blob: cbae5e3e3e5150d8b9f018b95988bdbc6bd5f5a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Test the whitespace module."""
import pytest
from chromite.format.formatters import whitespace
# None means input is already formatted to avoid having to repeat.
("", None),
("ok\n", None),
("ok\nline\n", None),
(" ", ""),
("\n", ""),
("\t", ""),
("\n\n", ""),
("\nno leading line\n", "no leading line\n"),
("missing trailing newling", "missing trailing newling\n"),
("blah ", "blah\n"),
("blah\n\n", "blah\n"),
(" no leading space\n", "no leading space\n"),
def test_check_format(data, exp):
"""Verify inputs match expected outputs."""
if exp is None:
exp = data
assert exp == whitespace.Data(data)