blob: 802255933c77dd784ded00ebbc72c81afcc25d86 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Chromite extensions on top of the collections module."""
def _CollectionExec(expr, classname):
"""Hack to workaround <=Python-2.7.8 exec bug.
See for details.
TODO( Drop this in Jan 2020.
namespace = {}
exec(expr, {}, namespace) # pylint: disable=exec-used
return namespace[classname]
# We have nested kwargs below, so disable the |kwargs| naming here.
# pylint: disable=docstring-misnamed-args
def Collection(classname, **default_kwargs):
"""Create a new class with mutable named members.
This is like collections.namedtuple, but mutable. Also similar to the
python 3.3 types.SimpleNamespace.
# Declare default values for this new class.
Foo = cros_build_lib.Collection('Foo', a=0, b=10)
# Create a new class but set b to 4.
foo = Foo(b=4)
# Print out a (will be the default 0) and b (will be 4).
print('a = %i, b = %i' % (foo.a, foo.b))
def sn_init(self, **kwargs):
"""The new class's __init__ function."""
# First verify the kwargs don't have excess settings.
valid_keys = set(self.__slots__)
these_keys = set(kwargs.keys())
invalid_keys = these_keys - valid_keys
if invalid_keys:
raise TypeError('invalid keyword arguments for this object: %r' %
# Now initialize this object.
for k in valid_keys:
setattr(self, k, kwargs.get(k, default_kwargs[k]))
def sn_repr(self):
"""The new class's __repr__ function."""
return '%s(%s)' % (classname, ', '.join(
'%s=%r' % (k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__))
# Give the new class a unique name and then generate the code for it.
classname = 'Collection_%s' % classname
expr = '\n'.join((
'class %(classname)s(object):',
' __slots__ = ["%(slots)s"]',
)) % {
'classname': classname,
'slots': '", "'.join(sorted(default_kwargs)),
# Create the class in a local namespace as exec requires.
new_class = _CollectionExec(expr, classname)
# Bind the helpers.
new_class.__init__ = sn_init
new_class.__repr__ = sn_repr
return new_class
# pylint: enable=docstring-misnamed-args
def GroupByKey(input_iter, key):
"""Split an iterable of dicts, based on value of a key.
GroupByKey([{'a': 1}, {'a': 2}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}], 'a') =>
{1: [{'a': 1}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}], 2: [{'a': 2}]}
input_iter: An iterable of dicts.
key: A string specifying the key name to split by.
A dictionary, mapping from each unique value for |key| that
was encountered in |input_iter| to a list of entries that had
that value.
split_dict = dict()
for entry in input_iter:
split_dict.setdefault(entry.get(key), []).append(entry)
return split_dict
def GroupNamedtuplesByKey(input_iter, key):
"""Split an iterable of namedtuples, based on value of a key.
input_iter: An iterable of namedtuples.
key: A string specifying the key name to split by.
A dictionary, mapping from each unique value for |key| that
was encountered in |input_iter| to a list of entries that had
that value.
split_dict = {}
for entry in input_iter:
split_dict.setdefault(getattr(entry, key, None), []).append(entry)
return split_dict
def InvertDictionary(origin_dict):
"""Invert the key value mapping in the origin_dict.
Given an origin_dict {'key1': {'val1', 'val2'}, 'key2': {'val1', 'val3'},
'key3': {'val3'}}, the returned inverted dict will be
{'val1': {'key1', 'key2'}, 'val2': {'key1'}, 'val3': {'key2', 'key3'}}
origin_dict: A dict mapping each key to a group (collection) of values.
An inverted dict mapping each key to a set of its values.
new_dict = {}
for origin_key, origin_values in origin_dict.items():
for origin_value in origin_values:
new_dict.setdefault(origin_value, set()).add(origin_key)
return new_dict