
clang_dir = clang_path.parent
# Start with collecting shared library dependencies.
paths = _CollectElfDeps(clang_path)
# Clang is typically a symlink, collect actual files.
# Add clang resources, gcc config and glibc loader files.
cmd = [str(clang_path), '--print-resource-dir']
resource_dir =
cmd, capture_output=True, encoding='utf-8',
paths.add(Path(resource_dir) / 'share')
Path(x) for x in (
# Write the files relative to clang binary location.
clang_dir / out_file,
[os.path.relpath(x, clang_dir) + '\n' for x in sorted(paths)],
def ParseArgs(argv: Optional[List[str]]) -> commandline.argparse.Namespace:
"""Parses program arguments."""
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
help='Name of remote toolchain file relative to clang binary directory.')
'--clang', type=Path, default='/usr/bin/clang', help='Clang binary path.')
opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
return opts
def main(argv: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Optional[int]:
opts = ParseArgs(argv)
_GenerateRemoteInputsFile(opts.output, opts.clang)